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DeuS EX Ella

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  • DeuS EX Ella

    Deus-ex Ella

    Relatively short one today. One days writing. Enjoy.
    Note: Deuy is an odd name, pronounced Due Ey. The title is a play on words with the name. Say it out loud. Hear it now? this story is set in the not to distant future when body augments are a little more common - the setting here is in a field during a lunch break. Where that field is, entirely up to your imagination. Work, School, Holiday resort. Up to you.

    ... "Can I touch it?", asked Deuy. "Are your fingers clean?" answered Ella, half joking. Deuy frowned and sniffed his finger. It smelt of hand sanitizer. Ella rolled her eyes, "I am joking, of course you can."

    "It's like a USB port", he observed. "Of course it is..", a condescending tone in her voice as she rolled her eyes again.

    He lent in and softly poked the hole on her knee. The skin sort of puckered up and curved around the edge of the hole. He traced his finger around the opening. The skin at the top was a little thicker, like there was a mole there but the skin otherwise looked the same. Slightly soft, mostly smooth with some skin texturing as you would expect. Except for the hole. Much to her surprise, the caress of his finger on skin caused her nice little shivers. There was not meant to be any major nerve endings there after her surgery. Probably just her imagination.

    "It is like a little vagina..", he joked. She opened her mouth to make another snarky comment, but closed it again - suddenly distracted by thoughts dancing in her head of him caressing her actual vagina now. She went a little red when she realised no matter how she looked at it - she didn't actually have any objections to him doing exactly that. The innuendo of their previous comments now taking on new depth. It didn't help that he was running his finger around the hole on her knee in a way that would feel pretty darn nice if he rubbed a certain other place the same way. Looking at her knee it really did look like a little vagina, complete with a tiny cliterous bump. Her heart sped slightly. Between that and the shivers from the intimacy of his touch - her imagination took it and ran.

    It was early spring, so she had worn a short skirt today - the whole reason Deuy had noticed her unusual knee. He had joined her for lunch to ask about it as Ella was alone today. Normally her clingy best friends discouraged others from trying to approach her - but the two girls were not here today. Those two were secretly lovers and unsurprisngly managed to give each other the mumps. As the only two to catch it, people likely had their suspicions about them now. She smiled to herself. Her girlfriends got up to all sorts of naughty, even perverted things right in front of her. She was accustomed to it, so rarely paid it any attention, although she might warn them if she saw someone coming. As a co-conspiritor of their secret they tried to make her join them frequently. Purely from curiosity she even had once - the other two girls had taken up position in front and back of her and between their mouths molesting both her front and back holes had gifted her the first orgasm of her life. It had been a big one too, having had time to experiment doing it on her own afterwards to get a point of reference.

    Of course she had ruined the whole thing for them by being shamelesly straight and daydreaming about boys doing wicked things to her the entire time they were working their tongues on her. She would have gotten away with it - but she had been so surprised by her orgasm she had inadvertently moaned the name of the male celebrity she had been been thinking of when it hit.

    Deuy was still poking and feeling her knee around the hole on her knee. Thanks to her unusual girlfriends she was no stranger to being a little daring in public so she became uncharacteristically throughtful and calculating as her arousal redirected her attention.

    Still silent she glanced around. They were behind the main building, sitting in about a foot and a half of grass eating lunch. Likely the grounds keeper would start mowing it today after lunch break finished. To their immediate side was the boundry fence, on the other side a small decorative bush several feet away offered at least a small measure of privacy from that immediate direction but nothing that would stand up to close inspection. If she wanted something to happen, the grass really was her best option for privacy - and that was definately a time limited option.

    Her body very definately reacting now to his contact and her racy thoughts - not only did she not have any objections, she found herself very much wishing he would start fondling her a certain somewhere other than her knee.

