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When did your fetish start?

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  • When did your fetish start?

    When did your fetish start? For me it was when i was a teen. I was working at mcdonalds at the time. And i was in charge of cleaning and up keep of the lobby area...which also meant cleaning the bathrooms. You were supposed to keep the bathroom doors open while you were in one or the other. Well, one day i popped in to the women's bathroom and there were two girls in there. They had stated they were done using it and i could come in and check it out. I forgot to prop the door open while i was in there. This young women comes running in there, barely sees me because she has to pee so badly, runs into the stall drops her drawers, releases a nice stream into the toilet and says.."ahhhhh....nice hot stream of pee coming down." Since then....I have been hooked on girls peeing into toilets and desperation.

  • #2
    2.5-3 years of age... not exactly sure


    • #3
      Like above, not sure, but I suspect my interest was formed in infancy or perhaps during potty training which was early.


      • #4
        For me it was early teen years in school . When I saw a girl class mate wet herself by accident right in front of me ! ! Out of pure desperation of not be able to hold it in any longer .

        This was way before the inter net got started . So I was at a lost at finding information or some one I could confide in . Until one day after I had finally been able to get on the web with my own computer . So many years later .

        That I made contact with , Patches , of , Patches Place . did I find some one to confide in about my pee fetish . That of friendship she extended to me for the time we both corresponded with each other over our shared interests in this pee fetish we both have . I'm so glad that I could finally confide in some one who shared the same interests as I did .

        Thank You , Patches , You're a Most Wonderful Friend indeed that I appreciate what you had extended to me .

        That's my story and I'll stick to it being true and how I got interested in the pee fetish I now enjoy ! !

        Dusty Harold


        • #5
          My Fetish started whe I was young I was at my friends house and we were hanging out like we usually did.At the time he lived in a ranch house with one bathroom.We were in the kitchen when he said he had to go to the bathroom and said when he was done we would go out and play.I was waiting in the kitchen for him when his mom came in the door in a hurry from work and she went to use the bathroom but her son was in so she came in the kitchen and sat down and started talking with me.she was asking what we were going to do and that she as going to start dinner so John would only be able to play outside for an hour.My friends mom at that time I thought was a very pretty lady she was about 40 very thin and petite.she was wearing white pants and a blue top.Well we were talking in the kitchen and she looked really uncomfortable and always fidgeting but at the time I thought nothing of it.It was like 5 or 10 minuetes and my friend was not comming out of the bathroom and suddenly my friends mom got all quiet and I heard like water running on the floor and I just looked at my friends mom and she was bright red in the face and she said oh damn.I just said whats wrong and she just said I couldn't wait.I still didn't really know what she meant but when she got up to get some paper towels I seen the back of her pants were all wet and she started cleaning up the chair and the floor.I just said as when we are young we just blurt things out I said did you pee in your pants.She just said Tommy we all have accidents even us adults but no one has to know about it so let's keep this our little secret.I knew she was really embaressed about it so I never said anything to anybody about it.after she was done cleaning the chair and the floor she walked back to her bedroom to change and thats when my friend came back out and we just hung out in the kitchen.His mom eventually came back out and she was carrying some close and she started to do wash o I guess she wanted to wash her clothes that she had the accident in right away.Ever since that day I think I have had this fetish.


          • #6
            For as long as I can remember, I've been intrigued by wetting. I can still recall some scenes from nursery school--about 4 years old for those in the US. That's more than half a century for me. So you younger readers have a lot to look forward to.


            • #7
              fetish start

              I've shared before in these threads but mine started back in the first grade when we were all sitting on the floor for story time. A few feet away, a girl classmate groaned loudly and started to get up but it was too late. I could see a strong stream squirting out of her panties as she couldn't stand up all the way but stayed in a squat as she peed a very large puddle on the linoleum floor. The teacher came over with several paper towels and covered the puddle until a janitor could come in and mop it up. Later in third grade, a girl sitting in front of me in a red summer dress during quiet time wet herself. She never let on what she was doing, she just quietly peed and I noticed a darkish yellow liquid around her bum that dripped onto the floor. When study time was over, it was time for recess and she got up and straightened her dress, pulling the wet part away from her bum and walked to the door. The teacher quietly told her she just needed to say something to her when she needed to go to the bathroom. Guess, I've been fascinated by bodily functions ever since then!


