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Does anyone else wet in public?

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  • Does anyone else wet in public?

    This is something I’ve done for years. I always use what appears to be a legitimate cover story… the easiest is being drunk!

    What does everyone else do!

  • #2
    I do, and so does my wife. Her cover stories are always easier, but like you being drunk is easiest for me. The train is a good one as there's simply no toilets...


    • #3
      I think a good cover story is absolutely essential otherwise it becomes clear it’s a kink or someone being weird which isn’t cool.

      Ive tried petrol stations before after being stuck in traffic but being drunk it’s definitely my norm.


      • #4
        Ah yeah the servo one, I've done that, especially good when they're locked... I've also done it after a movie, rushing to the toilet...


        • #5
          I've been known to take advantage of abdominal ultrasound appointments and overnight stays in hospital.


          • #6
            Similar to your locked petrol station door situation, Aloo, the only time I wet in public (recently anyway) was on a long solo car trip. I'd bought an incontinence pad to sit on in the driver's seat, and earlier in the journey I held on until I couldn't anymore and found a place to pull off and change my pants. The thing, for me, about holding on until I can't, is that subsequently my bladder capacity and control is greatly reduced, so I run the risk of an unintentional accident. That's kind of what happened in this case. I was dying for a piss when I finally got off the highway in a medium sized city (Ann Arbor, Michigan, for those who are interested). I needed to stop at a store there but I realized I couldn't make it that far and looked for someplace I could stop. Traffic was heavy. I finally pulled into a shopping center. There was a sandwich shop there and I needed a bite too, but mostly a restroom. I pulled into a parking spot and almost lost it right then and there. Too many people around for me to change out of drenched pants in public. I hobbled over to the sandwich shop. The men's room had a sign that said it was for customers only. I waved at the guy behind the register and shouted that I'd buy something in a minute. I went inside and turned to lock the door and that's when the floodgates opened. I was peeing as I tried to get my dick out of my fly. I managed to get most of it into the toilet but there was a huge (dinner plate sized) wet spot at my crotch and down one leg of my shorts. I'm sure the employee saw my wet crotch but fortunately the counter was high enough that I could hide behind it. I got a sandwich to go, and went back to my car. On my way across the parking lot, several people obviously saw that I'd peed my pants.

            What this taught me is that the door doesn't have to be locked to stage an accident

            -- AT


            • #7
              Originally posted by Aloo View Post
              This is something I’ve done for years. I always use what appears to be a legitimate cover story… the easiest is being drunk!
              Wait - you can pee your pants in a bar and just say you’re drunk and that resolves it? WTF have i’ve been missing out on all these decades?!

              I wet in public every chance I get. I’ve wet 5 or 6 times in my seat at a movie (although I’m trying to avoid cushion seats so no one has to sit in my pee). Blame Patches for my movie peeing, she got me started. I’ve also peed my pants many times at an outdoor mall, and many times in my car when I pull in my driveway.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mick View Post
                I've been known to take advantage of abdominal ultrasound appointments and overnight stays in hospital.
                I had an abdo ultrascan recently but couldn't wet for the life of me, even tho I was busting ‍♂️


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Peevert View Post

                  Wait - you can pee your pants in a bar and just say you’re drunk and that resolves it? WTF have i’ve been missing out on all these decades?!

                  No, just get so drunk that it’s pretty obvious I’m in a bad way. Then there’s no explanation needed, people can see for themselves… Can’t walk well, can hardly stand up straight, slurred words. I don’t drink often so it doesn’t take much for me to be pretty drunk and Im also a lot braver when drunk lol. In truth, I’m usually drunk but not super drunk when I wet in public, but it’s not hard to act super drunk when you’re halfway there anyway and you have a stream running down your leg.

                  I’ve only ever wet myself a couple of time actually inside a bar and even then, it was only enough to show on my clothing, I wasn’t leaving puddles or ruining seats. Still very exciting to get caught though.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Aloo View Post

                    Still very exciting to get caught though.
                    Absolutely! I’m always hoping attractive young woman will see me when I’m doing it. Maybe ask me why I did it.

                    I’d probably say something like “I was comfortable sitting here, didn’t feel like getting up.” or “I didn’t want to miss the end of the movie.” it would be interesting to see her reaction.

                    I quit drinking decades ago when I was having a liver problem, but maybe I should start again so I can pee my pants in bars.


                    • #11
                      Hmmm.. this appears to be my department.

                      Long walks on a warm day in shorts, usually dry enough by the time you return its the perfect crime, or not hurrying at all during a summer shower - then you can just let lose all you like, even if it is noticable, everyone will be too busy rushing around avoiding the rain to pay much attention, or gardening in the evening where who can say if it is a shadow or a wet spot,

                      [or for some /girls/ the favourites is the short skirt - a girl in one of those can get away with everything from sitting or standing on grass, walking, bike riding, or just sitting over the gap on a park bench, or sit forward on any chair or stool anywhere poorly lit, in a corner or under a booth/tablecloth. Then there is everyones favourite... a visit to the beach, every crime can be explained away as sea water.. even if you have not even gone near the break water. Hell as long as it is after dark a girl can literally drop her pants anywhere she likes so long as she pretends to have been drinking and get away with it.]
                      Last edited by Enkil; January 15, 2024, 04:38 PM.


                      • #12
                        Would anyone like to witness a public wetting of a 40 year old fat guy in the Midlands, UK, next Saturday 2 March?


                        • #13
                          Always. If I am out and need to pee I will wet myself. I always do it discreetly, and I dress to wet so it won't show, but if I am clubbing, at the bar, at the cinema, or just shopping I will be wetting too.

