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The Diaper Job

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  • #16
    The Job

    PART 9

    That evening after Jimmy was in bed, Janice told Artie that she would like to have him in a diaper again that night. “It would be nice to wear them to bed tonight. I am already getting comfortable wearing a diaper and I think you would like it too. Just think that you will not have to get up in the middle of the night when nature calls.”

    Artie replied, “I’m not so sure about this. If we get too used to it, will we be able to go back to being without them? What would it be like to be dependent on diapers all the time? What about when we visit your folks?”

    “We are just trying them! It doesn’t mean we will need them all the time. Come on and put one on.”

    Artie, who usually wore pajama shorts and tee shirt to bed put on the disposable diaper and pulled his shorts up over it. Janice patted his rear and said, “That is so cute! I like your ass in the padding.”

    “Well, I am going to bed and try to go to sleep in this getup.” With that comment, Artie climbed into bed, turned off the light and rolled over to try and sleep. It took a while but he finally went to sleep. About 3 am Artie woke with the usual nighttime urge to pee. Before he got out of bed, he realized that he had the diaper on and tried to relax. He could not bring himself to pee while still in bed. The potty training from so long ago was too strong. Artie got out of bed and went into the bathroom. He stood at the toilet but did not remove his shorts or diaper. He relaxed just as if he were peeing into the toilet and felt the pee begin to flow tentatively. As the diaper absorbed the pee Artie felt it become very warm. He could feel the diaper begin to expand in the front where his penis was pointed upwards. Then the warm dampness flowed down over his penis and balls to start pooling in the crotch of the diaper. When it stopped, Artie put his hand under the diaper and felt how it was heavier and sagging just a bit. It also felt softer between his legs. He went back into the bedroom, climbed into the bed and lay on his back for a while wondering why this all felt so good before finally drifting back to sleep. The next morning when Artie woke up, Janice was already out of bed and in the bathroom. She still had on her diaper from the night and Artie could see that it was quite heavy and very yellow and wet looking. He lay in the bed with the need for his usual morning pee becoming stronger. Artie lay there and tried to relax once again. This time he began to pee into the diaper while still in bed. He pulled his legs up so his knees were in the air. By doing this his pee flowed more down his crotch and into the back of the diaper, becoming very warm on his ass. After the stream slowed to a trickle and finally stopped, Artie lay there enjoying the feelings he had not had since he was a little kid. He had wet the bed until he was at least 5 years old and those memories were coming back.


    • #17
      The Job Week 2

      The Job week 2

      On Monday morning Artie got out of bed, removed his pajama shorts and went into the bathroom in just his soaking diaper and tee shirt. Janice had talked him into wearing a diaper to bed each evening that weekend. He hugged Janice from behind, grinding his hot, soaked diapered front into her diapered rear. As Artie moved to and fro behind Janice, she turned, placed her hand on his hard penis through the diapered crotch and said, “We need to get ready for work, Hon. And we need to get Jimmy off to school. I wish we could explore this further but you will need to wait for this evening.

      With a big kiss, Janice broke away and continued to wash up. She removed her diaper, threw it into the trash bin and turned to Artie who was still standing there watching. She reached over and undid Artie’s diaper, letting it fall with a wet plop to the tiled floor. “My, aren’t you turned on!” she exclaimed as she released Artie’s hard penis from the wet confines. Janice stroked Artie for a bit, arousing him even more, then abruptly stopped, turned back to the sink and said, “I believe that will have to do until later. I think I hear Jimmy getting up.” As Janice proceeded to wash her lower body with a soft cloth, Artie said, “You are really a tease! This is a mean way to leave me for the day. Now how am I supposed to get anything done today when all I can think about is how much I want you?” Janice just snickered as she fastened on another disposable diaper and donned her dress. Artie still was not comfortable with wearing a diaper to work so he cleaned up and dressed “normally”.

      After getting Jimmy off to school with the instructions on how to find her office, Janice and Artie went their separate ways to work. All through that day, Janice used her diaper whenever she felt the need to pee. She had already begun to like the feeling of the warmth and how soft and bulky the diaper became when wet. Janice was a proponent of staying hydrated with plenty of juice and water and at first she went through a lot of diapers because she was afraid of leaks. She would change after only one wetting. Then, while in a meeting, she felt the urgent need to pee and stopped trying to hold it in. She was a bit embarrassed as she heard her own pee hissing into the diaper. She felt the hot wetness spreading and hoped no one around her could hear or tell what she had just done. She had already learned to not sit directly on the back of her dress so that if there are any leaks it would not get wet. The private conference room they were using was only for company meetings and not used for guests or customers from outside. Some of the chairs showed signs of having received leaks even though they were cleaned regularly as often as necessary so Janice should not have been worried. Probably most at the table were doing the same as she and were equally as wet.