              • #8
                Mine started in 1990, after reading several stories about watersports in adult magazines. I got up the nerve to ask my wife for a shower and she replied, "Oh, I don't know if I could ever do that!"

                Eighteen months later, to my surprise, she brought it up during sex. And, she gave me a shower. I got another one a month later too. Sadly, she refused after that. Can't blame her, at least she tried it and did it for me.

                That's my true story.


                • #9
                  Hi everyone.

                  For me it was when I was 5 years old My dad died when I was 2 so was brought up by just my mum we were traverling up to her parents my grandparents home "castle almost" in Scotland for Christmas the M6 motorway was just moving at snail pace for miles and miles so we could not stop or even get off! I got more and more desperate normally we had a plastic potty aboard for such emergences at this age but mum had forgot to put it in the car In the end after such a valiant battle trying to hold on I just started to wee-wee in my pants and tracksuit bottoms and the red Rover car leather back seat! Mum who was also so loving and kind made such a fuss of me saying how brave I was trying to hold out so long. I remember this all so vividly I did not just let go and wet but had being doing little involuntary spurts of pee in my pants for ages but just some how managing to stop each time after a spurt as at 5 I had very good hold it powers already but as my pants got damper and damper! It made me feel all funny inside excited worried, naughty, at doing such a very taboo thing! Now having been potty trained at a very early age as kids were often in the early 1970's none of this disposable stuff or pull ups or what ever then I had been flying solo since before the age of 2 in big's boys pants and I can never remember a wetting! Night or day. I'm sure there must have been some you just don't remember at this very early age!

                  I remember when the flood finally came and I could just not stop a spurt and my stream just got stronger and stronger in my pants I just very young child like bursts in to floods of tears but it felt so lovely and wet and warm and filled the car with that lovely smell of fresh warm pee It made my tummy feel all excited at doing some thing so naughty even by total accident!

                  When we finally got off the M6 on to an A road and found a lay by and could pull in and stop I thought mum was going to be so cross and mad with me for having wee-weed my pants tracksuit and even more the car seat! But she was just loving and hugged me when she got to me in the back seat and called me her poor little wet man and made such a fuss of me saying how well I had done to hold on so long I think I enjoyed this immense attention at doing something I thought was just so very naughty and as I say very taboo. But as I say this was a genuine accident I could have not held on any longer! I just remember being sodden and if felt kind of nice down there being warm and very wet with pee! My mum pulled my wet tracksuit bottoms and pants down and said did my willy want to do any more wee! I sprayed another long stream by the back wheel of the car and mum said poor darling you were so full! Lucky as we were stopping we had all our luggage so had plenty of spare cloths with us for me to change. And before we set off again my mum pulled her navy tight blue ski pants and panties down and squatted down to also do a long pee by the back car door in full view of me! I had seen mum go pee-pee many times before this and after! This also fascinated me she did not have a willy and did such a hissy pissy spray I thought! After this a Boot's plastic travel potty with its own lid was kept under the front seat permanently and I did use this right up to about 9 or 10 even on really long car journeys if I got desperate and there was no way of stopping on the motorway etc. The car went in to have the seats valeted and you would have never known I had pissed my pants on the red leather seat when it came back.

                  The next summer while desperate and no loo's in site on a deserted South Devon beach mum told me I could just do a wee in my tight nylon red swim trunks when ever I needed to go whilst we were on the beach! I held on again and got this same lovely full funny feeling in my tummy and then the thrill again of wetting in my swim trunks! I was hooked and would hold on as long as possible and then pee my swim trunks whenever on the beach! In my teens this whole pee think got sexual and I would often wet my sports kit in the bath and masturbate there after! Think I have been lucky my long term partner Becky in the 1980's and early 90's who not in to pee what so ever would often treat me to a wetting as she new it just made me so excited the first time she wet her bikini panties for me in some private sand dunes and the sex we had that followed was the best ever! Love reading how others got in to this whole pee thing!

