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Becoming a bedwetter

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  • Becoming a bedwetter

    I know it's been written before by me and others but I thought it might provoke some interest as this board is very slow these days.
    Do you really want to wet your bed? Is waking up every morning to soaking wet nappies, sheets or maybe even both. Having a bedroom that always smells of stale pee and having to explain to all your friends and relatives that you wet the bed something that you really really want. If so read on.
    Becoming a bedwetter must not be taken lightly and should be considered a premanent step. Once lost you may never be able to regain your night time control. It takes real comitment to become a true bedwetter from the very first day you decide that this is what you want you MUST wet your bed each and every night. This will of course be deliberate but you must tell your self at every oppurtunity that you are a bedwetter and that is why each and every morning you will have a wet bed.
    Step 1/ The first night
    Tonight you are going to soak your unprotected bed and sleep in your wetness. Although it will be a deliberate wetting you must think of it as a true unplanned accident. Your matterass will suffer but that is what happens when you wet the bed totally out of the blue. In anycase your bed needs some stains on it to permanently remind you what a bedwetter you have become. Go to bed without using the toilet and get comfortable in your favourite position. Two things will happen either your full bladder will keep you awake if it does lay there until you can't hold it any longer and then let go. Do not force it just let the flow com at its own speed. Now you must say in your wetness and sleep in it. At first sleeping in a wet bed may seem uncomfortable but you MUST overcome this as there is little point in continuing down the road to true nightly bedwetting. If you fall asleep before wetting likely as not your fulll bladder will wake you during the night. If this happens then make sure that as soon as you start to wake and be aware of your need to pee that you empty your bladder there and then evn if you have slept through till morning. From now on if you are in bed and need to pee then in bed is where you pee. In the morning enjoy the wet feeling for as long as you can. Most likely you won't have slept well in your wetness as this takes time to get used to so enjoy a lay in. If you need to pee then wet the bed some more. It's already wet so why get up.
    When you get up you will have your first wet bed to deal with. Take time to enjoy stripping the wet bedding and deciding what to do about your soaking matterass. If possible just leave it to air and sleep in the same unchanged wet bed the following night. This will build up some nice bedwetting stains and also help you get used to sleeping in a wet bed.
    Step 2/ Always remember you are a bedwetter. Last night you wet your bed and tonight you will wet it again and likely as not from now on you always will.
    What you need to do now is get used to sleeping in your wetness and even though your wetting will still be deliberate you need to do it without really thinking about it. Sleeping in your unchanged bed will help you in this. If that is not practical then I suggest that you wet each and every night as soon as you get comfortable in bed and of course wet more every time you wake or feel the need to pee again.
    After a few nights of repeated wetting you should then dry out your matteras and get a protective cover as you obviously need one. Maybe you ought to think about nappies too as now you are a bedwetter some night time protection is obviously needed. Enjoy choosing the right protection for you always reminding your self I need this because I wet the bed. In fact telling your self " I wet the bed " and " I am a bedwetter" is a great help. Remember each and every night you must wet your bed without exception.
    Step3/ By now your wetting will be still deliberate but you should be doing it without really thinking about it and sleeping wet should be no problem. You will have found the right bed protection whether it be disposable nappies , terry nappies and plastic pants, bed pads and of course your matteras cover.
    From now on it is just a case of keeping up the good work. Do not give in and do not what ever you do skip wetting the bed. You must wet every night. This is going to bring you some very embarrasing moments when you stay away from home or have visitors but you will have to explain you wet the bed and can't help it. Telling people you wet the bed gets easier. I found that most people say very little as they are just to embarrased to say much. Bedwetting is something most people don't talk about.
    Gradually you will start wetting uncontrollably you will probably find you start waking up while peeing either in the morning or during the night. If you do always continue to empty your bladder and then lay in your wetness. Remeber if you wake up dry then wet your bed imediately. It's all in the mind and you are retraining your self to think it ios right and normal to wake up wet. Above all stay comitted and enjoy the journey.
    Step 4/ Your first true wet night. This will happen sooner or later and all I can say is the feeling when you realise that you wet in your sleep and woke up wet with no recollection of doing it is amazing. Shock, Horror, and happiness all rolled in to one. You are nealy there now so just keep on deliberately wetting until wetting in your sleep becomes a regular thing. If you wake up dry and you will for some time yet then just wet deliberately and keep on doing it until you wet in your sleep again.
    This is just a basic guide I'm sure you can add your own variations to the theme. Remember this for life, be certain you really want to be a bedwetter and above all enjoy every moment of it. I did and stll do.