      All during the meeting Janice had been sipping from a large glass of water and before the meeting was over, Janice felt the need to pee return. She tuned out the speaker for a while, concentrating instead on her building need and not wanting to risk another wetting during this meeting. Suddenly Janice heard her name and she was being called upon to give a report of her first week on the job. Everyone was looking at her while her mind was on possibly soaking her diaper once again. They were expecting her to begin telling of her first few days. Janice stammered a bit and then began to relate her work progress, concerns and questions, all while keeping her composure. Kate thanked her and said they would be able to talk about the questions and concerns a little later and concluded the meeting. Janice took a deep breath and sat back while everyone filed out, each person welcoming her to the company as they walked past. As she rose, Janice realized that her diaper was beginning to feel warmer and she could feel the pee flooding it. Being startled followed by the relief of getting through the meeting had culminated in her almost involuntary release. She found that she was becoming excited at what had just occurred. As Janice stood to leave the room, she smoothed her dress down over her rear while feeling how bulky the diaper had become. She glanced back at the chair but could not see any signs of the diaper having leaked, only the older stains of former leaks that had occurred while someone had been seated there.

      Janice had about an hour before Jimmy arrived from school and she wanted to leave the very wet diaper on as long as possible to enjoy the heavy, squishy wetness as she sat and worked. When she walked, Janice felt as though she was waddling like a baby in her padded state. A few coworkers stopped to chat with her and none of them gave any indication that they could tell or cared that she was in such a soaked state. Perhaps they were in the same way. She tried to discern if anyone else had on a diaper and if it may be wet, but it was very difficult to do. She did spot one man walking away from her who had an obviously padded rear but otherwise no one else showed if they had on a diaper or not. Janice returned to her office and very slowly lowered herself into the chair behind her desk. As she sat, Janice could feel the wetness squeeze out of the diaper’s lining to give her another thrill as it pooled around her rear. She knew that she was reaching the limit of the diaper but wanted to enjoy every minute and every movement before changing to meet James. While she completed some work on her computer, Janice moved around slowly to get the most feeling of the very bulky diaper between her legs and under her rear. She thought, “I am really getting to like the way this excites me. It kind of intrigues me and scares me but I may as well go with it. What harm could it cause if everyone around here accepts it as normal?” She tried to pee a bit more but found that she had nothing left. She would need to clean up and change soon because Jimmy would be on the bus by now.

      Just as Janice returned to her desk from cleaning up and changing out of her soaked diaper Jimmy knocked on the door. He was accompanied by the receptionist who had shown him the way and as she turned to leave, Jimmy shot a glance at her shapely figure. He was beginning to notice such things in girls and women and Janice noticed that his gaze lingered a bit. Janice knew that the receptionist wore a diaper all the time but saw that it was not really noticeable under her skirt. The skirt was short enough to give the impression of being revealing while not really exposing any more than the receptionist’s shapely legs. Janice cleared her throat to bring Jimmy’s attention back to her.

      After showing Jimmy around her office and answering his questions about what she did there, they took a quick tour of the offices. Next Janice showed Jimmy the manufacturing area before they walked to the day care center to see about a job application. The center kept its own personnel records separate from the main office in order to make sure of compliance with local regulations for working with children. Bob immediately came over to them and began to talk about how great it was to work there. He told of how he could get is homework done and usually had time to play with some of the older kids or play a computer game. The pay was more than the minimum wage that could be earned at the fast food places and the work was much cleaner and easier with the exception of the occasional kid with a poopy diaper that had to be changed. Even that was much better than dealing with grease all day. The after school hours were great with no weekend work. Jimmy filled out the application and was told to report to start the next week when a new pay period would begin. By then all the paperwork would be processed, background check for working with little children would be done and all would be in order.

      That evening Janice and Artie talked about what they need to tell Jimmy about all that had occurred n the past couple of weeks and especially about what to expect at the day care and the company. “He is going to have to know that I have begun to wear a diaper much of the time,” said Janice. “But just how far do we go with this? Should he know that you also have been trying them? Do we just come out and tell him we also wear them around the house at times?”

      Artie replied: “There is bound to come a time when he discovers one of us wearing a diaper. I would rather we tell him up front instead of trying to hide. If we hide it and he finds out it would be much harder to explain. We don’t need to say anything about how it gives us so much pleasure. He is still too young for that.”