                  Last edited by kevy19; February 2, 2013, 10:44 PM.


                  • #10
                    Ever since I was a pre-teen I found girls peeing their pants fascinating. I witnessed several girls peeing their pants in school. As soon as I reached my teenage years and a girl wet her pants in class I got an instant boner and I associated girls pants peeing and peeing in general as a sexual thing and when I was 14 I wet my own pants for the first time and I liked it so much that I haven't stopped since. Still looking for a lady to wet my pants with or give me a golden shower.


                    • #11
                      As soon as I reached my teenage years and a girl wet her pants in class I got an instant boner
                      mine started back in the first grade when we were all sitting on the floor for story time. A few feet away, a girl classmate groaned loudly and started to get up but it was too late. I could see a strong stream squirting out of her panties as she couldn't stand up all the way but stayed in a squat as she peed a very large puddle on the linoleum floor. The teacher came over with several paper towels and covered the puddle until a janitor could come in and mop it up. Later in third grade, a girl sitting in front of me in a red summer dress during quiet time wet herself. She never let on what she was doing, she just quietly peed and I noticed a darkish yellow liquid around her bum that dripped onto the floor. When study time was over, it was time for recess and she got up and straightened her dress, pulling the wet part away from her bum and walked to the door. The teacher quietly told her she just needed to say something to her when she needed to go to the bathroom.
                      My friends mom at that time I thought was a very pretty lady she was about 40 very thin and petite.she was wearing white pants and a blue top.Well we were talking in the kitchen and she looked really uncomfortable and always fidgeting but at the time I thought nothing of it.It was like 5 or 10 minuetes and my friend was not comming out of the bathroom and suddenly my friends mom got all quiet and I heard like water running on the floor and I just looked at my friends mom and she was bright red in the face and she said oh damn.I just said whats wrong and she just said I couldn't wait.I still didn't really know what she meant but when she got up to get some paper towels I seen the back of her pants were all wet and she started cleaning up the chair and the floor.
                      For me it was early teen years in school . When I saw a girl class mate wet herself by accident right in front of me ! ! Out of pure desperation of not be able to hold it in any longer .
                      When I was about 11 my two brothers chased me through the oak grove in back of our house, then held me down and tickled me until I wet my pants in front of all their friends. I didn't want to admit it to myself but I was more thrilled than embarrassed. About six months later some of us neighborhood kids were playing "Truth or Dare." (We were at the age when we liked to think of ourselves as all grown up but sometimes still played kids' games.) My brother asked me how many boys I had kissed, truth or dare. I didn't want to admit that I was such a geek that I had never been kissed, so I said I would take the dare, even though I knew perfectly well what he was going to to dare me to do. And believe it or not, I did it!!!

                      Now, when I read stories like the ones I put in quotes above, I wonder if my youthful antics ever inspired any of the neighborhood boys in the same way that those girls inspired so many of you. I wonder if I have ever been the "beloved goddess" who lives in someone's memory as the girl who endowed him with this fetish.

                      Damn, I hope so!


                      • #12
                        Maria ,
                        I wish it was you , in fact , though that really can't be a possibility .

                        Since we are miles apart from one another . Though the thought of it being you , is a Really arousing one indeed ! !

                        Though , only in my dreams I suppose , but , well worth fantasizing about it's
                        so very arousing indeed to do so ! !

                        Dusty Harold


                        • #13
                          fetish start

                          Hi Maria, yes, there's no way it was you in either of my memories. Mine started in the early 50s in the Northeast and you were most likely years later in the Southwest. But I can easily imagine a young, raven haired beauty being tickled until she peed her panties! Awesome fantasy! Thank you so much for your many sharings here!


                          • #14
                            For me it started really young, I remember peeing myself intentionally when I was as young as 4 (maybe earlier). Then, we moved to the beach when I was 6, and I clearly remember peeing my bathing suit every chance I got.

                            We seem to be falling into two categories here: Those that were almost born with it, and those that were inspired by a peeing friend in their early teens.

                            In my case, I suspect overly aggressive toilet training. I never had the bed wettings and undie wettings that should be a part of growing up. So I went on to create my own.

                            I'd love to hear from more of the females.

