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Article on how women can pee standing

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  • Article on how women can pee standing


    May be a repost. Interesting stories of girls peeing in urinals, sometimes standing next to the guys. Now why can't I see that?

  • #2
    There has been several articles on the inter net over time . That have given out information on how girls / women can pee standing up . by spreading their lips of their pussies and flexing forward as they pee . Thus directing the stream outward . With practice a Girl / Woman can perfect this very well in doing so .

    I happen to correspond with a Sexy woman called , Miss Piss , Miss Piss .com website has quite a few video clips of her peeing standing up in different locations in public view ! ! That of in private as well .! !

    Plus one where she pees into a men's urinal with a couple of men watching her do it ! ! Standing on either side of her as she's peeing ! ! Her aim is right on

    True it takes practice to perfect the ability to pee standing up . Though I can see the advantage of learning to do so very important for a woman to know and perform it .

    Dusty Harold

