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The Fallout - 2021 - Jenna Ortega soaks her grey cut-off sweatpants

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  • The Fallout - 2021 - Jenna Ortega soaks her grey cut-off sweatpants

    A high school girl has to go the bathroom, but tries to hold it because she's traumatized by a school shooting, in which she had to hide in the school's bathroom. When someone crushes a cola-can, she wets her grey cut-off sweatpants, causing dark stains down her thighs and causing her her to walk stiff-legged.

    I did not watch the whole movie yet, but it seems to be a good movie and well-acted. The actress was 18 or 19 at the time of filming.

    the fallout 2021_cut

    02:13 20.2 MB 720 x 400


    the fallout 2021_02.jpg
    the fallout 2021_03.jpg

  • #2
    What a cutie!! Thanks for sharing!!


    • #3
      The facial expressions as she starts to pee are exceptional. We probably actually get to see her pee in the Director's cut. Or the Japanese version.


      • #4
        Yeah, I like this one too. The combination of pluses makes it a rare clip:

        - Good movie
        - Good pee scene
        - Good actress
        - Good looking, cute actress
        - Good movie-rip (not ripped by me, though)

        The actress is still young (almost 20y) but already has played in many films and series. I think we will see more from her in the future. She deserves it!

        Here's a GIF of the scene. Right click or click on the link below, for a bigger GIF:

        Last edited by dalton; April 9, 2022, 01:30 AM.


        • #5
          J'adore !!!!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Peevert View Post
            We probably actually get to see her pee in ... the Japanese version.
            In the Japanese version of "The Professional", Leon sleeps with Matilda. He doesn't have sex with her, he just sleeps with her. But still, that would have had American audiences running from the theater screaming and peeing their pants (and not in a fun way).