      “You are right. And he is bound to see that many of my coworkers are wearing diapers at work. After all, some even walk around with leaks showing at times. Once he knows what to look for, it will become obvious.”

      “I’ll call Bob’s parents and ask them how they handled it. They are really good with Jimmy and might have some suggestions. I’ll invite them to a cook out on Saturday.”


      • #18
        Im looking forward for the next chapter


        • #19
          I'm really enjoying the story, keep it up!


          • #20
            Still waiting bubba


            • #21
              The Diaper Job continued

              I am running out of ideas. Also, sorry for the delay but life gets in the way some times. Herre is the next part


              That Saturday afternoon Bob and his parents, Marsha and Cliff, arrived just after noon. The boys ran up to Jimmy’s room to play Sims and the adults sat outside and talked. After talking about sports, the weather and the news of the day, conversation came around to the company and the day care center. Artie asked, “How have you handled the situation of telling Bob what to expect?”

              Marsha replied, “As you know I don’t have a job outside the home. You may not know that I do wear a diaper all the time and have done so ever since Cliff started working at the company. We had a struggle at first with how open we need to be with Bob, just as you are now. We started out very slowly, trying to hide it from him, until one day he found some used cloth diapers and plastic panties in the hamper that I had forgotten to take care of right away. I found him looking at the panties with a questionable look on his face and took him aside and told him that we had been wearing diapers for a while. He seemed like he was hurt and embarrassed at first but he quickly got over it and asked many questions. The questions were mostly about what his friends would think if they found out and what if he was teased at school. We assured him that it was nothing to be embarrassed about, that other kid’s parents in this town wore diapers regularly and there would be no problems at school. Once the questions were answered, he accepted it all and has been good ever since. I only wish we had been more open from the beginning. Jimmy already knows that we wear diapers at home. After all, he has had a few sleepovers and we are open about wearing them around the house. We don’t feel there is anything to hide and if our family and friends cannot accept what we wear then they are not really friends. We remain very discrete in public and don’t do anything embarrassing. Bob wears one to bed every night now because he began wetting the bed occasionally about a year ago. We suspect he did so on purpose. He offered one to Jimmy at the last sleepover but Jimmy did not take it. Jimmy will probably be much more accepting than you think. He probably already knows or at least suspects that something is up.”

              Artie and Cliff went to Jimmy’s room and waited until the boys reached a point in the game where they could pause. Then they started to explain to Jimmy what was happening. Jimmy said, “I know, Dad. Bob was telling me about the diapers. I already knew that he wore one to bed at night. I kind of suspected something was different when you had that big box you said were samples. I also saw Mom bring in packages from work one evening but pretended I was too involved in my homework to have seen anything. I was hoping you would tell me. Bob had already told me about his parents because he knew I would find out when I went to sleep over. That is why I made the remark about the older kids at the day care still wearing diapers – to see what you would say. I’m glad you have told me. You can stop trying to hide now.”

              Artie laughed and finished by saying, “We should know that we cannot hide anything from you guys. Let’s go cook some burgers.”

              “One second, Dad. Take a look at this that Bob showed me on the Sims.” Jimmy pressed a few keys and the Sims character’s pants started to turn yellow. “I can make the Sims pee their pants.” Then another character came over, made the first lie down and began to diaper the first character. “Isn’t this cool?!”

              Back in the yard the food was all prepared for cooking. The boys helped with the grill. Janice asked, “Well, how did it go?”

              Jimmy piped up, “We are good, Mom. Dad and Mr. Cliff and Bob told me all about what is happening and it is ok. In fact, Bob had brought a diaper for me to try, though I did not tell Dad about it.” With that, Jimmy pulled on the waistband of his pants to show that he had the diaper on. “It actually feels kind of good. “

              Bob asked, “Can Jimmy come over for a sleep over tonight? It would be fun.”

              “Why don’t you stay here tonight, instead? You can use a pair of Jimmy’s pajamas if you want and I have everything you will need if you or Jimmy want a night time diaper.”

              “That will be great, Mrs. Janice.”

