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Old Story: School Choir

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  • Old Story: School Choir

    Another old story from my archives that didn't involve an accident -- or did it?

    When I was in high school, I sang in the school choir. I loved to sing. One of the highlights every year for my school choir were these two musical shows we used to do – one at Christmas time and one in the spring. These shows also involved the school band and were hugely popular.

    At my school, the auditorium (where the music shows would take place) and the gymnasium shared a common area were they had a ticket booth, a concession stand, and a common set of restrooms. One year – because the music shows were so crowded and popular – they told us to leave the lobby restrooms for the public to use. If we had to go ourselves, we girls were told to instead use the toilets in the girls’ locker room. And the boys, obviously, were told to use the toilets in the boys’ locker room. Now, my school’s restrooms were actually pretty nice and the restroom in the lobby area – the ones the public would use at school events – were particularly nice. All the restrooms were pretty nice, that is, except for the one in the girls’ locker room. I never knew why but for whatever reason the toilets there in the locker room – for all four years of high school – were downright disgusting. It wasn’t so much that they were dirty – they didn’t have much of a chance to get dirty because most girls wouldn’t use them – but they really lacked for privacy because there weren’t any doors on the individual stalls. Personally, I never considered myself particularly shy about bathroom issues but not having a stall door in front of you was a bit unnerving – especially when you had to go #2. Over the years, I did pee in there a few times but I never went #2. It was actually quite often that I went #2 in school in high school, but just never in the girls’ locker room bathroom. As I said, I peed in there a few times – I never really thought that was a big deal – but when it came to going #2, I always made sure to use one of the other girls’ rooms.

    Well, as you’ve probably figured out already, on the night of one of those big musical shows – specifically, the one in the spring – I needed to go #2. At first, I just tried to ignore the feeling and put it out of my mind. There was no way I wanted to do that in one of the doorless stalls in the girls’ locker room. But my need to go rapidly became more urgent – damn that greasy fast food meal that I’d just eaten – and it soon became apparent that I wasn’t going to be able to hold it in the whole night. Ironically enough – unlike some girls who made it a regular habit to avoid going #2 at school at all and simply held it in until they got home – I was pretty used to going at school when I needed to. Consequently, I really wasn’t all that experienced at holding it in and I really doubted that I could have made it to the end of the show that night. I mean, maybe I could have – no one really knows – but obviously, I didn’t want to risk going in my pants, either.

    Obviously, the worst possible scenario would have been messing in my pants at this big musical show, but going #2 in a doorless stall in front of a room full of other girls in the girls’ locker room, really didn’t seem much better. After debating a while as to what to do – and becoming more and more desperate in the process – I suddenly decided on a 3rd option. I just decided to hell with what we’d been told and I just went and used the hallway girls’ room anyway. I mean, what could they really do? Was I really going to be punished simply for using the bathroom? I figured that most that was going to happen was getting yelled at and that was well worth avoiding either an accident or going #2 in an open, doorless stall.

    Well, to make a long story short, I did get caught. And I did get yelled at, too. But I also got a 2-hour detention after school the next day. That really sucked but I reconciled myself that it was still better than either of the alternatives. It was still a small price to pay to avoid the humiliation of messing in my panties or even doing it one of those horrible open stalls. And at least I wasn’t alone in detention, either. A girl in the band did the same thing as me – also going #2 in the hallway girls’ room instead of the locker room – and she got a 2-hour detention as well. And another girl in the choir did me one better. She snuck into the coaches’ office in the locker room and did her business in the private bathroom in there. Personally, I thought that would have been worth more than a 2-hour detention – using a faculty bathroom seemed like a more serious offense than simply using a student one – but apparently the 2-hour detention sufficed.

    There were also rumors that a girl in the band – this one really shy freshman clarinet player – had messed in her pants that night. I never really believed the rumor because I think people would have noticed it that night if she did. In this case, rumors about it didn’t really start until the next day. I mean, I think it would have been quite obvious what she’d done right when it happened. But other people were saying that with the black pants we all had to wear for shows and assuming it was a solid one in her pants, she might have been able to hide it from the rest of us that night. So I have to concede that maybe it did actually happen. Still, I remain skeptical. The girl, of course, denied it, but that didn’t stop the rumor from going all around the school. And that poor girl got teased about it mercilessly for the rest of the school year. Apparently, she even got questioned about it by the band director and the vice-principal. But again, she denied it and, as far as I know, she never got punished for it. At least she wasn’t in detention with the rest of us.
