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Introduction and real concert story

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  • Introduction and real concert story

    First of all I like to introduce myself. I’m a male of just 30 years old and I’m working as an official in a state department. Often people say to me I’m looking very young for my age.

    I discovered my fetish for pee related things with the age of 13-14. On those days, the internet was a new thing for us and for me it was the time I discovered that there are also other people with this interest. Before it I thought I was abnormal.

    I don’t like all playgrounds of the pee fetish. First of all I’m in female desperation, accidental wetting, and hidden public peeing. So if a girl has to pee real bad and tries everything to hide her desperation, have no possibility to pee and finally wet herself, partially or total or peed in the last second on a public place like a parking lot on the ground… that is my thing. And please don’t condemn me but I also like especially the humiliation and embarrassments that comes with a need to urinate.

    And second you should know about me, if I have the possibility to see a girl who is surely desperate for a pee, I would observe her discretely (of course only in public environment and only with other people around) and if I have a camera with me, I will make also pictures of her situation. To be unrecognized is a very important thing for me and my observation skills are well developed.

    I know this point is a “no go” for many people, but I live in a free country where everyone can move where ever he like beside private or protected areas of course. So please if you can’t live with that don’t read my threads. I know about a other well known forum, where members would lynch me for that if only they could.

    The border line for me is when a girl is scared about what ever or suffered in pain (real pain) or crying in tears. Then my “protection instinct” takes over and I would do everything to help her out of the situation. On the other side, deliberate peeing or wetting herself of enjoyment is a turn off for me.

    I’m living in a perfect long term relationship and I love my girlfriend and would do everything for her. My girlfriend is not into peeing at all.

    I had to admit that, although I had a girlfriend, I’m looking at other girls too. Especially if they have nice booty’s, this is my kind of thing… I’m an ass and legs man. Looking is okay, most of men do this but I would rather die to be unfaithful to her.

    I read stories and looking at pictures for years now and the internet with its forums are alive because of people who are willing to share their experiences or pictures to others. I collected hundred pictures and videos of my interest during the last ten years. Till now I haven’t shared too many content, but there are so many brilliant members here, who share their work with all of us (Alloo, Paul Tester, p.e), I like to give something back.

    I saw a lot of desperation during my life. I also saw two real wetting accidents years back but I never get one on a photo but I got some desperation on photos. Important to know, if I will post pictures of desperate girls, only without face shots so the girl kept unrecognized.

    Sorry for the long introduction, followed by a even longer story...

    So here is the 100% real and in every detail true story I experienced on a weekend in August 2015. Please feel free to ask questions my memory is still fresh. I cut the story in 3 parts please let me know if I should go on. I also have a few pictures but I don’t post them if not allowed.

  • #2
    First part:

    My girlfriend and I decided to go to a summer open air concert in a city in germany. We reached the concert area around 6:40 pm on that warm summer day. There was a big place with the stage on the front and a lot of sales stalls in a circle form around the stage. On these stalls, food and drinks were sold to the people. Non alcoholic drinks were only sold in half liter cups. On the left side from the stage was a long line with lots of port a potties for the visitors (enough for the number of visitors I would say).

    During our round about the place I saw a lot of pretty nice looking young girls (as young I would describe a woman till her early thierties). This was not unusual because the band was also youthful.

    After my girlfriend and I bought us something to eat and to drink we searched a good place and around 7.30 pm the supporting acts were playing. The place where we were standing was not the best for watching beautiful girls, but my girlfriend decided to stay there. Around us were a lot of middle aged people, males and females, but not my favorite kind of girls which get my interest.

    So I enjoyed to be with my girlfriend and watched the musician. People were moving a bit, get away to by drinks or tried to get better places. In the second line before us I recognized three young girls standing there and enjoyed the music. I wondered whether they were sisters and from behind they looked like. They were not peculiar dressed but with tight jeans and t-shirts. They were standing there at least since we were there too.

    One hour later, the second supporting act was playing, the 2 people in front of us got away and the view of these three girls was free. It was 8:40 when they stopped playing and the stage was reconstructed for the main act.

    On this point I noticed the girl on the left of the three was not belonging to the other two girls. She was standing a bit away from the other twos and her parents were standing right behind her. She and her parents looked well dressed.

    And then I noticed something what immediately get my interest. She jiggled with her right leg and tapped constantly with her food. I was pre-alerted to watch her more closely. The set up continued and because of the conversation with her parents I noticed there astonishment about the delay.
    I thought about something… they didn’t look like experienced concert visitors, and I was sure they were here because of her daughter.

    The starting time on the ticket said 7:30 pm, but that was the time the supporting acts were beginning. From earlier visits I know the main act shouldn’t start before 9.00 pm.

    Next thing… surely they bought something to drink after their arrival. I couldn’t see a empty bowl but maybe she had already drank a half liter of liquid.

    Here rhythmical movements continued and one or two times she was bending her knees nearly getting in a squatting position. After that she lifts her left leg and did “marching on the spot” movements and put her hands in her pockets and pulled her jeans up. Her father said something like “long time to stand?” to her. She said “especially for the knees” back to him and apologized so her movements.