              They all had a fun time that afternoon. As Cliff and Marsha said “good night”, Janice realized that she had not seen either of them excuse themselves to use the bathroom. Their house was only a couple of blocks away and they had walked over that afternoon, carrying a bag of Bob’s items for the night and a picnic basket of food for the cook out. As they walked down the drive and turned towards home Janice saw that each had the appearance of well padded rears and knew that they had on very wet diapers. She could easily see from behind that the diapers were sagging heavily but no leaks were visible on the outside. Both Cliff and Marsha looked very comfortable with the wet diapers on and showed no indication that there was an issue with walking home in the wet diapers. The boys retired to Jimmy’s bedroom to play some more computer games as Janice and Artie breathed a sigh of relief at how well the day had gone. Now they did not have to sneak around the house anymore. They could wear the diapers openly. It would be up to Jimmy to decide if he wanted to wear a diaper or not but they suspected that he would try them for a while. It was nice that the company allowed them to have any supplies the wanted or needed as a perk of the job.

              That evening the boys were sent to the bedroom to get ready for bed. Jimmy came into the family room to ask a question. There was no mistaking that he had a diaper on under his pajamas. Janice and Artie had also put on diapers, this time they used the cloth diapers and plastic pants, and were watching TV. Artie said, “Looks like we need to get some equipment since we all will be wearing the diapers now. We will at least need a proper diaper pail to contain the used ones and keep the odor down, especially if we will use cloth. And perhaps I should put up a line in the laundry room to hang the washed plastic pants to dry.” Janice replied, “I believe the company has a good diaper pail in their line of accessories. It even has a deodorizer built into the lid. I’ll get a couple on Monday. You can stop tomorrow at the hardware store for the clothes line.” Once the boys were asleep, Artie and Janice went to their own bedroom. Neither of them used the toilet before getting into bed. After all, why bother?


              • #22
                The Diaper Job continued last?

                This may be the last for a while. I have run out of ideas. open for suggestions.


                On Monday, Jimmy dressed “normally” and went on to school. He was to start at the day care center that afternoon and was looking forward to it. Janice and Artie went to work. Janice had on a disposable diaper. On this day she did not even pack her bag with her regular panties that she had been taking for the possibility that she would not want to wear diapers all day. She was making the transition into a full time wearer. The work week went very well. Each evening Janice and Artie would change from their work clothes into their comfortable shorts or jeans with a diaper underneath. They both had accepted that the diapers felt comfortable and brought back memories of a day when they felt secure and had no worldly worries. Towards the end of the week there was a parent-teacher meeting. Janice decided that she should not wear a diaper to the meeting as she did not want to be seen at the school with an obvious bulge. She dressed in her nice slacks and blouse outfit and headed for the school where she met up with Artie coming from his office. They were shown to a conference room and waited for the teacher. As they waited, Janice felt the urge to pee start to build but thought she was in no urgent trouble. Half way through the meeting Janice felt the urge become very strong and demanding of release. She had trouble concentrating on what the teacher was saying as she tried to hold it back. Her had involuntarily went down to hold herself and she began fidgeting, moving her legs and bouncing in the chair. She heard the teacher say, “My, you are just like some of my students. Are you alright?”

                “Well, I do need to use the restroom. Do you mind?”

                “No, go right ahead. There is a private one for the office just through that door over there.”

                Janice got up and quickly started for the door the teacher had pointed to. As she did, she felt a spurt of pee go into her panties. She quickly got into the restroom and shut and locked the door just as another spurt was released. She felt her panties becoming a bit damp now. She hurried to the toilet, unbuckled her slacks and sat down just as she lost all control. She had not had time to remove her panties which were now totally soaked with the stream not yet finished. As her pee slowed to a trickle, Janice regained her composure and thought, “Oh, dear! Now what do I do? My panties are soaking wet and I don’t have another pair or a diaper.” She reached into her purse which she had grabbed out of habit when she left the conference room. There was an empty Ziploc bag left from something that had been carried in it last week. “I’ll just have to go without panties until I can get back to the office. I hope nothing else happens.” She removed her panties, dried herself off and pulled on her slacks. She placed the panties in the bag, then in her purse. Janice looked at herself in the mirror to see if her lack of panties was too obvious but did not think so. Then she returned to the conference room, a bit embarrassed. “I’m sorry about that. I don’t know what came over me. That has never happened before and I hope it never does again.”

                They finished the meeting with a glowing report on Jimmy’s progress. As they left the building, Artie said to Janice, “You may be wearing the diapers a bit too much. It looks like you are losing some of your control. By the way, you are really something n those slacks with no panties on.”

                “What?! You can tell?”

                “You have no panty line but more importantly, you have what they call a camel toe because of the way the slacks conform to your shape. Most men find that a real turn on. I plan to show you this evening what it has done for me.”