  • #2
    Thanks for posting!

    Appreciate the post, been working on this a long time but inconsistently.
    Have seen your posts around and incorporated elements into my approach.
    Have found that hypnosis helps, and makes for a unique journey (let's say that if you can learn to effectively use it to change this subconscious behavior, couldn't it be used to learn any subconscious behavior?)
    Also found that I could make myself bedwet whatever night I want about 60-70% of the time with a method that I'd prefer not to do every night for obvious reasons (the toll on the body) In essence, drink lots of water through the day, 2-3 hours before bed, hold it as long as you can... like painful long, almost to bursting point. Then drink dandelion tea an hour before bed. 30 minutes before bed chug a few brews (or whatever it takes to get a good solid buzz, probably about the slight hangover level but not the killer hangover level) then drink some more water... Go to sleep (Should go to sleep with an empty bladder or at least not painful... During the tea and beer hour, relieve yourself totally)
    The holding almost till burst I believe temporarily weakens the bladder muscles (would guess for like 4-6 hours) The dandelion is a diuretic so that ups the urinary production which normally decreases while sleeping. Since you've had a lot of water during the day, your body is totally quenched so there is a lot that the dandelion has to pull out from. The beer is also a diuretic, but more equally important helps you sleep. The water right before bed makes more urine but is also helpful in offsetting the diuretic effects of dandelion and beer.
    FYI have tried sleeping pill with diuretic after holding a long time, that approach has never worked for me. The one above works half the time or more...


    • #3
      Just wear your diapers and hydrate well with 2 or 3 glasses of water just before bed. At first you will wake up to wet, but eventually your body will become accustomed to the routine and you won't wake up anymore.


      • #4
        Originally posted by DeltaFoxtrot
        Just wear your diapers and hydrate well with 2 or 3 glasses of water just before bed. At first you will wake up to wet, but eventually your body will become accustomed to the routine and you won't wake up anymore.
        Wow... I had a lengthy response to this, but I lost it due to the WS short login time of perceived inactivity... guess I'll learn.

        In it, I told how I do things. That two or three glasses is not enough. That I gave up on diapers, and just go to bed wearing my panties and night shirt. That having a couple of major gushers is pretty awesome to begin with... Oh, there was also that I dont think the guys can't do it the way I do. I even doubt some girls could....

        I guess someone will have to coax me to try to rebuild what I lost... ... Although you may already know about it...


        • #5
          Please share... we're all looking for as many tips as we can get :>

          Have entered methods involving diuretics and sleep aids...


          • #6
            Originally posted by bedwettinggirl
            Wow... I had a lengthy response to this, but I lost it due to the WS short login time of perceived inactivity... guess I'll learn.

            In it, I told how I do things. That two or three glasses is not enough. That I gave up on diapers, and just go to bed wearing my panties and night shirt. That having a couple of major gushers is pretty awesome to begin with... Oh, there was also that I dont think the guys can't do it the way I do. I even doubt some girls could....

            I guess someone will have to coax me to try to rebuild what I lost... ... Although you may already know about it...
            Coax coax coax...

            Wetting my bed is never an accident for me.
            It's doing it on purpose that gives me the biggest buzz. I don't do it that often though. Mainly when i've drunk a LOT of beer, and in doing so, have suppressed my inhibitions.
            Last edited by mysteron; May 18, 2012, 12:31 PM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by bedwettinggirl
              That having a couple of major gushers is pretty awesome to begin with...
              To begin with?
              Don't you find it so awesome anymore?


              • #8
                Of course I do!

                Originally posted by mysteron
                To begin with?
                Don't you find it so awesome anymore?
                Ok, I admit it. My bedwetting is accidental ---- on purpose. Yes, there are nights when I just dont want to be bothered to getup, so I just pee where I am. But when I REALLY want to pee, I tank up. This is what I was referring to when I said most men could not, and perhaps many women ...

                But my approach to it was much more scientific that many renditions of peeing a lot in bed have shown. I decided to try to find the way to truly maximize how much pee I produce overnight. I looked at how the body processes liquids, how fast the bladder fills when put to the test, and the combination of the two have me the method to make it work. I call it, "Tanking up" - making the body do what I wanted it to do.

                But it is not (as many have suggested) drinking all day. Indeed, just the opposite is true. After lunch, one has to stop the intake of liquids; even during dinner, drink only what is necessary (not what you want) for the meal. The effect is to make your body very thirsty, waiting for the time when you will begin drinking in earnest. Beer and special to help are not necessary - indeed, the body works very well by itself.