    She was wearing dark jeans and a blue light summer jacket that covered the waistband of her jeans. With her shoulder length dark blond hair and her large glasses (new fashion trend here in Germany) she looked a bit nerdy but also nice. She was not too thin but far away from fat.

    Anyway her jiggles and movements continued and she began to turn around her upper body and looked around from time to time. I wondered whether she was looking for a way to the port a potty’s or not. Her parents didn’t seem to notice her situation and I thought if she would tell her mother about her decision to go to the toilet I should hear this too because I was standing so close. Second I thought if her mother had to use the toilet, her daughter surely would join her. Or I was wrong and she was only nervous because of the excitement...

    But nothing of that happened and around 9:10 pm the main act began. I noticed she put her hands in her jacket pockets and take them out a few times and seemed nervous. The other time she folded her hands in front of her bladder area but without touching her belly. Unfortunately I couldn’t see her hands from the front so I can’t say what she did there.

    With the beginning of the main act, the musician announced that they were playing two hours of music now. With that I could swear she looked a bit anxious, but what I could clearly see was that now she was looking at her watch for the first time.

    I wondered why she didn’t go to the toilet. For me she seemed like a proud but shy young girl and maybe she was embarrassed to admit her need to her parents, with me and the other visitors so close.


    • #3
      Nice first part, looking forward to hearing more and seeing some pics.

      Thank you.


      • #4
        Part 2

        One time during concert the musician asked the people who’s in concert for the first time, she didn’t raise her hand like some others but her father touched her back and said with a laughter to her “you too”. So if I get this correct it was her first concert and maybe she tried everything to look grown up, or she simply didn’t like to use the potty’s or whatever.

        One time she put her hands, covered by her jacket in her jeans, from behind. It seemed like she pulled up her panties under her jeans with that movement (maybe to get pressure on her crotch?) She stayed in that position maybe a minute.

        My concentration for the main act got away and my main act was now this girl with her behavior. It was not easy to hide my observation so close next to her and her parents. Luckily my girlfriend enjoyed the musician (it was her idea to get there) and she was standing in front of me and didn’t recognize my views to the desperate girl which was standing in front of me on my right side. From time to time I hugged and kissed my girlfriend first because she deserved it and with that I didn’t raise suspicion for the father of the desperate girl me watching his daughter. I began to sweat of excitement.

        I was in heaven… not 50 cm away from this desperate girl, I could see, nearly feel, all her movements, could hear all what she was saying… I was tensed like a spring.

        One hour later her father disappeared and was coming back with a half liter of coke which he immediately offered her to drink. She refused by shaking her head and he give the cup to her mother. Her jiggling continued and sometimes she pulled her jeans up with both hands.

        Every 15 Minutes she was looking at her watch and let her view go around on the left side from the stage (to the toilets?... or only my imagination). Her mother handed her the coke and to my surprise she drank something and give it back to her. 10 Minutes later her mother handed the rest of the coke back to her but she refused again.

        It got darker every minute and with her nearly black jeans and the dark environment it was hard for me to see something. Luckily the lights from the stage enlightened the area sometimes. It was simply to dark for a cell phone video. But with the flash of my camera I could take a few pictures.

        Man…believe me it was very hard to make a picture in the dark with everyone around me would see the flash so I had to wait for songs were stroboscope lights were used und right at this moment I took pictures with my camera, so the flash was unnoticed.

        A second problem was the light for the autofocus; this light was also very noticeable for someone who was looking at her legs. The advantage of this autofocus light was that I could see her ass and inner tighs for a few seconds long and until now her jeans was absolutely dry.

        I surely go to hell for this I think… I was taking pictures of this girls ass with her father on my right side and my girlfriend on my left side…fortunately nobody noticed. But no harm was done and nobody gets hurt so what’s up… The musician made a few jokes and everybody had to laugh.

        She also laughed and with turning around to her parents she bends a bit (barely unnoticeable) and I could swear I saw the three middle fingers of her right hand grabbing her crotch for a millisecond. After that she turned around and her hands disappeared on her front hidden from my view…damn I thought(…need a second man in front of her )....


        • #5
          Feel like I’m there with you! Please continue.


          • #6
            what happened? I can't wait to find out. great story so far.


            • #7
              last part:

              She took her hands again in her ass pockets of her jeans and I was sure her bladder was ready to explode. If she would lose the battle I was sure I would hear the famous hissing sound I so often read about. From beginning to the end, her face looked calm and only grimaced one time looking at her watch. She laughed from time to time to her parents and I’m nearly sure she recognized my glances. Two times we had direct eye contact, but she didn’t to seem to be worry or frightened about me.

              One time I thought I could smell a hint of urine odor in the air as I was standing so fucking close to her…but nothing...only my wishful thinking. Interesting how strong wishful illusions could be… or did she dampened the gusset of her panties with only a few drops of hot urine?

