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It's SummerTime ! Is Patches Pool Open Yet ?

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  • It's SummerTime ! Is Patches Pool Open Yet ?

    Since it just turned to Summer where I live in the U.S. I just was wondering if anyone here . Wants to swim in , Patches pool any time soon
    Since She had stated once . That's okay if everyone pees in it .
    In getting the water warm and comfortable for all of us to relax in . To also empty our full aching bladders into it . Whenever we need to
    it's filtered and I suppose and Hope it's open once again for pee fun for both the guys and girls who love to have pee fun in the water together with all of the others too

    Anyone want to come LOL

    Thought I would try something Humorus to catch attention of all of you ! !
    Patches , is also Welcome to attend and have fun ! !
    Drinks on The House

    Dusty Harold
    Last edited by Dusty Harold; June 23, 2014, 05:00 AM.

  • #2
    Again... your obsession with Patches is C R E E P Y.


    • #3
      Originally posted by DeltaFoxtrot
      Again... your obsession with Patches is C R E E P Y.
      I second that motion! It is starting to feel creepy to me too!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Patches
        I second that motion! It is starting to feel creepy to me too!
        I'm guessing we won't be seeing any more posts from Dusty now.

        FWIW, I think the very odd punctuation was the result of a poorly calibrated speech recognition program.


        • #5
          Originally posted by bwetfan
          I'm guessing we won't be seeing any more posts from Dusty now.

          FWIW, I think the very odd punctuation was the result of a poorly calibrated speech recognition program.
          Maybe, maybe not. Dusty is not very good at taking hints....


          • #6
            Having defended him once before...okay, I agree. This is weird.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Patches
              I second that motion! It is starting to feel creepy to me too!
              I honestly think is Dusty just fascinated by the every aspect of the whole WS scene, that's all. And an opportunity to talk to a producer and someone who's been involved in its merchandising from pretty early on is just something that he gets very enthusiastic about.
              I really don't think there's anything sinister or anything to worry about. I think if there were more people involved that he could talk to, his enthusiasm would be diluted from just yourself, and shared out amongst others. I genuinely don't think there's any need for you to take it too personally. Basically, if it wasn't you, it would be somebody else.

              Btw... I had to make a new account because for some reason I couldn't get into my old one (mysteron) after having to re-install Windows recently, no matter what I tried. So I'm not a newbie, I've been here for 12 years.


              • #8
                @ mysteron (aka Mr Ron),

                I agree with you about Dusty. He is harmless and very enthusiastic about WS. I have exchanged many emails with him and have a fairly good understanding of his situation. He has disabilities which is the reason for his strange sentence structure and punctuation. Also, he does not have anyone to talk with about his WS interests so he seeks out friendships online where he can discuss these things.

                He would love to meet with or at least correspond with some of the models who worked for me as well as some of the models from HD Wetting and I Need 2 Pee. Being somewhat lonely, Dusty has developed an overactive imagination and fantasy about some of the girls he has seen in WS videos. I am guilty of stimulating that fantasy when I learned that Georgia was planning a trip to Texas with a friend and I suggested to her that she plan a detour to visit Dusty while she was in his area. Dusty was very excited about this possibility but unfortunately Georgia's plans changed and she did not make the trip. It would have been nice if Georgia could have visited him and entertained his fantasies in person. Neither of us had any qualms about safety with Dusty because we recognized he was harmless and just enthusiastic. It would have been a nice thing to do if Georgia had made the trip.

                So, I am not personally offended by Dusty's adulation because I understand where he is coming from. When I said, "I second that motion! It is starting to feel creepy to me too!" I meant that he has not respected my previous requests to tone it down a bit. It is creepy that he has to continue his over-the-top comments and posts about me and Patches' Place. I hope that going forward, he will relax his enthusiasm a bit while continuing to participate in discussions.

                Now that you all understand that Dusty has disabilities, you will drop the criticism of his sentence structure and punctuation. Think of the courage it must take for Dusty to express himself knowing that others have dissed him in the past for his grammar.

                I have a suggestion for some of the females who are lurking here on this forum and not posting anything. Consider sending a private message to Dusty and get to know him. He could use some more friends and you probably could too!


                • #9
                  I agree with Patches. I have sent him some PM's with a few stories from my more youthful (sigh) days in the fetish world, and his responses were very courteous. Since I am in a relationship now and trying to hold the line (in the past, something of a challenge), I no longer talk to anyone on the phone or meet with men, but I do exchange messages (with my boyfriend's knowledge, by the way). Some guys just need someone to talk to.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Patches
                    @ mysteron (aka Mr Ron),

                    I agree with you about Dusty. He is harmless and very enthusiastic about WS. I have exchanged many emails with him and have a fairly good understanding of his situation. He has disabilities which is the reason for his strange sentence structure and punctuation. Also, he does not have anyone to talk with about his WS interests so he seeks out friendships online where he can discuss these things.

                    He would love to meet with or at least correspond with some of the models who worked for me as well as some of the models from HD Wetting and I Need 2 Pee. Being somewhat lonely, Dusty has developed an overactive imagination and fantasy about some of the girls he has seen in WS videos. I am guilty of stimulating that fantasy when I learned that Georgia was planning a trip to Texas with a friend and I suggested to her that she plan a detour to visit Dusty while she was in his area. Dusty was very excited about this possibility but unfortunately Georgia's plans changed and she did not make the trip. It would have been nice if Georgia could have visited him and entertained his fantasies in person. Neither of us had any qualms about safety with Dusty because we recognized he was harmless and just enthusiastic. It would have been a nice thing to do if Georgia had made the trip.

                    So, I am not personally offended by Dusty's adulation because I understand where he is coming from. When I said, "I second that motion! It is starting to feel creepy to me too!" I meant that he has not respected my previous requests to tone it down a bit. It is creepy that he has to continue his over-the-top comments and posts about me and Patches' Place. I hope that going forward, he will relax his enthusiasm a bit while continuing to participate in discussions.

                    Now that you all understand that Dusty has disabilities, you will drop the criticism of his sentence structure and punctuation. Think of the courage it must take for Dusty to express himself knowing that others have dissed him in the past for his grammar.

                    I have a suggestion for some of the females who are lurking here on this forum and not posting anything. Consider sending a private message to Dusty and get to know him. He could use some more friends and you probably could too!
                    I too am disabled and have no one to talk with about my love of watersports but you don't see me pursuing you or seeking out models in that fashion. Let me just say this. When someone begins to develop an "overactive imagination and fantasy about some of the girls" that is when you should start to worry. That is when people become dangerous. OF course I don't know the extent of his disability...perhaps if he is in a wheel chair or bedridden I could understand why you wouldn't feel threatened, but otherwise....

