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Well....It finally happened

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  • Well....It finally happened

    Well it finally happened. I was at work today and was cleaning the womens bathroom and i had a women enter it. I was about ready to leave when i saw her head towards it. So I hid in a stall...took out the camera phone and recorded her peeing in a toilet. I will up load to You tube when i can. Other wise.....what a great end to a work day!!

  • #2
    darn it.....can't hear the pee hit the toilet water. Too much background noise to be able to hear it. Next time i'll close the door.


    • #3
      Hey, here's an idea- How about just doing such with women who are willing participants, as compared to invading the privacy of the unsuspecting?
      How would you feel if that was your Mom, wife, sister, or girlfriend?
      Please think about it.
      This is one of those things that's not only illegal, it's actually WRONG!


      • #4
        I must say this , to me catching a glimpse or watching a girl / woman pee is something to behold , if given a chance to do so for my pleasure as well as hers . If she gets turned on by some one watching her peeing .

        Though what you have described in this thread is pretty close to that of invasion of privacy .

        Granted that she might not have cared about being observed while relieving herself in the toilet .

        Though in most cases most women would have screamed . Had they known that they were being watched or that of being filmed without their consent to it being done .

        I understand the thrill of catching a unsuspecting Girl / Woman in peeing ! ! Though show some restraint and respect for a person's privacy in most cases .

        Yours , was being in there at the moment it occurred , by accident . It's the cases where some one plants a hidden video cam . That I really object to .

        I Hope some of the girls / women will chime in with their thoughts on this as well . To get views from both sides of the fence , so to speak of .

        One last thing . You were at the right place at the right time to experience this . Glad you were able to enjoy it !

        Dusty Harold!


        • #5
          Originally posted by cupper
          Well it finally happened. I was at work today and was cleaning the womens bathroom and i had a women enter it. I was about ready to leave when i saw her head towards it. So I hid in a stall...took out the camera phone and recorded her peeing in a toilet. I will up load to You tube when i can. Other wise.....what a great end to a work day!!
          So did you cum while while wanking as you made up this story in your mind?

