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Peeing in public can be dangerous (YT)

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  • Peeing in public can be dangerous (YT)

    Peeing woman attacked by bear:



  • #2
    Meanwhile, in Russia...

    Seriously though, I don't find public peeing arousing most of the time, but this video made me laugh my ass off so it was worth watching. I'm glad the lady got out of the situation (mostly) unharmed, because it looked like that thing could have mauled her pretty bad without even trying. Thanks for the vid.


    • #3
      That had to have been staged or something. Polar bears aren't exactly just prowling around... even in Russia.


      • #4
        I was actually wondering about that myself. I wish that we could see more of the surrounding area or at least get a tiny bit of context, because it seems really unlikely that someone's randomly going to get attacked by a polar bear while their friend is filming them take a piss, but at the same time that's clearly a real woman getting attacked by a real bear and I'm not sure what the point of staging something like this would be. "Let's somehow get hold of a polar bear, then film you getting attacked by it (while you've got your genitals exposed no less) from a distance with a crappy camera phone so we can put it on Youtube and make people lol!"


        • #5
          It appeared to be down in one of those pits at the zoo where they keep bears and lions etc.

          That being said it was still very obviously staged, the girl just got up and casually walked away like nothing happened. I don't care how much heroine you have shot up your veins, that girl would have climbed the walls like a bolt of lightning and been screeching to high heaven.


          • #6
            Is it a zoo pit? I thought so for a moment, but it also looked a lot like a really shitty backalley so I couldn't be sure. You're probably right about it being faked in some respect (because you'd have to be insane in order to react the way that woman did), but the actual part where the bear was attacking her was definitely not fake and pretty intense as well. Could be that the zoo employees decided to fuck around one day and film it, now that I think about it. It'd explain why she had access to the pit to start with, and why the bear didn't rip her limb from limb while she simultaneously seemed semi-comfortable around it. Or maybe not, we'll likely never know.


            • #7
              Around the 19 second mark it looks like someone wings a piece of wood at the bear or something similar, which is when it backs off. And what is that woman carrying? A pink stuffed dinosaur? Her blankie? Whatever it was she made sure to bring it with her, but apparently didn't have time to pull up her pants, which might have helped her to run faster. Not that she seemed in much of a hurry anyway, since she laid there for a few seconds after the bear backed off, unlike a normal human who would have evaporated the second they got a break. That whole thing just makes 0% sense. To top it off, at least on my computer, the sound was garbled. Gets my vote for WTF Video of the Month.


              • #8
                next time I pee up against a tree, I'll keep an eye out for squirrels after my nuts.....


                • #9
                  I don't find public pissing arousing either. . . but it's certainly worth the excitement and good laugh you get afterwards. For these two reasons I find pissing in public one of my favorite things to do because it's a rush and very funny.