    Deuy was leaning right over looking at the hole on her knee. "It has contacts inside?", he observed with surprise. "Yes, it literally is a USB port - how do you think they configure the implant, or I recharge it?", Ella answered with frustration. "No freakin way.. you're shitting me?", Deuy exclaimed. "Prove it.. can I stick it inside you?", asked Deuy. Ella blinked, that escallated quickly.. thinking 'oh god yes..' then with dismay she saw that Deuy had actually pulled out his laptop and was holding up a USB cable.

    "Sure, poke around inside me all you like", she replied cheerfully, meaning something else entirely. Completely missing the seductive sound in her voice, he set the laptop down and turned it on. Ella adjusted her position so her knee was easier for him to reach with the cable. "Do I need to turn anything on before I stick it in?", asked Deuy. Ella covered her mouth with her hand to hold back a snicker and nearly choked on her drink. "No you can slip yourself into me now if you want, I am already turned on", she answered with enough lust in her voice he actually paused and wasn't sure if he heard her right that time. However the clueless nerd in him won out and he reached over and slipped the USB cable into the port on her knee.

    "Wow you really slipped yourself into me there - are you buying me dinner after this?", Ella asked playfully as the computer chimed the new hardware sound. Deuy blinked with confusion at her comment then looked at his screen. In response the servos in Ella's artificial knee twitched as they responded to the connection of a computer. "Oh wow, your knee has a managment system, that is so cool.", Deuy exclaimed with interest. Without thinking he hit the self test button.

    Ella's left knee joint suddenly bent fully inward making her leg slide open a little, then reversed direction with a snap and went fully extended, throwing her off balance and throwing her legs open even further. She had to catch herself on an arm, ending up with her left leg so far open her skirt rode all the way up, entirely exposing the crotch of her purple cotton knickers, and now leaning slightly to the side most of her ass was visible too.

    Her hair looked somewhat sexed up now and untidy; the sudden movement had surprised her and her protesting bladder. Looking down she noticed a wet patch on the crotch of her knickers. She wasn't sure if she had pissed herself a little or she was just horny, but given the size probably a bit of both. 'Well that was certainly an unexpected but not unwelcome turn of events' thought Ella, her breathing getting a little heady as her body reacted to the sudden compromising change in her seating position.

    Deuy had been watching her knee, until the self test beeped to indicate it had completed with no errors. Then he saw her messed up hair, a bemused look on her face as he followed her gaze down and found himself looking at the wet spot on the front of her rather skimpy purple knickers too. Oh.

    He looked at her face apologetically but she looked oddly indifferent that he could see up her skirt. His eyes were soon drawn between her legs again. She had a really nice ass; which her underwear really didn't cover after the sudden movement - it had ridden up her ass. She also had a really nice aesthetic curve from the crease of her panty crotch at the wet spot on her labia all the way up to her hips. The wet spot clung a little making a sort of semi cameltoe. Without realising he licked his lips at the sight. She reminded him of the centrefold of the girl in a wet bikini in the old magazine he kept hidden under his bed with all his technology books.

    Ella remained in the position long enough to let Deuy get a really good look, then slowly drew her legs together again into a more comfortable position. She allowed her skirt to remain ridden up, and even adjusted the elastic up a little so it stayed that way, and wasnt sitting on it so it didnt get wet or grass stains as she sat more comfortably. He was still looking between her legs. Sitting with her legs together now like a human sized barbie doll, he noticed her upper thighs had that cute apple sized dimple some girls have that framed her crotch perfectly. It would be just the right size for someone to slip their hand between her legs and rub her vagina without any particular impediment. He licked his lips again.

    She let him look a moment longer, then took a breath and coughed discretely. He looked up at her face. He couldn't read her expression but it didn't look upset. Her eyes had a curious twinkle tho. She pulled out the USB lead from her knee, and handed it to him. "If you wanted me to open my legs Deuy, you only had to ask", she smiled as she said it.

    He looked down at her crotch and back to her face again - more confused.
    "uuuh what? Ask you to open your legs?", Deuy stuttered with confusion.

    She smiled even wider and said simply, "If you insist". Then she raised her knees slightly then spread her feet and knees open right at him. Exposing her knickers to him entirely this time, and so far open part of her labia lips were visible each side of the elastic.

