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  • Type of people when holding number 2 [mingggo]


    cute korean girl acts out different ways of dealing with a poop desperation situation.........


    • Girl farts and poops


      cartoon of a woman at a gym farting and then having a poop accident in her shorts.....ending is great and hilarious
      Last edited by M_F; May 16, 2020, 04:17 AM.


      • Originally posted by M_F

        Pooped my pants ����*♀️
        Darcy Pearl

        three poop stories............the second reminds me of story i saw on toiletstool many years ago.....about a college girl who got a job through her family on road work site......she had to hold sign that says stop/go around road construction.....she had diarrhea and ended up pooping herself three times during the afternoon while the workers giggled at her poop stained pants....she was stuck holding the sign while she pooped her jeans
        Found the old post from toiletstool so i thought id share it here..................

        "Allison worked as a sign girl for a residential construction company in the summer time. She got the job through a friend of her family, or something like that. Allison told us one day that she wasn't feeling well, her stomach was really upset causing her to go to the porta-potty quite often with the diarrhea. One time when traffic was really bad, she said the cramps in her stomach became unbearable and she started going in her pants. She said it was only about 10 in the morning when she got sick in her pants. In her job as a sign girl, or a sign boy for that matter, they have to wear these light reflected smocks. The one Allie had on was long enough to cover her bum, unless she had to lean over to pick something up. Another problem she had was working in construction, all the men that would notice. She said that she tried to keep to herself as much as she could that day. She said that cleaning up was impossible with the limited room the porta-poties offered. So, she had to grin and bear it, or wear it for the entire day. Allie said that was easily the worst day of her life. She also said that she was sick about three more times in her pants that day. She said a few people did start to notice as the stain on her bum became bigger and started going down the insides of her legs, but no one said anything to her about it, not to her face anyway. "

        Last edited by M_F; May 28, 2020, 02:26 AM.


        • Confession videos:

          Girl poops her pants in public, with tame footage of the aftermath.


          Girl poops her pants on the first day of college.



          • That's the same link twice.


            • Originally posted by Caltom19
              Confession videos:

              Girl poops her pants in public, with tame footage of the aftermath.


              Girl poops her pants on the first day of college.

              nice catch!!!!!!!!!!!!! this might be the best confession video i've ever seen!!!!!!!!!! even the aftermath photos are great...........she looks very cute in her replacement shorts........ thank you!!!!!!!!!!!


              • Originally posted by ronnygermany
                That's the same link twice.
                Confession story: Girl poops her pants on the first day of college.



                • https://www.wetset.net/forums/showthread.php?p=71962

                  see this thread for a recreation of a woman who pooped her pants while stuck on a zoom call


                  • Woman Came Home Running After She Pooped Her Pants



                    • dumpert.nl/item/7480495_ff9afdb9

                      security camera footage from austriala of a woman who had to drop trou because she was having explosive diarrhea.............


                      • youtube.com/watch?v=Fx6U8EN6blQ
                        설사 방귀

                        from korean comedy show......two women are on an amusement park ride when one of them has to shit but can't get off the ride in time


                        • Poo-pouri shart


                          At 40 seconds in the mom sharts her pants


                          • a HD version of the Being Erica scene where fiona shamefully poops her pants in front of everyone



                            • Did she SHIT HER PANTS?? You be the JUDGE!!



                              • youtube.com/watch?v=PyBkY70Ztl4

                                Bridgette West Crap Her Pants In Time Square

