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Claire's return to diapers

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  • Claire's return to diapers

    Here is another one for all of you folks here. Hope you like it.

    Claire Sinclair 18 5'4” 100 pounds green eyes brunette avian light blue wings with black tips

    Claire walked the baby aisle again and stared wishfully at the numerous brands of baby diapers and wished she could fit into them. On several occasions she had been caught with a baby diaper stuffed down into her panties and even been spanked with a belt once for her desire to wear diapers again.

    All the spankings did nothing not stop her desire as she walked the aisle and looked at the various diapers on the shelves. Even though she was skinny for her age they still had no baby diapers that would fit her. She had tried the size seven pampers once and they did not fit her. They simply did not make a disposable diaper in her size.

    She reached the back end of the aisle and was about to leave when her mother cut her off. “Since you are so interested in diapers let's see what they have.” They walked the aisle of baby supplies and her mother finally told her what she already knew. Looks like you are out of luck. They don't have anything here that will fit you now let's get going.”

    Claire stole a final glance back at the diapers as they walked out of the aisle. “We have to stop in the medical aisle and get some more rash ointment for you. When the hell are you going to stop pissing your panties and your bed? Maybe I should make some cloth diapers and put you back in diapers and plastic pants. Is that what you want?” “No.”

    Claire stayed silently by her mother as they picked up some supplies for her diaper rash she had started to get. Claire felt a trickle escape her bladder and no matter how much she tried to hold it she ended up with wet panties and jeans again. She said nothing as they made their way through the store and then took a wrong turn into an aisle they had never been in before.

    The sign above the aisle simply said incontinence supplies. Claire was shocked to see that they had numerous bags of diapers in sizes big enough to fit her. Claire couldn't help but stare at them all as they walked through the aisle. Claire's mother stopped for a moment and looked back at her daughter then noticed she had wet herself again.

    “Claire, since you are so obviously interested in diapers, choose.” “What?” “Choose. I saw you looking at them so take a few minutes and choose which type you like best. I'm tired of the wet bedding and the pissed in panties all the time so find some you like.”

    My heart skipped a beat but I was frightened a little at the same time as I knew my mother would not let it go at just this. I looked over all the different brands and noticed that a lot of them had cloth like covers. I liked the plastic shell found on some diapers still and that was what I wanted.

    My mother looked over several brands of diapers as well then rummaged through her purse finally and found a cloth tape measure. “Hold still a moment so I can measure your waist.” I stopped in front of a package of adult diapers that had plastic backing and fancy printing on them as well.

    My mother measured my waist then saw which package had caught my attention. “An interesting choice. Let me look at them.” I handed a package to my mother and she read the bag a few minute before smiling. She grabbed six bags in all and put them in the cart for me.

    I put five of them in the cart but she stopped me on the sixth one as I began to wet myself again. “Lay down here real quick.” I knew better than to argue so I carefully laid down and tried to ignore how the hard floor felt against my wings. Yes, I said wings.

    I am what is known as an avian. I have wings and yes, I can also fly. My wings are a light blue with the bottom tips of my wing feathers changing to black at the tips. Speaking of changes, back to what was happening to me.

    My mother pulled my jeans and panties off of me and then opened the bag right there. She pulled out one of the thick diapers and unfolded it before sliding it under me. I was surprised she would do this to me in public but it did no good to argue or protest. She adjusted the diaper then pulled the front of it up in place before taping it securely shut around my waist.

    I am embarrassed to admit it, but I loved having a diaper on again and one that fit so well. My mother threw my soaked jeans and panties into the basket then let me stand up. “Well, you finally got your wish. You're back in diapers again. Now let's go checkout.”

    “What about my jeans?” “They are soaked and wont fit over your diaper anyways. We'll get you some bigger ones later that will fit over your diapers.” We walked through the store with me wearing a diaper and not having it covered in any way. We reached the checkout and my mom put everything on the counter. The open bag of diapers were the last to be out on the counter.

    The lady looked at the open bag but before she could say anything my mother cut her off. “My daughter had an accident so I had to change her into a dry diaper or risk her getting diaper rash. As you can see, the missing diaper is currently in use.” I wanted to turn invisible right there.

    The young woman at the counter looked me over and smiled. “That diaper looks good on you. They are a good choice too. They hold a lot between changes and are reasonably priced. You are lucky to have caught them on sale. My manager was about to stop selling adult diapers since they don't sell very well.”

    “They are hard to find and we only found them by accident. If you moved them to over by the baby diapers and supplies it would make it easier to find them. I stopped in the baby aisle to find some diapers but my daughter has outgrown the largest diapers pampers makes.

    You could also use pictures of someone modeling the various different adult diapers both dry and wet. So that customers can see how the diapers look when they are on someone. I think it would help sell the diapers better as the customers could see how the diapers look when dry and when they are wet.”

    The lady seemed to think it was a good idea and she continued to talk to my mother while I stood there in plain view of everyone. Everyone that passed by could plainly see that was indeed wearing a diaper. I wanted nothing more at the moment than to get home and to hide.

