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Belgium TV personality describes 2 wetting accidents in her new book

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  • Belgium TV personality describes 2 wetting accidents in her new book

    Belgium singer and TV host Evi Hanssen stopped drinking alcohol and wrote a book about the benefits. In the book 'Sinds ik niet meer drink' she describes 2 wetting accidents. I managed to capture some portions of the book, using Google books. Since I grew up in Belgium, I can still read most of it. Below there's a Google translation of the best parts.

    https://books.google.com/books?id=e2...cover&dq=Sinds +ik+niet+meer+drink&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepa ge&q=Sinds%20ik%20niet%20meer%20drink&f=false

    Video of Evi Hanssen on YouTube:


    evi hanssen_02.jpg

    evi hanssen01.jpg

    Google translation:

    It was a nice evening, as far as I can remember. we had the
    most diverse conversations: from The Lord of the Rings to the sustainable
    insulating roofs and whether there is life after death. At the end of
    the evening Belgian politics was discussed, and I vaguely remember that
    I then reinvented the entire electoral system on my own. According to
    my friend I thought that was such a good idea of mine that I used it all the time
    spoke, speaking loudly and repeating myself. Apparently the others were
    guests there for bacon and beans, because I simply didn't listen anymore
    to the arguments of the host and hostess. Finally we had to
    walk home because I was too drunk to cycle - cycling and drinking
    don't go together - and along the way I laughed so hard I peed my pants.
    Not much. Yet, after two deliveries and past forty
    turns out my bladder is not completely waterproof, especially if I drink too much
    My friend even filmed part of our nighttime adventure.
    While I open my eyes with difficulty and feel like a very old man
    erects in bed, he shows me the film in question with amusement. I see
    standing myself, under the yellow light of a lamppost, wobbling on my
    legs, leaning sideways against a façade. I'm holding my bicycle handlebars, but
    the front tire is turned towards me, so I am trapped between the wall
    and bicycle. I'm too drunk to solve this simple problem and so I stand
    there to laugh and laugh a little. Until I finally manage to
    turning the steering wheel away from me and then very carefully, foot
    for foot, in supreme concentration and with one eye closed, a few
    step forward. Then the video stops. My friend is watching me with
    a broad grin and caresses my throbbing head, as you would with a
    toddler does. But I don't find this funny at all, not anymore.

    __________________________________________________ _____________________________________

    We then went on a journey with the team of 3 with a van
    along the coast of Portugal. A tiring but enjoyable journey, which happened to be
    ended on my birthday. My dear colleagues had at midnight
    the van decorated with streamers, cake and champagne. I see myself in the picture
    with a huge bottle of champagne to my mouth, while the foam over my
    clothes dripping. On the chocolate cake I hold with the other hand and
    that just doesn't fall, is the number 41. The video and the photo - which I of course
    shared with the rest of the world without embarrassment - shouting: 'Look at me
    once, wonderfully drunk enjoying life.'
    What's not there, because I've repressed that thought a bit, is
    that later that night in the back seat of the van I peed my pants.
    At least, I vaguely remember that. Apparently alcohol works like
    a muscle relaxant, I read when I type the words 'pee drunk' on
    google. That's why drunk people sometimes drop to their knees when they
    get up from their seats. But other muscles also relax, such as the
    sphincter around your bladder, especially if you drink very large amounts. I
    suddenly remember a photo of ex- Spice Girl and fashion designer Victoria
    Beckham, because I recognized myself in it with shame at the time. Not trough
    her anorectic body or the zeros in her bank account, but because of her
    appearance in the sewer press. At the launch of one of her collections
    she stumbled out of the dub at night, supported by her husband
    David. She was wearing dark sunglasses, probably because of the flashes of the
    avoid rushing paparazzi. Victoria wore a stylish dark
    jeans, which clearly showed a dark wet circle between her
    legs. It was clear that the ex- Spice Girl had peed her pants.
    Well, it was hard to deny. The photo went viral at the time, was in
    all the tabloids in the world and is still on the world wide web.
    Victoria never responded to that photo in question, I read in the
    trade press.
    As I put my phone down and push my fiancé on his side so that he
    stops snoring, I wonder if my dear colleagues noticed
    the next day whether a dark circle was also visible on the
    seat in the back of the van. Like Victoria, I decide not to do it anyway
    to respond, should it ever come up.

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    Last edited by dalton; February 18, 2022, 11:40 PM.