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Gisela faz chichi nas calças - Masterplan YT

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  • Gisela faz chichi nas calças - Masterplan YT

    (Small wetting)


  • #2
    Could anyone translate and explain what's going on here? It would be nice if we could find more. You never know, there might be a desperate scene leading up to the (what I assume is) a wetting in the full episode.


    • #3
      Nice find. Really sexy. I like the way she twirls her peed panties around.


      • #4
        Check out this one. Same woman. I like the noises she makes, seems like she was desperate. Strange way to "solve" her problem though.



        • #5
          Sorry here is another of her desperate. I wonder what this show is and the story behind it. Seems to be a trend.



          • #6
            These are good. It's at times like this I wish I wasn't an ignorant Englishman and could speak Italian.

            Could some kind soul translate these? I'd love to hear what she's saying.


            • #7
              Reality Show

              Dude... it's Portuguese.

              Most stuff in Portuguese that you find on YouTube is from Brazil. The population of Brazil is around 200 million, and the population of Portugal is around 10 million.

              But this video is actually from Portugal. It's a clip from a Portuguese reality show. Portuguese as in "from Portugal," not just the language.

              The show is called O Grande Mestre, or Master Plan.

              Here's a link to a description of the show on Wikipedia:


              Ummm... Ooookaaaaay. The Wikipedia entry is also in Portuguese. (What a surprise.)

              Here's what it says:

              Masterplan was a reality show produced by SIC in 2002, and directed by Herman Jose and Marisa Cruz. This reality show featured Gisela Serrano, who came to be known as something of a "wild woman." The show followed, for 24 hours, the life of a couple, who during one day, had to complete some rather extraordinary tasks. The theme song of this reality show was called "Sigo a Viagem", by the girl band Gemeas.
              The name of the song means "I'm following the journey." The name of the band, in English, is "Twins."

              I don't have time to try to translate the dialogue in the video right now... maybe later.



              • #8
                Forgive my ignorance, I don't know where I got the idea it was Italian from. I think I knew an Italian woman called Gisela once, it must have stuck.


                • #9
                  Did anyone happen to save these? They've gone from Youtube.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Mr Jameson
                    Did anyone happen to save these? They've gone from Youtube.
                    Nice bump, mate.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Mr Jameson
                      Did anyone happen to save these? They've gone from Youtube.
                      At your service... http://www.sendspace.com/file/zycexi



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by pissant
                        Nice bump, mate.
                        I don't allow time to get in the way of a good wank.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by pipi
                          At your service... http://www.sendspace.com/file/zycexi

                          Cheers for that broseph.


                          • #14
                            I'll take a crack at interpreting his clip although I never saw the show.

                            It appears that the couple is traveling and has come to a rest stop. The gal didn't make it to the toilet before leaking in her pants and comes out telling her companion that she peed her pants. The wetting is obvious.

                            The guy gives her his pants, and she goes back into he hut to change. She comes out twirling her wet panties, but now, perhaps because someone else has arrived, she says it was water.

                            As I recall, a couple of other clips from the show were cited on the board a few months ago. One was a bed wetting and the othr a different pants wetting. Evidently, one of the directors liked our kink.

