Miss Fanny P Wettybottom's everyday tips for horny housewives from playful pornographic actresses..
Tip number 83:
After your daily enema before your husband returns from work, A small quanitity of peppermint oil, as often found in small boiled lollies once inserted make an excellent mild irritiant that assures whatever hole you use it in is not only minty fresh in taste and scent (should he desire to place his tongue or finger there, or for you to taste on his member later), it will be gushing with enough juices to substitute for the need to have any lubricant on hand. As a bonus, should you use boiled peppermint candy as a suppository, it will add an extra sugar rush to your bloodstream to power you through the nights fun. Plus if it is the lollipop variety, you can leave it in there as a bonus snack for your lover to discover as you pleasure one another.
Rejected unpublished manuscript from 1958.
Feel free to reply to suggest other "tips" that might be found in such a manuscript.
Note: Some of these may sound very sexist - which is why the alleged fictional manuscript is dated in the 1950's. It is part of the joke, and means you can focus on humor not political correctness if you have any ideas. Also some of these ideas did actually turn up in 'secret womens' good housewife publications of the 30s-50s. So if you can find some real ones - be sure to add them!
Miss Fanny P Wettybottom's everyday tips for horny housewives from playful pornographic actresses..
Tip number 83:
After your daily enema before your husband returns from work, A small quanitity of peppermint oil, as often found in small boiled lollies once inserted make an excellent mild irritiant that assures whatever hole you use it in is not only minty fresh in taste and scent (should he desire to place his tongue or finger there, or for you to taste on his member later), it will be gushing with enough juices to substitute for the need to have any lubricant on hand. As a bonus, should you use boiled peppermint candy as a suppository, it will add an extra sugar rush to your bloodstream to power you through the nights fun. Plus if it is the lollipop variety, you can leave it in there as a bonus snack for your lover to discover as you pleasure one another.
Rejected unpublished manuscript from 1958.
Feel free to reply to suggest other "tips" that might be found in such a manuscript.

Note: Some of these may sound very sexist - which is why the alleged fictional manuscript is dated in the 1950's. It is part of the joke, and means you can focus on humor not political correctness if you have any ideas. Also some of these ideas did actually turn up in 'secret womens' good housewife publications of the 30s-50s. So if you can find some real ones - be sure to add them!