                After getting into her car, Janice took the wet panties out of the baggie to look at them. “What have I done?” She found that the thought of her almost disastrous accident was turning her on. She looked down at her crotch to see what Artie was talking about. She clearly could see what he had called a camel toe. It did indeed look like the shape of what she thought a camel’s toe would be. She also could see that there was a small damp spot beginning to appear on her slacks from her juices that were beginning to flow. She put her hand there, lightly rubbing herself through the slacks just as she heard a tap on the car window that made her jump. Thankfully it was only Artie at the window. He had some papers in his hand that the teacher had given him.

                “Sorry I startled you but you may want to get out of this area before doing that,” he said to the very red-faced Janice. “Here are the papers we need to fill out and return to the teacher. There is information you need to enter about Jimmy’s new job. I’ll see you at home later.”

                Janice started the car. Janice had taken the whole day off from work so she decided to go right home. She had already arranged for Jimmy to get a ride home with Bob’s folks. Now she would have the day alone before Jimmy arrived. At home, Janice took the panties out to place them in the wash. Her slacks had become even more moist as she thought of what had happened that morning and what she looked like without the panties. Janice decided the slacks needed washing anyways, so why not have some fun. She lowered her slacks, pulled up the wet and cold panties and pulled the slacks on over them.

                With the panties back on there was no sign of the camel toe shape but there was an obvious wetness where the slacks soaked up some of the pee that was in the panties. She had plenty of time alone. She made some herbal iced tea to drink. Then she started to do some household chores that had been neglected since she took the job. As she sipped the tea, she could feel herself beginning to fill up once again. After about an hour and two large glasses of tea, Janice began to feel the need to pee once more. Her slacks no longer showed the dampness on the outside. She needed some items for dinner that evening so Janice decided to walk the four blocks to the local grocery store where she found the items quickly. The need to pee was becoming much more pronounced but she thought she could hold it until she got back to the house. She had not meant to have an accident in public and was determined to not let it happen. Though she was beginning to struggle with mild desperation, Janice still did not believe that the earlier accident was anything but a onetime occurrence. Surely she could hold her pee longer than that! “I just wish this place had more than one teller or that she would go a little faster!” Janice thought as she waited in the checkout line.

                Half way home, Janice knew that she would not be able to make it. She quickened her pace as she felt the first spurts enter her panties. The still damp panties became wet again. With the large shopping bag in one hand, her other hand went down to hold herself as she walked home. She was hoping that no one would see her at this point. Luckily none of her neighbors were out. Most were still at work. She felt the crotch of her slacks begin to get wet! She was losing control! As turned on as this made her, Janice began to wonder at her lack of control. After all, even though she had had so much to drink, she used to be able to drink two or three times that much and not need a bathroom. “Perhaps I am relying too much lately on those diapers. I may need to use them less. Or perhaps I will just need to always wear one to be safe. What a dilemma. I did not mean to lose control of my pee.”

                Just as she reached the doorstep, Janice felt all control leave her. Her panties were now very wet from the leaks that occurred as she walked. Her slacks had an obviously wet crotch. Janice fumbled for the front door key. The dark wetness on her slacks slowly became more prominent. Without getting the front door open, Janice ran around to the back yard before anyone could see her. She was still trying desperately to hold herself from totally flooding her pants. She placed the grocery bag on the patio table just as she lot all remaining control. The wet area on her slacks was expanding out through her crotch, along the creases and running down her legs. The pee was causing a shiny rivulet running from her crotch, along the outside of the fabric and down her legs. Janice could also feel the pee running down both legs inside the material of the slacks. Her hand was on her crotch where she felt the heat of the wet pee and the strength of the stream as it flowed from her. She could smell the musty aroma. As she peed, Janice was absently rubbing herself through the wet slacks and panties. She came with a shudder, forcing herself to not cry out loud for fear a neighbor might hear. A yellow pool of pee was on the patio where Janice stood. Even her stockings and shoes were wet.

                When it was all over, Janice sat down on a law chair to regain her composure enough to get the door open and enter the house. Without removing her soaking clothes, Janice put the groceries away and began to fix the items needed for dinner. Then she found a good book and went back out to the patio to relax, still wearing the wet slacks and panties. After all, what difference did it make now? By the time Jimmy and Artie arrived home, Janice’s slacks were completely dry and the panties had only a slight remaining dampness, mostly from the fact that Janice was again turned on by what she had done that day. She saw no need to change until bedtime came.

