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R.I.P PeeTeeVee

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  • R.I.P PeeTeeVee

    Sorry to say it but no new content has been added in ages, sad to see it was a good site, still plenty of good old content still there.

    On another note does anyone know where a video file of this can be downloaded or viewed.
    http://imagetwist.com/84f1vdyd9v91/1...12444.gif.html instead of like in a Gif format?

  • #2
    Originally posted by willlowtreelovespee
    Sorry to say it but no new content has been added in ages, sad to see it was a good site, still plenty of good old content still there.

    On another note does anyone know where a video file of this can be downloaded or viewed.
    http://imagetwist.com/84f1vdyd9v91/1...12444.gif.html instead of like in a Gif format?
    A real good jeans wetting there ! ! She really soaked those jeans ! ! Sorry I can't help you on where to go to find this clip . Except to check High Tide , Glimpse , possible I Need 2 Pee , maybe .

    As best as I can tell on that clip I viewed . One other thought . Maybe Patches , might be able to help in this particular case . Only if she isn't too busy now a days to lend a hand at where this clip came from .

    You might check also , Patches Place , She has a good selection of those types of clips like this particular one shown .

    Hope that helps you in your search for where this clip came from .

    Dusty Harold


    • #3
      It's clearly a video of Skymouse, so legally I couldn't tell you where to find it.


      • #4
        Originally posted by liesje
        It's clearly a video of Skymouse, so legally I couldn't tell you where to find it.
        Sky Mouse is represented as a producer listed on , Patches Place In her video section . You might want to check that out , if you wish . You might find it there under the Sky Mouse titles of videos at Patches Place .

        just a tip , to aid you on your search for this video .

        Dusty Harold


        • #5
          It is definitely a Skymouse clip but it is not from any DVD I recognize. It may be from one of the clips that Skymouse sells on his site.


          • #6
            Originally posted by liesje
            It's clearly a video of Skymouse, so legally I couldn't tell you where to find it.
            Why not? Tell us it is such and such a video number from Skymouse and then anyone can join his site and find the video. I am sure he wouldn't mind you sending new paying members his way.


            • #7
              I was trying to find a place to view it for free but yeah. I think that's frankie babe doing the wetting. (she follows me on twitter btw)
              But yeah I'll check anywhere


              • #8
                Originally posted by willlowtreelovespee
                On another note does anyone know where a video file of this can be downloaded or viewed.
                Are you sure you want to see more? It's one of Skymouse's, if you get a wide angle, you might be able to see the water hose in the back of her pants.


                • #9
                  I don't care if it's fake, as long as it looks real enough to work


                  • #10
                    I can't watch any skymouse material anymore. He broke the unwritten cardinal rule of pee porn: no faking it. He's totally lost credibility. How can anyone take him seriously after that?


                    • #11
                      Which ones are faked? Any obvious clips?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by willlowtreelovespee
                        Sorry to say it but no new content has been added in ages, sad to see it was a good site, still plenty of good old content still there.
                        Um... you know how PeeTeeVee works right? You can start adding new content any time you'd like.

                        ...and actually there is new content. There have been several recent pictures added there. Oh you meant videos. Yeah, it's been like 35 days since anyone uploaded a video. Yep, dead, guess we can kiss that site goodbye...



                        • #13
                          Yeah I know how it works. But no one had put anything there in over a month.