                Now, the first and simple calculation... determine what time you intend to go to bed, and mark the time two hours before. For me, that is normally about 9pm, with my bedtime at 11pm. This is when you begin. Now, what do you drink?

                Water. Just plain (or in my case filtered) water. You do not want chilled water, though. I did that once and was shaking with a chill for an hour or so after I got into bed. Keep the water at room temperature. The next question is, how much? Part of that depends on your container. If you drink from 2-liter bottles, you need two of them. If from 1-liter, then four are necessary. If you use other than metrics, plan on at least 120oz., but I am guessing you might want 140. Is this the total amount you will drink? That depends on you. I would not go much more than that, because consuming two gallons (7-8 liters) can put you into serious jeapardy. Four liters is a good limit - it will achieve your purpose - it has for me a number of times. Can I drink four liters? Well, the first couple of times I did this for real this way, I drank a small bit bit over four liters. After a number of episodes like this, I can't seem to reach that much any more, before the urgency takes over. These days, three is my limit, and I find myself a little disappointed.

                Must you drink all of it? That it totally up to you, but if you want the total effect, something close to it is necessary. If you drive up the thirst factor, you will find it is easier than you might think. Let your body tell you when it is time. Most that have tried my method dont do it exactly right, and often dont drink it all... some only about half. That's ok...

                So, why two hours? Well, at least for me, over time and practice, it takes about two hours for a liter of water to make its presence known and I have to pee. Using that calculation, I begin two hours before I expect to be really urgent to pee. I have seen many questions, nof the like, "I can't pee in bed, how do I do that?" often associated with inhibitions. My response is, get urgent, and go to bed. Even if you try to tell yourself you dont want to wet the bed, you probably will anyway.

                Ok, so the stage is set. You have made yourself very thirsty, and it is time to begin. If you are as thirsty as you should be, you will find that the first liter will be gone in only a few moments. Now, you have only to finish three more in the next one and one-half hours... easier than you think...

                Now, near your bedtime, you wil (or should) begin to feel the urgency begin. Ignore it, and keep drinking. Once you get to a point that you dont think you can wait much longer, guzzle the last of you water, and go to bed. Once there, things will change slightly.

                You will find that initially the urgency will actually subside. The only explanation I can offer is that the new posistion of the body - lying down, particularly on one's side - releases some of the pressure on the bladder, and that means it can actually hold MORE than it did a moment before. It will take about 10 minutes, perhaps as long as 15, for the original urgency to return. Now comes the hard part - you must tell yourself that you do NOT want to wet your bed, and you have to really feel it. As the urgency builds, keep yourself from peeing. For me, I have to stuff my fist into my crotch, holding and holding. You will reach (somewhere in here) the painful part of holding - keep holding; you can do it! The question I cannot answer is, what about you guys? I dont think stuffing your fist down there works for you...

                You will go past the pain, to a beautiful state of oblivion (at least the women will - I dont know about the men). Continue to hold, as long as you can. Hold with earnest - hold longer than you ever have held before. The point --- the ONLY point to reach when you can let go is when you begin to dribble, and you cannot hold it no matter what you do; but it must be past that pain point... otherwise, you miss it.

                This is what I call a major (as in super full bladder) gusher. I hope you guys can enjoy it too, but I have my doubts. Once you get relaxed, just lay there and wait. Within about 15-20 minutes, you will begin feeling the same urgency again. Follow the exact same path as before. That second major gusher is almost as good as the first. Until this point, you would likely not be abole to sleep anyway, but now, you should be able to relax and sleep. If you can't, the urgency will come up again. Try to do it a third time, but you will find that you wont be able to (why? I dont know). After this, you can sleep... and (wether asleep or awake) you will pee through the night. When you wake in the morning, you will find that letting that last one, and even pushing some more out, all before you decide to get up, is very pleasant.

                I have not yet spoken about your mattress protection. If I have to help with that too, let me know. I can tell you that there is not likely any diaper that will hold all that pee all night. it WILL leak! A LOT!

                Now, if I dont lose this one like the last one, you should have a full picture of what I do. I certainly dont do it every night, and neither should you. Id say once a week at most - longer is better...

                Someone should tell WEtset that it is due to long entries, and being logged out before you are done. Unless you go to special lengths to capture it, it is not recoverable... I managed this time, but wetset should fix it, so that we can do the long entry, find we need to and log in, and have the entry sent as it should have been.... after the login...