    Leaning casually with her elbows on her knees now, her crotch on display to Deuy was pretty much the point of no return here. He either got her off before the end of lunch, or she was going to get herself off while he watched. Damn the consequences so long as she got her rocks off. This position also put a lot of pressure on her bladder, and a little pee escaped. The wet spot expanded a little more. "Ooops", she said - an apologetic smile on her face, as she reached down and lifted the side elastic to inspect the damage. This gave Deuy a front seat view of her vagina inside as she did. It was all wet pinks in there. He didn't seem to be complaining. She took her time examining herself. Wow she was quite wet. Most of it wasn't pee either, translucent streamers clung to the inside of the fabric.. apparently she was enjoying this quite a lot.

    Still really not caring about the consequences here she got a little too carried away inspecting herself and lent forward over a bit too far.. putting more pressure on her bladder again causing a short squirt of pee to spray out on the grass between her legs. "Oops.. Sorry..", she said again with a giggle, letting her elastic go with a snap catching the last of the leak on the fabric inside her knickers and expanding the wet spot further.

    "So do you like my underwear Deuy?", she asked him with a smile, looking from her crotch back to his face. His eyes were still glued between her legs, but he nodded mutely. She suspected he had never seen between a real girls legs before let alone had one pee in front of him (or pee her knickers for him either) given how transfixed he seemed to be. With apparent relief she told him, "Oh good, cause I really hate these things, the colour is terrible... here you can have them then."

    She slid her hands down the outside of her legs, closed her knees a moment, ankles still slightly apart - giving him a glorious view of the shape of her ass, crotch and hips between her ankles - then because she had already moved her skirt out of the way wasted no time and before he could object immediately hooked a finger under each side of her wet knickers, did a little hop to raise her ass off the ground a second, causing another squirt of pee to escape as she slid them over her ass (leaving a trail of drips along the panty fabric seat as it passed over her leak) then up to her knees, and over. Then she stopped a moment and tilted to the side a little, sliding first her right ankle out, moving that leg out and spreading that leg open again as before, then leaning the other way - repeating the same with her left leg this time.

    Now sitting with her ankles wide apart, and her knees far enough apart he could easily admire her naked vagina. Some drips of pee slid down her skin and dripped on the grass as she leant her elbows on her knees again and tossed the wet knicker at his face. They landed wet side out, with the dripping crotch catching him over his face and sitting on his lips with enough elastic flopping over his head it sat there without falling. The whole thing had taken less than a moment and he had accidentally licked his lips again, tasting wet fabric before pulling them off his head and looking at them with shock.

    Ella just sat there quietly smiling at him, basically naked in the grass for him below her waist. "Much better, I think pink is a much better colour dont you?", she asked him, smiling, then spreading her knees and reaching down to spread her labia lips with her hands for him to admire. He licked his lips again, but he noticed this time, the slightly salty taste mixed in with a slightly sweet/sour taste on his lips from her wet gusset making his tongue tingle. He looked down at the wet knickers in his hand, moving between her legs where she was holding her labia open for him, then back to her smiling face again. She nodded and flicked down with her eyes indicating he should look all he liked. He looked down between her legs again.

    It really was a nice colour, screamed millions of years of animal instincts as he soaked up the glorious and shiny wet view offered to him. A shiny viscous drip casually ran out of her vagina opening, ever so slowly running down between her labia lips, over the crease of her ass, where it paused a moment on the rosebud of her ass.. which in this position was quite obvious.. then it swung down and slowly dripped off her asshole onto the grass without fanfare, like it was the most normal thing in the world to do.

