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Male but interesting

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  • Male but interesting

    Ricky Martin confessed that he once wet himself on stage:


    A guy comments on the incident as follows:

    Io anni fa mi sono pisciato addosso davanti alla mia relatrice di tesi... avevo bevuto troppo té... lei non la smetteva di parlare... non riuscivo ad interromperla! Alla fine sentii la pipì che scendeva giù per le gambe. Avevo i pantaloni di velluto e non si vide la chiazza, ma per terra lasciai la pozza... e poi scappai via

    Transl.: Years ago, I wet myself in front of my lady supervisor of my thesis... I had had too much tea... She did not stop talking... I did not manage to interrupt her! Finally I felt my pee ooze out, down my legs. I had corduroy pants on and the stain was not visible, but I left a puddle on the floor... and then I fled

    I am not into male wettings, but this is interesting. The guy knew he was about to lose control, so he must have been unable to hide his need to pee at that stage. The supervisor will probably have noticed her student's predicament, and this may well have been the reason for keeping him involved until it happened.