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italiani facciamoci sentire. (italians only)

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  • italiani facciamoci sentire. (italians only)

    Possibile che non si vedano mai discussioni in italiano? Non ci credo che questo sito sia cosí sconosciuto in italia.
    Io sono amante del wetting dopo anni di ricerche ho migliaia di foto e video di ragazze che per un motivo o per l'altro si fanno la pipí addosso. Mi piacerebbe da impazzire vedere queste cose dal vivo ma non ne ho la possibilitá.
    Da ormai dieci anni ho rincominciato pure io, quando so di non essere scoperto mi faccio la pipí addosso anche due o tre volte di seguito restandomene con i pantaloni bagnati per ore.

    Sono solo?
    Facciamoci sentire e raccontiamo le nostre esperienze

  • #2

    Grazie a tutti/e per la partecipazione


    • #3
      Sta calmo

      Gl'italiani sono una razza a parte.
      Anche io sono un amante del wetting, ma l'idea di pisciarmi addosso mi fa ribrezzo. Adoro, invece, vedere o accorgermi di qualche ragazza che le scappa...
      Buona vita ragazzo.



      • #4
        Completamente normale, direi.


        • #5

          italiano anche io, un saluto a tutti


          • #6
            anch'io ITALIA

            a me piace quando una lei se la fa sotto...volontariamente o involontariamente. tutte le ragazze che riesco a conquistare prima o poi se la fanno addosso. riesco quasi sempre a convincerle. per me č una gran libidine. heheheh


            • #7
              qualche esperienza

              Quando č stata l'ultima volta che ve la siete fatta addosso involontariamente?
              Avete mai provocato una urgenza? Com'č finita?
              Ve la fareste addosso per convenienza, ovvero per scelta?


              • #8
                Just my two cents, but don't you think it's a bit antisocial towards the rest of the community here if you keep this all among yourselves?
                A bit of effort to write in English, and the rest of the boards could also enjoy your posts...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by liesje
                  Just my two cents, but don't you think it's a bit antisocial towards the rest of the community here if you keep this all among yourselves?
                  A bit of effort to write in English, and the rest of the boards could also enjoy your posts...
                  Google translate (in Chrome) had no issue with this page.


                  • #10
                    Ciao a tutti, io sono Susy e amo farmela addosso...!
                    Ovviamente questo mi ha provocato non pochi problemi.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by bwetfan
                      Google translate (in Chrome) had no issue with this page.
                      That's not my point. I'm internet savvy enough to use google translate... But there's a lot of people on this board whose first language isn't English. Same for me by the way (I'm a Dutch speaking Belgian). But English is the most widely understood language on the internet, so it's only logical to use it. Don't get me wrong, Italian is a beautiful language, I love the sound of it, but by starting a thread in it only meant for Italians excludes everybody else... I find that antisocial.


                      • #12
                        As much as I understand the advantage of keeping everything in English, those who are native speakers or who have an excellent command of English do not understand how many others are excluded if the use of English becomes compulsory. I find this intolerance antisocial. By the way, also anti-European.

                        English is not my first language, but I really like it. Still it takes me much more time to express myself in English than in my own language. I always envied people who can simply plunge into their key-boards and start blabbering about whatever they want because they know the jargon and the idioms, so hit the nail without thinking, play with words and expressions as they like. I love to do so myself - but having to use a foreign language it is all different, I am not at home, it divests me of my best ability. If I write down an accident report (or something else on our topic) in my own language, I know how to create the flavour, the atmosphere it needs. If I write in English, I never know. I might even ruin the whole thing by inadvertently ringing a wrong bell with some expression.

                        I am used to it, yes. I need it for my job (writing all day, and these days publishing in English is a MUST). I know there will be errors, inappropriate (non-idiomatic) expressions, etc., and I know that native speakers will not complain, knowing that I am a foreigner. Still I hate it, this unquestionable expectation to use a language of a different country. What will people feel who are less able to express themselves than I am?

                        I do not find such a sacrifice in accepting certain threads in other languages. I remember another board which used to have threads of this kind in Dutch and in Swedish. I even found it exciting (more than that: arousing) to learn how other languages talk about our topic, discovering it word by word by means of my dictionary! (I admit that this depends on how much you love to discover a foreign language, so I do not expect that many others share this excitement.)

                        I do not think it is ok to immediately bully people if they dare to ask, in their own language, if there are compatriots on the board.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by susi_1970
                          Ciao a tutti, io sono Susy e amo farmela addosso...!
                          Ovviamente questo mi ha provocato non pochi problemi.
                          Come esordio non c'č malaccio. Pensa che piů sono i problemi che la cosa ti ha procurato, e piů sarebbe interessante conoscere le tue storie.
                          A qualcuno potrebbero interessare.


                          • #14
                            ciao susi 1970

                            ciao Susi 1970, sono un ragazzo di Roma di 34 anni, se ti va scrivimi: pipisotto@hotmail.com



                            • #15
                              Liesje and Omo Rashi .....translate please!