    He swallowed. She was all pinks reds and whites down there. The skin was with the exception of all the wetness entirely smooth and hairless. She apparently shaved, waxed or had lasered all the hair off. All of it. Even her ass, legs and waist. All except for a really cute inverted triangle of fur that pointed like at arrow at her cliterous. It literally looked like kitten fur. He slid her wet knickers from his hand into the front pouch of his laptop bag. A little out of his headspace he absently reached forward and stroked the fur. It was a little springy but felt really soft like he was patting a tiny cat. Ella squirmed a little, pressing herself into his hand a little. Startled out of his daze he stopped rubbing and looked at her face, forgetting to remove his hand.. she was quite happy for him to leave it there.

    Before he could decide what to do next she did it for him and told him, "You were saying something earlier about sticking it in.. well you asked - I AM turned on thankyou - so poke around inside me all you like.. go on then.."

    He opened and closed his mouth like he was going to say something, but curiosity won out and he slid the hand from her triangle of fur down to gently trace down the inside of the lips she was still holding open for him. She waited until he was tracing along the outside of her main opening, then finally getting impatient, barked at him, "I am not made of eggshells Deuy.." she dug her heels in the grass and thrust her hips at his finger driving it inside her very very wet vagina. As before the sudden movement put pressure on her bladder and a small amount of pee spurted out into his hand. Not wanting to scare him off she released her labia lips, grabbed his hand and pushed his finger inside her further. "Oh god yes.. wiggle and circle it around Deuy.. yes like that.. put a second finger in.. thats it.. " she had scooted forward a bit more now as she spoke, holding his hand with her right hand to make him thrust his fingers in her like a dildo, while circling her cliterous with her other hand.

    "Use your other hand on my here like I am with my left hand Deuy", she begged. He reached over and she ground his hand into her cliterous. "Ooh. That feels better", she purred at him and she alternately ground her cliterous so it rubbed one of his hands, then drove herself on the fingers of the other pushing it in and out of her.

    Panting a little, Ella suggested, "Taste me Deuy.." he withdrew his fingers and looked at her curiously then looking at his wet finger slipped them in his mouth.. she tasted a little of green apples, two part sweet, one part sour.. "No, you got the order wrong.. taste ME..", she insisted. She took his hand from his mouth and slid his fingers into her own mouth to suck them dry. This girl was blowing the poor boys mind. She rolled her eyes with sexual frustration and grabbed his head and pulled it down between her legs, then when he started leaning forward and lapping at her wet flesh finally; she withdrew her hands to hold her skirt up out of the way to watch. It was an awkward position with her still sitting up with her knees up, and she had to lean quite far forward and press her skirt front into her abdomen quite far to be able to enjoy the view of Deuy kneeling forward between her legs lapping away at her pink flesh.

    Still she got a good view finally.. it was quite a turn on to be able to look down at her own vagina and see his tongue running up and down it.. but it was not without consequences - sitting like this meant she was pressing quite heavily on her bladder to keep her skirt from blocking the sexy view.. and since that same bladder was quite full she watched in surprise as during a particularly low lick she felt a jet of pee shoot out her during his up sweep and he licked the entire thing up as he went past. "Oh fuck I like that Deuy..", she moaned, as his upsweep ran over her cliterous. He didn't know what she meant, he hadn't noticed the pee, just lapping it up as more wetness - and this girl was wet. Since she seemed to like it so much he focused his licking at the top on her cliterous - and was rewarded with her making another purring sound. It was an awkward angle for his head, so she let herself slowly fall back into the grass, wrapping her hands around her knees to keep her ass and mons jutting out for him to lick. In the position the skirt was helped by gravity so she could watch the action between the valley of her breasts. This position made her vagina flesh stick out quite lewdly giving him easy access licking it all.

    In this new position his downsweep also tickled her ass a little each time it passed. Considering that particular place was also being teased by her friends the first time she ever had an orgasm that added to her enjoyment significantly as the memory of that burned in her mind sat warmly in her horny brain as he pleasured her. Remembering his upsweep earlier.. she pulled down on her knees as hard as she could and bore down on her bladder during his next downsweep, causing a jet of pee to shoot a foot in the air, before falling again settling between her legs and making her wet from the front to the back.. he collected most of it during the next couple of upsweeps of his lick without even a pause. Ella face lit up with filthy delight at the sight, and she sucked a breath in from excitement.

