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yayyy molicare are back to plastic !

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  • yayyy molicare are back to plastic !

    Been hoping for ages that molicare bring back there plastic nappy
    i hate cloth the quality is horrible they feel horrible and i detest it so bad that i nearly gave up on my fetish as for me its plastic or nothing.
    i am in australia and our range of nappy suck balls big time tena are shit now
    and so are the other brands
    Anyhow in about a month say the end of march or early april you should see the molicares back on shelves, i have been told they are the same as before
    So please give hartmann a nice friendly email saying thank you so that they know not to go back to cloth again.
    They did listen to us so we should say ty
    i spoke to tena and told them hartmann is making plastic again they answered well we wont ever go back so we will see in time i guess.
    Anyhow spread the news please

  • #2
    That's great news! Did they make like a press release or anything?

    Hopefully the clothback stock will dwindle quickly and they'll be back to being proper diapers soon.

