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Old Story: Accident: No Stall Doors In School Bathroom

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  • Old Story: Accident: No Stall Doors In School Bathroom

    I haven't had time to write any original material lately. However, I was doing some house cleaning and I came across an old computer disk with a bunch of stories I'd save over the years. Here's one I think you might like.

    Seeing some stories on bathrooms with doorless stalls reminded me of the time that something like that happened to me. That is, I faced doorless stalls for the first time and the results were …….. well, not good.

    I was in middle school at the time and had never had any issues with school bathrooms. Whatever I needed to do at school, I’d simply do and it was never a big deal for me. In fact, I remember pooping at school quite a bit. But I guess that’s not really hard when both my elementary school and my middle school were newly built and had very nice bathrooms. Suffice to say, there were doors on the stalls.

    When I was in middle school, my mother served on the district Board of Education. One night, on the night of a Board Meeting, my father suddenly had to work late and on short notice, my mother couldn’t find anyone to stay with me. Consequently, I had to go to the meeting with her – at least until my father got done with work and could come and pick me up. Actually, it wasn’t so bad because I was kind of interested in what my mom did on the board and I brought something with me to read just in case. They alternated the board meetings among the various schools in the district and, as fate would have it on this particular night, the meeting was at the high school.

    My mom made spaghetti for dinner that night – no doubt because it was my favorite meal and she felt bad about having to drag me to her board meeting that night. That was a good thing except for the fact that I ate a real lot and it wasn’t long after the meeting started that I felt a need to go to the bathroom. At first, I didn’t think much of it. As I said, going at school had never been an issue for me. I simply got up from my seat in the auditorium and set out to find a bathroom. Just down the hall, I found a room marked “GIRLS” and I went inside. And that’s when I got the surprise of my young life. I had never before seen or even heard of bathroom stalls with no doors on them. But there they were – a row of 7 toilet stalls all without doors. And, as I said, I not only had to go, I had to go #2. And by now, after that big spaghetti dinner, I had to go kind of bad. I was simply horrified at the prospect of going to the bathroom – especially #2 – like that. As I said, school bathrooms had never been an issue for me. I used to laugh at girls who would make themselves uncomfortable holding it in all day because they refused to poop at school. But we always had nice bathrooms to use. This, however, was something else. I kept thinking how could anyone use the toilet – especially poop – without a door on the stall for privacy. Did girls in high school actually go to the bathroom like this? I was simply stunned that a bathroom could be like this.

    Well, to make a long story short, I didn’t use the bathroom there. I thought I’d be alright. The board meetings usually didn’t take that long, and even so, my dad was going to come by when he got off work and pick me up. At first, I never even gave it a thought that I wouldn’t be able to hold it in. I was sure that, except for a little discomfort from holding it in, everything would be fine. I never even thought of the possibility that I was risking having an accident in my pants.

    But the meeting was longer than most. And, as the meeting droned on and on, the need to go got worse and worse. In hindsight, I want to kick myself for not recognizing the signs that it had become that urgent. I still shake my head and wonder why I didn’t realize that I simply had to go too bad to wait. I mean, the lack of stall doors was indeed horrible, but nothing is worse than doing it in your pants. And it wasn’t like the girls’ room was going to be crowded or anything. I mean, with no other people in the bathroom at the time, the lack of stall doors really shouldn’t have made a whole lot of difference. There really was no excuse for me not being able to use the toilet under those circumstances. But I guess I just wasn’t thinking about that at the time. The lack of stall doors just completely shocked me and I just didn’t want to go to the bathroom like that.

    So I just kept holding it in until, eventually, the inevitable happened. I messed in my panties. One minute I was successfully holding it in. And then suddenly, I felt an even stronger push from my bowels and this time I just couldn’t push back. The bowel movement just started coming out and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Suddenly, I had a big mess of poop in my panties. As I felt the mess start to settle in my panties, I could tell it was a lot and all I could do was sit there and hope my poor panties could contain it all. I could feel that it was of a solid consistency but it was all soft and sticky. It felt awful – especially as I started to feel the mess smear all over my backside. I thought about running for the girls’ room but the damage was already done. And the prospect of having to deal with the mess in the girls’ room there was even less appealing than the idea of simply using the toilet the regular way there. I remember thinking that as bad as it seems, using the doorless stalls couldn’t have been worse than having a mess in my panties.

    Mercifully, I only had to sit in the mess for a short time as the meeting finally ended. At this point, I still had hopes of getting home, getting myself cleaned up and not being caught with the mess. As bad as the mess was, it felt like a solid one and it seemed to be contained in my underwear. But once in the car with my mom, it was the smell that gave me away. No sooner were we in the car when my mom was sniffing the air and looking over at me. She did that a few times before she got this really puzzled look on her face and then just abruptly asked me, “Did you have an accident in your pants?” I’ll never forget my mother’s tone – the shock in her voice – as she asked me that question. I wasn’t sure how to answer the question. Obviously, I was caught now and there was no way of denying it. But still, it was too embarrassing at my age to actually admit to it. I just sat there for a time, not really sure what to say as my mother just looked over at me with that same shocked, puzzled look on her face. All of a sudden, I just started crying.

    Of course, that gave mom her answer – although, obviously, she pretty much already knew by the smell what I’d done. At first – after getting over her initial shock – she was quite angry with me. I mean, I guess its one thing to do it in kindergarten (which I’d done) or in even in first grade, but to mess in your panties in middle school is something else entirely. She started yelling at me at first – telling me that I should be ashamed of myself and demanding to know how it happened. But when she saw how upset I was (I was still crying) and when I explained about the doorless stalls in the girls’ room, she calmed down a bit. She then said that she should have warned me about that. She said it was like that to prevent smoking and “other things” in the stalls. She told me that I still should have used the toilet if I needed to, but that she understood how the doorless stalls might have made me feel “uncomfortable.” She also explained that she had a keycard which gave her access to the faculty bathrooms where they, of course, had doors on the stalls. The implication was that had if she had known I needed to go, she would have let me use the card. Well, that actually would have been a good thing for me to have known earlier.

    Anyway, as I was saying, mom became a lot more sympathetic the more we discussed it and the more she thought about it. She said she understood why I wouldn’t want to go in a doorless stall. She made it clear that going in my panties was still unacceptable and that in the future I was expected to use the toilet even it was a doorless stall or anything like that, but she said she understood.

    Once home, she asked me how bad it was and she suggested it might be best to just step into the shower and clean myself that way. She insisted, though, that I’d still have to “clean out” my messy panties. Obviously, I wasn’t looking forward to that chore. But while in the shower, mom apparently had a change of heart and just threw my panties away. Cleaning myself – even in the shower – was completely disgusting but it did feel good to get myself clean. And to step out of the shower and find that I didn’t actually have to “clean-out” my messy panties after all, just made it all the better.

    I guess I can’t really blame my mom for being so angry at first. I don’t suppose you ever expect your daughter in middle school to be messing in her panties like that. And it wasn’t like I was sick or anything or away from a bathroom. This happened in a school with an open bathroom just down the hall from where I was. And I can’t say enough about how sympathetic mom became when she saw how genuinely upset and embarrassed I was about the whole thing and as she understood more about why it happened. She wanted to help me but she also made me understand that just because a particular bathroom may not have as much privacy as I’d like or otherwise might seem unpleasant to use, it was still no excuse for going in my pants instead. But other than that, she was determined not to make a big deal about it. I don’t even think she told my dad what happened.

    And, most fortunately for me, they put the doors back on the stalls by the time I got to high school. I went poop at school there many times through my four years of high school and I never even came close to having an accident again.