    Once again somehow he hadn't noticed what it was he lapped up, although he was a fast learner -making sure to chase any wetter parts of her with his tongue so he soon cleaned it all off regardless. 'God that is so nasty', she thought, the idea turning her on more. Her friends being the kinky pixies they are had often peed in front of her, before, after or while they were distracted elsewhere with one of their nastier games, a few times even in their knickers while they were too busy making out to care. Usually if they were too wet they just removed them, and spent the rest of the day with no underwear under their dress. Although surprisingly the light knickers her friends wore more often than not fared no worse than a penny sized wet spot in the middle and they just left them on and pissed in them all day anytime they made out with each other with the same result. Which was conveneient for them, since it replaced toilet breaks with make out sessions. During summer they often wore water resistant sandals so certainly they never needed to worry about wetting their socks or shoes.

    It was only if they were rolling about rubbing up or dry humping each other that if they were too distracted they pissed themselves making a particularly bad mess of their underwear. If they ended up eating each other out, more often than not at least one of her friends tasted of pee by the time they got to oral sex on each other. Sometimes they dirty talked each other about how dirty or nasty each other was at the taste or smell of pee - and had Ella been more bi-curious than her one willing encounter she probably would have tried to urinate while they pawed or lapped at her too.. since she was oddly curious about it.

    In any case she was now pretty certain it turned her on.. dissapointingly her friends had rarely directly licked at each other /while/ they peed it was almost always just after, before or as they finished. It turned her on almost enough she might be tempted to let them have another go at her, just to see what it would feel like if she emptied herself on their tongue while they licked her. Lord knows they were kinky enough they would let her if it meant they got to have a crack at eating her out again. She suspected those girls would probably never want to date a boy.

    She heard some voices off to her left and inspecting their little lust nest - realised her feet and his ass in the air behind; head buried between her legs, would look pretty obvious what they were doing even with the long grass.. She dropped her feet down and shook Deuy to get his attention.

    He stopped and sat up. Ella was laying hidden in the grass on her back, legs spread, skirt tucked up into her tube top, naked from the belly botton down. Oh man his pants felt tight right now. What a view, taste and smell. She gestured to him with finger to lips for silence, then pointed off to the left. He turned to look and saw a group of others talking about 30 metres from the other side of the bush. They hadn't noticed them in the grass, but they were close enough a few steps and a look in their direction would have spotted what they had been doing not seconds before.

    She sat up, making sure her naked lower half was only visible to Deuy and whispered for him to lay on his back hidden behind the grass. Curious, and willing to continue whatever this was she was doing with him, he did as asked. Scooting forward she kneeled over his chest and carefully spread her legs over him. her ass facing his head. She let her skirt drop over his head since it provided a little more cover and adjusted her position so Deuy could lick between her legs as he pleased. His head now hidden by her skirt she picked up one of her discarded sandwiches, then whispered over her shoulder, "lick me as much as you like, it feels really nice". She smiled at him. He nodded and found this new position required less effort to lick her. He gave her a thumbs up and dug in with his tongue. Ella lent forward a little and rested with one hand on his hip, while she daintily made a show of nibbling her sandwich.

    From the position of the group on the other side of the bush, all they would see now would be a girl sitting in the grass, squirming a little maybe but only eating her lunch. The perverted truth of what she was really up to hidden from view by the long grass and top of her skirt.

    The group noticing her spot was occupied by.. well, her - soon lost interest and wandered off in the other direction until all they could see was the faint siloutte of Ella through the bush from their new remote position had they bothered to look with any effort.

    Ella was really feeling good at the moment, when she eventually ran out of food she slowly sank further and further down as he licked her. She was a little shorter than him so this caused her to move down his body a bit.

