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Where is our fearless leader?

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  • Where is our fearless leader?

    PATCHES!! Where are you?

  • #2
    I thought Paul was our fearless leader, although no one has seen him since 2016. He’ll forever be a legend for creating this site and forum though. It’s now 23 years that I’ve been coming here to chat with likeminded people


    • #3
      Well, Paul is the fearless leader of WetSet, with Nikki perhaps his ... vice president? Then again we have a female vice president here who can't complete a sentence without giggling (and not in a cute way) so maybe this is a bad time for female vice presidents. So Nikki is... his Secretary of Videography!

      But PATCHES... She goes beyond the confines of this board (and she goes in her panties at movies, but I digress). PATCHES is the leader of peeverts and peeversions in all the known universe!!


      • #4
        i been here since 1997 got the very first copy of wet set,, where is Paul ??


        • #5
          Originally posted by inspectorwet View Post
          i been here since 1997
          I also remember the days of black and green...

          (you've got a few years on me, I've floated around here and other places since I reckon 1999 or 2000...)


          • #6
            I assure you that Paul is fine. He has a life outside of Wet Set and he's been very busy. That's all.


            • #7
              Originally posted by 2prnot2p View Post
              I assure you that Paul is fine. He has a life outside of Wet Set and he's been very busy. That's all.
              Best wishes to him


              • #8
                I can assure you that your fearless leader (and the Vice President) are both alive and well. As has been pointed out, I’m just kinda busy. My latest task, sadly, is to shred thousands upon thousands of printed magazines dating back to 1993. We need the space. I bought the most expensive shredder I could afford, but it’s still not up to the job. I did try getting a quote from a professional shredding place, but after showing initial interest, they must have looked at the website! I don’t suppose anyone wants a mountain of Wet Set magazines?


                • #9
                  I'll take them....

                  I don't even need you to shred them first :P


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Wet Set View Post
                    I don’t suppose anyone wants a mountain of Wet Set magazines?
                    Yes, someone does!! Shipping to the US might be cost prohibitive. 1 or 2 copies of each issue would be sufficient and would also be amazing!!

                    Coincidentally, I stumbled upon one two nights ago, which I bought at a local very open minded newsstand in downtown Fort Lauderdale. I'm not sure if the newsstand is still around. If it is, the owner might be willing to pay the shipping, or maybe outright buy them from you, because he can sell them.

                    Paul, please let me know.


                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by Peevert; February 24, 2023, 02:27 PM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Peevert View Post

                      Yes, someone does!! Shipping to the US might be cost prohibitive. 1 or 2 copies of each issue would be sufficient and would also be amazing!!

                      The cost of shipping to the US would be astronomical One box is heavy to lift, and there are about 35 of them. And then you have customs. Arranging such a thing would be a logistical nightmare.

                      I could possibly do 1 or 2 copies of those that remain, assuming he wants them, and assuming he would pay the shipping cost, but you’d have to find out first.



                      • #12
                        Regardless of how many are sent, I would like a small amount per magazine in addition to the shipping cost. That’s not for the magazines per se, but for my time and effort. At the moment they are all in old boxes haphazardly piled in a mountain, so you can imagine the degree of difficulty just finding 1 or 2 copies of each.

                        To send a large quantity would require the services of an international freight company. I think the maximum for regular post offices is 2kg. Arranging a whole pallet load with a freight company would not be an easy task. I expect the paperwork alone would be huge job.

                        It would be ironic to send a stack of magazines to the US now after I spent 20 years trying to find a distributor. The most common rejection reason was that they were metric and wouldn’t fit on imperial sized shelves, WTF!


                        • #13
                          I also remember the black and green forum. That forum format was the common forum design in those days. I think it was inspired by Usenet, which was the beginning of Internet forums. Plain and simple. I wonder if it's still available. If they only good bring it back...

                          Originally posted by xxxxx View Post

                          I also remember the days of black and green...

                          (you've got a few years on me, I've floated around here and other places since I reckon 1999 or 2000...)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Wet Set View Post

                            I could possibly do 1 or 2 copies of those that remain, assuming he wants them, and assuming he would pay the shipping cost, but you’d have to find out first.

                            Okay, the newsstand is still there. I know the first thing he’ll ask is cost. Let me know what… let’s say 3 copies of each would cost for shipping. I’ll let you know what he says.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Peevert View Post

                              Okay, the newsstand is still there. I know the first thing he’ll ask is cost. Let me know what… let’s say 3 copies of each would cost for shipping. I’ll let you know what he says.
                              This is very approximate because each magazine has a slightly different weight (I took an average of 8 different mags) plus there’s the weight of the box which I don’t know yet. And on top of that you’ve got daily exchange rate variations.

                              There are about 26 issues still available, so that’s 3 x 26 = 78. Including the box, 78 magazines will weigh about 9kg, and the shipping cost in USD shouldn’t be more than about $107. If I was to ask for $2 each for my trouble, that’s a total cost of about $263 or $3.37 each.

                              I see the price he’s charging is $10.95, so there’s plenty of room for profit.