    We were about to leave when the manager stopped by and my mother ran the ideas past him while he looked me over. “That's a good set of ideas. Would allow your daughter to model the diapers? We could work out a deal legally and make sure no laws are violated and that your daughter is compensated fairly.”

    My mother stood talking with the manager as my diaper slowly grew heavier and heavier from all the urine I was constantly dribbling into it. It took my mother and the manager two hours to work out a deal and put it down on paper. I would allow him to take several pictures of me in a shirt and diaper.

    In return we would get a free package of diapers each week as I would model a different diaper each week. The pictures would be for the customers to see how the diapers looked when dry and when wet and when messy. My mother loved the idea of me getting my diapers for free as it would save her money on diapers for me.

    The manager took three pictures of me in my current diaper. One from in front, One from the side, and the last one from behind. I tried to object but one stern look from my mother silenced me. As soon as the pictures were done she laid me down on the floor right there and proceeded to change my diaper. I was embarrassed as the manager all but drooled at the sight of me getting my diaper changed.

    After having gotten my diaper changed and allowed to stand back up again the man took three pictures of me in a fresh diaper. Front, side, and rear views. We went home eventually and I was angry with my mother. I loved being back in diapers finally, but did not like what had happened to me at the store. I knew that by Monday everyone in school would know about me wearing diapers as several people had seen me standing there and a few had seen me getting changed into a dry diaper.

    I was halfway to my room with three bags of the diapers when my mother called to me. When you get your diapers put away I want you to bring me your panties so they can all be washed so they don't smell like stale urine or have pee stains in them.”

    I finally got all six bags of diapers into my room then rounded up all my panties. I took them down to my mother, and she smiled then threw each pair into the trash. “You won't be needing those anymore. You wanted diapers. Now you have them. You can no longer use the toilet either unless I say so.

    Your jeans don't fit over your new diapers so you will have to wear a skirt for a few days until I can get to a store somewhere to get you some new jeans to fit over your diapers. I wont make you wear a super short skirt though. I want the skirts you wear to do a good job of hiding the fact you are back in diapers.

    As for changing them, You can change them yourself when you are out and about but at home I will change you when you need changing. If you have a boyfriend and he wants to change you that's up to you, but try not to get knocked up.” “What about when I have to get some air time? I have to fly at least a few hours every few days or my wings get sore and stiff.”

    “Good point. Let me look at some of my old jeans that are too tiny to fit me. I swear I gained 25 pounds after having you. Let's go look at the jeans.” I followed my mother to her room and crinkled with every step. We spent an hour trying all her old jeans and in the end found only three pairs that were short enough for me.

    I put on a pair of them and they fit just right. They slid over the diaper and worked perfectly to conceal the fact I was wearing a diaper. My mother looked at me as I slid the jeans over my diaper then finally spoke.

    “I'm sorry about the diapers. You can go back to your panties after that one is used if you want to. I tend to go too far sometimes. I'll keep the diapers though in the closet and you can wear them at night so you wake up in a dry bed.” “Thanks mom. This is going to sound weird I bet, but I'd like to keep them. I like wearing diapers and always have. I have a hard time staying dry even in the day when I'm awake.

    These diapers are very thick and actually quite comfortable. As for getting knocked up, I'm still a virgin. I wont let tommy have sex with me unless I'm sure he's the one I want. I know that a lot of the girls in school are busy screwing half the football team, but Tommy is nice and not in a hurry to have sex with me and I like that. I'm not in a hurry either.

    As for changing, I liked getting changed by you, just not in public like that and not on that damned cold and hard floor. It hurt my wings a bit being on that floor. You keep forgetting I have them it seems.” My mother was shocked to hear my confession about wanting diapers so we sat and talked for a while about it.

    In the end I agreed to do the photo shoot on one condition. I wanted five new shirts from a special site on the Internet. I showed my mother the site and she was very interested in it. After she spent almost four hours reading everything on that site she measured me carefully and paid for five new shirts for me.

    “I never knew there were so many others out there with wings. Do those shirts actually feel good on you?” “They do. I have one I won in a contest a year ago and it fits wonderfully. I also want you to read something mom. It's about my diapers in a way. You read this while I go grab the shirt and put it on.”

    I ran to my room and grabbed my custom shirt. I took off the one I had on then put on the custom shirt. I opened the wing openings all the way then after I got my wings through them I adjusted the openings for a good fit. I fanned my wings out all the way and stretched them for a moment before going back to my mother's room.

    I made it to the doorway when when I paused to fart. I turned bright red when I filled my diaper with an explosive mess. “Interesting what they said about so many of you being incontinent to one extent or another.” I was trying not mess my diaper anymore but finally gave up and just pushed the rest of it out and into the seat of my diaper.

    “Can you change me mom? I've been gassy all morning and it was more than gas this time.” It took my mother about ten minutes to clean the mess off of me and to get me changed into a clean diaper. After that I showed off my custom shirt to her. “I sent them a picture of me with my wings fully extended and they made this shirt for me.

