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iAudio tape of a Women's rest room

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  • iAudio tape of a Women's rest room

    Hope this link to this audio tape of women peeing will work ;soundgam.net.html
    or else I have failed to learn to post on here . Something of interest to most everyone . That might enjoy listening to women peeing . That of hearing the pee hissing as well

  • #2

    You haven't learned to post here!

    I tried to figure out what the link should be and I couldn't even do that. Try getting the URL in your browser to the file you want to share. Then copy that link from your browser at the top of the browser page and post the link here. Don't try to type the link yourself.



    • #3
      Knowing isn't the issue, it's the inability to utilize the knowledge that's creating the roadblock.


      • #4
        Here's the correct address

        I Hope this will work ;http://soundgasm.net/u/Urination Sta...ale-pisssounds
        Other than that I don't know what else I can do & might not show myself on here again . Because I mess up too many times in trying to contribute something of interest . That I had thought wa s worth posting about
        Last edited by Dusty Harold; February 7, 2015, 12:03 PM.


        • #5
          For what it's worth I wasn't criticizing your efforts Dusty. I sympathize with what I believe are your limitations in posting links and stuff besides text.


          • #6
            Lets see if i can do it LOL try this link


            See if this works...

            Nice find Dusty


            • #7
              That's The Correct Link

              I appreciate your assistance in getting the correct link to that recording .As I thought it was a interesting item to enjoy listening to . So enjoy it
              Thank You

              @ Razz , No Offense taken . I understand what you were saying

              Dusty Harold
              Last edited by Dusty Harold; February 8, 2015, 03:04 AM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by bbbarny

                See if this works...

                Nice find Dusty
                How did you get from the URL that Dusty posted to that one, barny? I tried looking around, but came up empty.

                Dusty, all you need to do is to copy and paste the URLs from your brower's view bar. Let other people do the rest. I don't think you are being graded. LOL


                • #9
                  Good work Dusty. I really enjoyed this and found myself engrossed in the stories we heard along the way! "Did you know I was deaf in one ear?" Haha!!