                Once Jimmy was in bed, Artie and Janice snuggled up to watch a movie. As happened in the meeting that morning, Janice began to feel the need to pee. She pushed at Artie in order to get up and use the bathroom but Artie would not budge. “Come on, Artie! I need to go!.”

                “You can wait until the movie is over. It is in a spot that I don’t want to pause now. It is just getting really good.”

                “Well, Just let me up and you can keep watching. I’ going to have an accident!” By now Janice was holding herself and bouncing around under Artie’s embrace.

                “No. I want you to watch with me. I am not going to spend ten minutes explaining what has happened.” What Artie really wanted to watch is what would happen with Janice. He wasn’t into the movie anyways. Their couch was leather and would be easy to wash off if it received any “spills”. The floor was hardwood and could also be washed. Artie would not let Janice up. Instead he moved his hand down to caress her leg, slowly moving up to her crotch where he could feel the moisture. He began to rub Janice and felt her pants become a bit warmer. Janice tried to push him away again saying, “I am really going to lose it! Let me go now!” But Artie would not stop. He had lost all interest in the movie at this point and was looking at Janice’s pants to see that her crotch was darker. He saw the dark area grow as Janice finally could not hold any longer. He felt the hot pee warm his hand and could hear the hissing even over the sound of the movie. The yellow liquid flowed right through the material of her panties and slacks and down to form a pool under her ass before soaking back into the slacks. The puddle even ran over to where Artie sat and he felt the warmth seeping into the jeans he had changed into after work. All this had made Artie very hard. He wanted to take Janice into the bedroom for more intense play. He got off the couch, picked Janice up in his arms and carried her into the bedroom, even while she was still dripping all the way. He not only had her pee on his rear, but it had also soaked him in the front while he carried her. He set Janice down, beginning to unbuckle her slacks. He pulled her blouse up, undid the buttons and removed it from her body. Then he finished releasing her slacks and let them fall to the floor. Artie then saw for the first time that she still had on the panties that had been wet by accident that morning, but they looked like they had been wet more than once, or twice as this would have been. He looked up at Janice questioningly.

                “Alright, you caught me. I have not used the toilet all day but just peed when the urge hit me. After all, my panties were already stained and my slacks had gotten wet, so why bother. I see that you are enjoying this as well.” With that she placed her hand on his hard penis and rubbed him through the jeans. “Don’t move!”, she said as she went to get the plastic sheet she had obtained for the bed. She spread the sheet on top of the bed and pushed Artie down backwards so he fell on his back. Then she undid his jeans and pulled them off, leaving his white briefs on. The wetness Artie had received from carrying Janice had not gone all the way through in the front but Artie’s ass was quite wet where it had soaked up the pee on the couch. Janice lowered her soaked pantied crotch down to Arties hard, brief covered penis. She began moving up and down along the length of the penis, feeling it throb and twitch beneath her. The briefs were absorbing the wetness from Janice’s panties. Then Artie felt warmth start to flow into his briefs and around his balls. Janice was peeing on him right there though there was not much left after her accident on the couch. He raised his head to see the small yellow stream coming from Janice’s panties just as he reached a height he had not known could exist. Artie came with force into his formerly white briefs at the same time that Janice also came. She collapsed with a sigh onto Artie. The both lay there, totally spent, for some time before rising to clean up and get ready for bed. After a shower together, Artie and Janice each put on cloth diapers and clear plastic pants and climbed into bed in just their diapers. They had no trouble getting to sleep that night.


                • #23
                  The Diaper Job continued "ideas"

                  Hiya, well all i can say is take it were it wants to go, let your mind wander, but just one idea is Janice and Artie go for full time diaper wearing along with there son, his friend also wants to go full time but his mom and dad are unsure, see were that idea takes you.


                  • #24
                    Some ideas

                    Very good story. Hopefully ideas start flowing. Here are a few ones that I'd like to see:
                    • Messy situation: one of the adults is forced to mess his/her nappy, and suddenly likes the situation.
                    • More plastic: the company is designing plastic clothing that covers more of the body and needs people to test them
                    • More latex: same as above
                    • Neighbourhood diaper fest: they found out that they were the last people not in diapers on their street and they organise a street party to celebrate
                    • New diaper models: the company develops a diaper that can be worn 24 hours, and they try it (and are hooked)



                    • #25

                      Some good ideas have been posted. I'll need to try out a couple. It may be a little while but atch for more. Thanks for the great feedback.


                      • #26
                        Did you give this one up bubba?


                        • #27
                          I came to an end of my ideas on this one and moved on. Perhaps I'll get back to it.