    The lady that runs the site with her husband also wears diapers full time as well. You can read her story as well on the autobiographical page. This shirt is great! It has openings for my wings and padding in just the right places. They even sell special bra's for avians as well since our wings make wearing a normal bra impossible.”

    My mother looked at my wings and sighed. “I am always amazed at how lovely you look with your wings opened like that. Is it really that much more comfortable to have them out like that than to have them tucked under a shirt?” “Try working all day with both of your arms pinned tightly against your side. After a while they get cramped and it hurts. It's that way with my wings.”

    I went in the next day for the photo shoot and the manager about messed himself when he saw my wings for the first time. I drank almost six cups of tea in preparation for the shoot so I would be able to wet the diaper he would have me model. It worked well this way.

    I tried on a brand called Angel soft and when he finished taking the three pictures of them dry we talked while his employees moved the entire incontinence section to right next to the baby supplies. Three hours later I was in dire need of a clean diaper. The one I had on was soaked now.

    He took the photos of me in the wet diaper then gave me my choice of diapers to choose from. I chose the fancy print ones as I liked them. The looked cute and worked quite well. I was also able to walk out with a $50.00 check as well. The manager was cute but I was not going to cheat on my boyfriend.

    I got the rest of the photos done in a couple of months and put the money into my college fund. Whenever the manager had a new brand of adult diaper come in I would model them for him. I was just finishing up with modeling a new diaper brand when my boyfriend came in looking to get some diapers for his little brother he said.

    “Jessy ran out last night so mom sent me to get him some more.” He picked up a bag of the same brand I wore and in the same size. “How old is he now?” “He's almost nine and still in diapers. How weird is that? At this rate he'll never get out of diapers and no girl would ever date someone who wears diapers.”

    I had a suspicion about those diapers he had as we walked to the checkout. The clerk waved me through with mine and I waited for Tom to finish paying for the diapers he claimed were for his little brother. I knew his little brother was still in diapers, but he wore pampers size seven and the ones tom had were way too big for him.

    We got out of the store and I grabbed Tom. I pulled him into a kiss and put my right hand down the front of his jeans before he could stop me. I felt the familiar feel of plastic. He had a diaper on and it was definitely wet. I refused to let him pull away and continued to kiss him.

    I took and guided his hand down the front of my jeans and let him feel my diaper I had on. He was almost as shocked as when I had shown him my wings a few weeks ago. “Those diapers are for you aren't they?” He hung his head in defeat. “Yes. I have the same birth defect my little brother has and I have to wear diapers. I'm sorry I lied to you. If you don't want to see me anymore I'll understand.” “I have a diaper on as well Tom. I do not just model them for money and use them for fun. I wear them 24 hours a day and seven days a week.

    We went back into the store and I purchased some lubricated condoms before we went back to my house. I showed him my stash of diapers in the closet then showed that instead of panties in the top drawer, I had diapers.

    I shut the bedroom door to my room and locked it. He was nervous so I stripped first. I stood in front of him in just a diaper and then waited as he stripped down to just his diaper as well. I took a deep breath and then undid the tapes on his diaper. Tom was perfect in my opinion.

    I let him undo the tapes on my diaper as well before wiping his dick off with a wipe to get the urine smell off of it. I had never tried to give him or anyone a blow job before but I took him into my mouth and within a few minutes he grabbed the back of my head and exploded down my throat.

    He tried to apologize but I merely smiled and swallowed. After that I put the condom on him and let him take my virginity from me. It hurt at first but soon enough I all but screamed in orgasmic bliss from him making love to me. An hour after we started it was done. I was no longer a virgin and Tom no longer hid his need for diapers from me. I married him a year later. I never went to college but instead started a diaper lovers pay site. We had pictures of us at first and then when we could afford it, we paid for more girls to model.

    We now have 15 girls and five guys modeling for the site. All the girls do wet diapers and messy diapers as well. We had beth and John do a video I had been thinking of but had not decided on yet. Beth messed her diaper heavily and then had John lay her down and undo the tapes on the diaper.

    Everyone could see the mess she had put in her diaper so there was no doubt there. John then proceeded to have sex with her as she lay in the messy diaper and enjoyed every second of it. After he exploded in her she smiled and then pulled the diaper into place, taped it shut and walked out of sight of the camera. John shrugged his shoulders and put on a clean diaper then walked off camera himself.

    I showed Tom the video and he raped me on the spot. Not that I objected mind you. I put the video in our movie section for paying customers. In one week it was purchased for download 873 times. Next week it is mine and Tom's turn to do one of us having messy diaper sex.
    After this it will be a while before I can do another video as I am starting to show a little bit. I am almost three months pregnant with our first child. I am still wearing diapers and so is Tom. We both agree that even if we could go back to normal panties and underwear we would not. We like our diapers.

    Hope you folks liked this. All comments and questions welcomed.