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What happened to those youtube links?

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  • What happened to those youtube links?

    Someone random posted three or four YouTube links a day ago. In his post he had some text that read like a spam advert, but there was no spam link. Why was that deleted? I mean holy shit, nobody else is posting wetting vids; if they want to do a little digging and find some new videos while throwing in a little bit of nonsensical text, why not let them?

    I had never even seen those vids before, so it's not like they were re-posts (as if the term re-post is even valid on this new board). There was no spam link, and if you were really THAT concerned about a phrase like "free viagra" or whatever the hell then couldn't the post have been re-done without that phrase??

    I was as excited as anyone about the new look of the board, but it's been a few weeks now and the lack of interesting content is really showing. People loved to complain that all that was getting posted was YouTube videos. No shit. Because YouTube videos are as hot as it gets. Photoshopping celebrities? Maybe if you make a habit of deluding yourself. Real stories can be OK but often have their limits, and fake stories are, again, only good if you prefer fantasizing over living in the real world.

    At least someone tell me where everyone went so I can leave and go there too.

  • #2
    People probably stopped bothering with the YT links b/c:

    1: Many of them were reposts
    2: Many of them were low quality
    3: Many of them were teenage giggle/shriek fests
    4: Many of them contained underage subjects
    5: IF someone did happen to stumble on gold, the vid was promptly removed from YT because YT MODS WATCH THESE BOARDS.

    Honestly, I'm glad the practice has ended.


    • #3
      dont flatter yourself. you think yt have time to sit on these boards? its an automated process. yt can see if it is getting traffic from the board and it is an automated process.


      • #4
        Youtube videos posted regularly (once every 2-3 days) here:

        Photos posted daily here:

        and here:


        • #5
          Thanks for those links. This forum has crashed and burrrrrned. It's soooo 2010


          • #6
            yes, unfortunately. i miss the old style very much, life feels a bit empty now...


            • #7
              "I was as excited as anyone about the new look of the board, but it's been a few weeks now and the lack of interesting content is really showing. People loved to complain that all that was getting posted was YouTube videos. No shit. Because YouTube videos are as hot as it gets. Photoshopping celebrities? Maybe if you make a habit of deluding yourself. Real stories can be OK but often have their limits, and fake stories are, again, only good if you prefer fantasizing over living in the real world.

              At least someone tell me where everyone went so I can leave and go there too.

              Well said. It's really too bad this forum doesn't seem to be working out. It seems some people are happy to bitch about everything but contribute nothing. If it has wetting content, it belongs here. If it's not something your interested in, skip it and go to something else. Hopefully I'm wrong, but I think it's going to take a lot for people to start posting here.


              • #8
                Originally posted by madalu
                Youtube videos posted regularly (once every 2-3 days) here:

                Photos posted daily here:

                and here:

                Wow. Bless your heart. 1000 upvotes for you.......oh, whoops, wrong site. Oh well. The point still stands.


                • #9
                  You Tube

                  I too would like to see a return of the YouTube links, they're frequently the best part of this site.

                  Paul: are the YT links being censored?


                  • #10
                    Atmosphere ...

                    The atmosphere of an open forum is like a pub, busy, some annoying people, occasional fights, lively.

                    A moderated sign-in forum feels like a conversation in a room in your mum's house with well-behaved guests only.

                    I see why it has gone this way, but IMO, for a fetish, it doesn't work.

                    Hopefully it will slowly develop ... I haven't posted for a while ... nothing really to post ...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Squirm
                      The atmosphere of an open forum is like a pub, busy, some annoying people, occasional fights, lively.

                      A moderated sign-in forum feels like a conversation in a room in your mum's house with well-behaved guests only.

                      I see why it has gone this way, but IMO, for a fetish, it doesn't work.
                      So very true...


                      • #12
                        Miss the old board

                        I'm older so yeah, I'm getting to the point I don't like change. But this change has been a bummer. I even preferred the green on black .... Its been disappointing not having the YT links up. This was the best place to find "real." For many of us with this fetish we may only get an hour or so a week to indulge. We're thankful to those who post the finds ... it really helps out while we endure "dry" lives. To be honest, wetting is extremely low on my priority list, but I've enjoyed this board for a whole bunch of years ..... until a few weeks ago.

                        For those of you that like it ... I think its cool; and I'm glad the board is here. I just hope the parts a lot of us did like and look forward to can bounce back.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Squirm
                          The atmosphere of an open forum is like a pub, busy, some annoying people, occasional fights, lively.

                          A moderated sign-in forum feels like a conversation in a room in your mum's house with well-behaved guests only.

                          I see why it has gone this way, but IMO, for a fetish, it doesn't work.
                          Very well said.

                          I really see no reason why the youtube links had to go. I realize that there's no way to tell if a female on youtube is 17 or 19, but I also think it's important to keep in mind that there's a reason why youtube doesn't request this information from posters: the material is not porn.


                          • #14

                            I'm confused why people would think that YT links are not allowed to be posted anymore.

                            All YT clips are fine, unless its obvious that the persons appearing in them are under 18.


                            • #15
                              They seem to have suddenly stopped, for about a week now, which is what had me thinking they were being censored.