              During the evening I began to wonder what kind of panties she probably was wearing. With my knowledge of human nature I would categorize this girl as someone who wears a thong or bikini panties (both are my favorite type of underwear). Unfortunately there was no visible panty line on her jeans (seem to be a heavy fabric) and with her jacket covering the waistband it was impossible for me to get a view at her panties.

              During the end of the performance the musician made the request to the audience to jump with the tact of the music. I watch her closely but she bravely put her hands in the air and jumped with the music. No moaning, no grimace, no leg crossing.

              11.00 pm The band stopped playing and she seemed relieved.

              The experienced concert visitor should know that of course a few bonus songs were given and two minutes later they played again. Now I saw her standing with her legs tightly crossed, a thing she had done only one time before in that length of time. I wonder about this because normally standing with crossed legs is a thing a girl does right when she feels the first urge to urinate. Didn’t she do it because she thought it was too noticeable, even for her parents behind her or, what is hardly to believe for me, she didn’t use that holding technique generally.

              Fact is she was standing with her thighs together the whole time. Her thighs were well build and had contact even standing with her foots side by side, maybe this build enough pressure without crossed legs. Sometimes she stands on the outer edge of her right foot then changed to her left foot.

              After that she was standing with her right leg 50 cm apart from her left and was bending her upper part of her body towards the right thigh. To the end she couldn’t stand still a second. Her leg fidgeting got stronger and stronger now. She put her hands in her ass pockets again and lifts her right leg up (I have a single photo from this moment) It seem as she was hidden by surges of desperation from time to time.

              11.20 pm and the band stopped, the lights went on and everybody moved to the exit. Now I had to think what to do. Now, with more lights it was clear she hadn’t wet her jeans until now and she and her parents were moving to the exit. Right before the exits were the porta potty’s positioned. For all what was worth I simply had to find out if she would make a attempt to use one of these toilets.

              Luckily we still had our empty cups from our earlier drinks which we had to bring back to get our refund. Second lucky circumstance was that we had different drinks from different vendors, so I said to my girlfriend “to spare time, you bring your cup to your stall and I bring my cup back to the other one and we met after that by yours”

              She agreed and provided me some time to follow the girl to the exit. A risky plan because if she would turn around she surely would recognize me, but that didn’t happen and luckily I’m good in undercover missions. The bulk of other people made it also easy for me. The temptation to follow her, at least until the exit was simply too big for me.

              She was walking with normal speed next to her parents, nothing peculiar. To go back to the exit they had to walk past the long line of toilets. I expected she would use one. But to my surprise they walked over, she looked to them yearningly but got away with her parents. The last time I saw her a few meters behind the exit. She was turning around to look after her parents slightly bend over for a few seconds and walked away with them.

              Obviously I couldn’t follow her furthermore, first my girlfriend was waiting for me and second although the city was full of people they could easily see me and recognize me as the “guy from the concert”. Following her in public shouldn't be illegal but I dont want to look like a stalker. I had done enough stalking that evening.

              That was it…

              No visible wetness was shown till this point.

              If they were living in the city, it must be a hard way for her to reach her home dry I’m sure. If they had to go to a parking lot and still had to drive home I’m sure she soaked her panties, even a bit. Imagine this girl sitting in the back seat of her parent’s car, on the brink of wetting herself, holding her pulsating bladder… Or she had to squat in the car park to avoid an accident in the last second, hard to believe for that shy girl.

              I also wonder why her parents didn’t say a word to her; normally mothers take care for her daughters and recognize such a need. I don’t know why she didn’t help her daughter. I expected her mother to ask her if she didn’t want to use the toilet during their way to the exit, there even wasn’t a line. Not that she noticed the predicament of her daughter but I think mothers often ask her daughters if they need the toilet as matter of principle. But on the other side the whole family doesn’t seem like they were talking about such things very often…

              It was over 3 hours later from what I recognized as first signs of desperation to this point now. A very long time for a girl to be desperate. If she reached her home without wet panties she must be a very good holder.

              Again I wondered if her desperation was only my imagination. But I think my skills in discovering desperate girls are not the worst, I’ve done this the last 15 years…

              For me this was the best desperation I witnessed in the last years, because I was standing so damn close by. The outcome could have been better but hey maybe the next time.

              Thinking back I didn’t want to see her have a total accident because if that happened I would feel sorry for her also because of her parents. She simply was too cute and with such a willpower and control she should keep her dignity, she held it for so long.

              But the experience would be the best in my life if she couldn’t hold one or two short squirts, visible only on the crotch of her jeans for one who was looking at, hidden from her parents.

              Please don’t be disappointed by the way the story ended, but I didn’t like to add things that didn’t happened.

              The sighting was described as accurately as possible.


              • #8
                Thinking back it’s fascinating what an impact the behavior of this girl had to me.

                During this sighting I was in a world of my own. I missed huge parts of the concert with that kind of tunnel view caused by this sighting (okay, I was there because of my girlfriend but it was good music too).

                I’m normally trained to pay attention to the situation on the whole but that completely failed on that evening.

                Writing this story down and deal with the foreign language costs me a shit load of time but is also good for me to remember that great experience.

                Unfortunately it also remembers me how creepy this is…

