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  • Dora

    A lot of first hand experience stories I read online are, IMHO, clearly made up, fantasy type stories. You probably all know the sort.

    But I recently read a story online of a work place accident which, unlike a lot of stuff, was very believable and may have been true. The guy explained that a female co-worker had got caught on the phone and was clearly very desperate, rushed too the loo, and was rather flustered and awkward on her return. Suspicious and hopeful, he went into their mixed-use toilet a little later and was delighted to find a wet thong concealed under some tissue in the bin, which he kindly photographed and put online. I won't go into the details, but there were certain small details that added up, things I saw in the pictures, which made me think there was a very good chance it was real. It was very refreshing to see something like that online and it got me thinking about the closest thing I think I have ever seen to a wetting in the workplace. I thought I'd share the story.

    This would have been about 10 years ago and I was just out of uni, working at a pizza shop in London as a delivery driver. Not the best job in the world, but kept me in beer & cheap rent whilst I was looking to start a proper career.

    As a full time employee (post exams) I worked a few daytime shifts a week as well as all the evenings when the shop was busy, and daytimes would typically involve having just one person in the shop to take orders and make the pizza, and another one or two delivery drivers on shift.

    On this one day, the person running the shop was a Polish lady named Dora. She was no stunner but she wasn't a bad looking girl either, pretty without being gorgeous and slim without being skinny.

    All I really remember (and trust me, this has always stuck in my mind but was nearly 10 years ago now) was noticing as I was busy going about my work on one quiet daytime shift, that Dora was on the phone and looking like she needed to pee. I don't recall too much detail except it was a personal call on her mobile, and it was being conducted in Polish. Whilst her desperation caught my attention a little, it wasn't anything major. Wetting is really my thing and I never expected the situation to go anywhere. I was due out on delivery, so I just carried on.

    But just as I was leaving the shop, Dora exclaims something like "shit" or "fuck", hangs up the phone and runs to the loo at the back of the shop. Now this did get my attention! But still, I never thought she might have actually pissed myself, and I had a delivery to get onto, so it still didn't hit me quite as hard as it should.

    I then left but must've needed to return for something, can't remember the details, but basically after being out the shop for a couple of mins I was walking back in. Just at that point, Dora re-opens the toilet door and pops her head out from behind it, whilst the door obscured her from my view.

    All I remember was that she was very flustered and very eager for me to leave. She was saying something like "go, you need to go now for your delivery". She was quite insistent but something about it seemed like she was very flustered, and the thing I remember most was the start started to wipe down the back of the toilet door. We NEVER cleaned that thing! I was suddenly in full wetting-alert mode, and I was sure she was only appearing to be cleaning the door so she had an excuse to hide behind it before I left. Were her trousers and panties wet behind that door? Had she just held it too long?

    At her insistence, and to my eternal regret, my shyness got the better of me and I walked out, my mind racing. By the time I got back in the shop 15 mins later Dora was back working as normal, with no sign of wet pants anywhere. But we had plenty of uniform available, so it wouldn't have been hard for her to change once I was gone.

    I remember (and this maybe a little freaky) trying to get a look into her bag, in the hope there would be a pair of pissy trousers in there, but I never got a chance to take a peak for the rest of the day, as it got busier a little after this incident.

    I always wish that I'd ignored her insistence that I leave, and that I'd just walked over to her. There was an outside door behind her, so in hindsight I could easily have said something like I thought I'd left my phone out there. I still have no idea if she actually wet herself or not, but her behaviour means I really think it was a distinct and realistic possibility.

    If she had, I'm sure she'd have begged me to stay quiet. I'd have been so eager to know whether she'd had accidents before. So many possibilities. I suspect I'll never find out the truth one way or the other.