    From the vantage point of the group over the other side of the field, it simply looked as if she was casually laying down in the grass leaning on her hand. Deuy, who at his particular point was amusing himself by alternating between driving his tongue deep between her labia lips and running it up and down between her legs got caught out by her change of position when instead of his tongue driving into her vagina, it instead drove up inside her slick with wet asshole instead. "OHHhhh", exclaimed Ella, the two downshifts in octave as she spoke it making it very obvious that she really liked that feeling. Squirming, she breathily informed Deuy, "I really like that! what did you do?"

    Deuy wasn't sure himself, so he kicked up the back of her skirt to get more light and discovered his tongue buried up to his lips in her ass. There was no obvious bad smell or taste, if anything there was an oddly exciting sweet taste and smell here - one that spoke of pure sex. He licked about inside experimentally, testing the taste and textures; getting unusually enthusiastic moans from Ella each time he did so, then deciding he could live with doing theis particular perverted thing - especially as each time she squirmed a hand, cheek or arm of hers tended to brush the front of his pants. He slid his tongue out, which also caused Ella to shiver with excitement, then said, "uuuhm my tongue accidentally slipped into your asshole.."

    "Oh wow, ive had someone tickle my ass with their tongue before but never had them slip it inside; it feels amazing, do it again?", she pleaded. Deuy shrugged, as much as someone can shrug with the naked ass of a hot girl on their face, and tried to drive his tongue in again. This time expecting it she tensed up. "I can't its closed too tight now..", he called out. "Oh sorry.. try now..", she relaxed and even pushed. It wasn't until she let go of her bladder that it finally opened up enough for him to slide back in deeply. From her current position her pee ran out down her slit and over his face, much of it ending up dribbling into his lips and cheek before she was able to somehow stop the flow without evicting his tongue from her ass. 'oh god that was doubly nasty', she thought.. the feeling making her grind her ass at his face and depravely moan. She started rubbing her clit but she had to roll her hips to fit her hand between their bodies which put too much pressure on her bladder again.

    Frustrated she removed her hand and rested her head on it as she just sat their mewing erotically while he molested her asshole with his tongue. There was a lump under her hand, and feeling stupid finally realised what it was.. wanting to return some of the pleasure he was giving her, she yanked down his elastic to free it, and stuck it in her mouth to suck on.

    Oh my. That really got poor Deuy going. He was going at her ass so hard she had to stop between sucks on him to pant a few times with lust. He Deuy finally tired of her ass and moved to her vagina, where he albeit inexpertly started enthusiastically licking and sucking at everything in reach. 'oh my..' thought Ella feeling her body finally make rapid progress building up to what she had been aiming for since she threw her knickers at him. She was gradually getting out of her mind with lust, and soon her own self control was breaking down. Her own sucking and licking of Deuy was becoming less skilled and more blind enthusiastic lust as the pair of them now effectively performing a 69 on one another rapidly built towards a climax. Equally the control of her bursting bladder was becoming less and less certain.

    Now she finally understood why her friends had so many accidents; there came a point where you cross a line and you really dont care anymore so long as the pleasure isn't interrupted - you wont stop - even for a toilet break. Of course the fact she also found it a turn on for its own merits complicated things a lot. She could feel her bladder slipping more and more.. Deuy to his merit had somehow kept enough presence of mind to notice the ebb and flow of her "tide" by this point and as much as he was out of his mind with lust.. he knew enough to lap it up before any got on his clothes. Arching her back for momentary catches of breath to look between her legs, she actually caught sight of a couple of her accidents and Deuy catching it all with his tongue.

    It was finally too much.. she just gave in. She buried his penis in her mouth and jsut sucked and licked at it like crazy; and pushed on her bladder with all her might. She could feel it emptying in stops and starts, he too had stopped jumping about and had just sucked her labia and cliterous in his mouth.. she could feel her bladder empty, and hear him swallow between sucks... that did it for her.. with a almost audible snap her bladder locked shut and she was hit by an orgasm strong enough to rival the one her friends had given her.. she moaned onto the penis in her mouth which too joined in the merryment and she too found herself gulping down mouthfuls, of ejaculate from Deuy.

    The moment her orgasm eased in the slightest she felt a tremour between her legs, and her bladder gave way again.. again the sound of gulping from Deuy-- so nasty... she found herself spinning off in another spiral of... something.. this felt different, she could feel something spraying from her with each wave. Yet her bladder still felt tight.. it was not easing pressure at all yet, she could feel something spraying out of her.. oh god she was squirting.. "oh god oh god oh god", she muttered into his still convulsing penis... swallowing sounds again... she almost blacked out as the squirting finally ended.. as did his jumping penis.. she rolled off him onto her back in the grass. Her heart racing still. She looked over at Deuy. His face was wet and red. He was sitting on his knees panting tucking his penis back in his pants. Her bladder.. oh now it felt as if the tightness was easing and she realised with horror she was so worn out she was wetting herself.. her skirt would get wet.. but she was too tired to move or lock her bladder off to prevent it.

    Deuy saw her look of alarm, and leaned in.. oh god what is he doing... he was lapping at her cliterous.. so sensitive there.. no not just her cliterous, he was lapping up the pee coming out below it too.. it was too late to save her skirt, and she was pretty much covered with pee, sweat and her arousal by now but he licked her anyway.. she was still panting.. as her pee finally ran out some seconds later the depravity of it all finally crushed down on her.. and as she suddenly found herself climaxing gently again after her bladder emptied on Deuy's tongue.. this time she finally did black out and fainted. Her last thought was simple. This one beats the one her friends gave her, no contest.

    She woke up some time later in the sickbay. She felt clean and fresh, and someone had given her dry pants to replace her wet skirt. Luckily her tube top was water resistant, it had come out unscathed. As she came to she heard Deuy talking, "...ye i think we were out in the sun too long, i think she fainted in the heat and wet herself, luckily i had some spare gym pants in my bag" Another voice spoke, "No wonder your face is all red and your shirt is covered in sweat, you really carried her all the way here?" Ella cracked an eye open. Deuy was looking at her and winked. The other person left the room and closed the door.

    She mouthed, "how am I all clean?" he winked again, put a finger to his lips to indicate she should stay quiet, then pantomined a cat cleaning the back of his hand. He grinned at her. He literally licked her clean before changing her pants? Damn she wished she had been awake for that.. it sounded like fun. She could already feel her nipples harden at the thought. Perhaps he could demonstrate it for her again some time when she was not out cold.. she whispered the thought in his ear. He grinned at her and gave her a kiss on the lips. He tasted of sex and salt and her, and smelt of boy and a little of sex. Maybe she should return the favour.

    They are in their mid 20's now. They are still dating. She told her friends about that afternoon.. although the two girls are still only into women, and mostly each other.. for Ella they always made an exception. "That tryst sounded H.. O.. T.. hot.", they told her. If these girls had a motto, it was any kink in a storm. Ella WAS their storm. Deuy had joined their little clique group too and it didn't take long before the other two girls no longer cared what perverted things he saw them get up to in front of him.. only now Ella didn't have to be a third wheel.. she could get up to things just as perverted with Deuy at the same time.

    They all even got drunk together sometimes to have a mad sex orgy with each other and full bladders. Especially after Ella finally convinced them to let Deuy demonstrate how it felt when he slid a tongue up their rears. They were up for any new kink. They really enjoyed themselves, and immediately started doing it to each other.

    As a reward - so long as he didn't put his dick in them, they didn't mind him molesting them any way he liked while they made out too. Also they really loved the new kinky game Ella suggested.. so long as she lets them lick her.. they are happy to do it if she is pissing herself. The two girls like it even more if they are too busy making out with each other to notice they are wetting themselves - and Deuy starts licking them as they do. Deuy even got so drunk one time that he got so carried away making out with Ella he had an accident too... now she makes him do it all the time.. or tries to trick him into doing it.
    By the end of these sessions none of their bladders were ever full anymore.. but the clean up was a bitch.
    Last edited by Enkil; April 5, 2022, 02:23 PM. Reason: corrections