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  • Story help


    Does this link work if not does anyone have this story?

  • #2
    I can get the link to work as far as the stories by 'Watersexlover' but only the first story will download; a college girl wanting to pee in a lecture. The second of the stories listed under this author will not open but returns to Ger's home page. Could be that the story ' The initiation ceremony' has been deleted. Now Ger has abandoned his site there might not be much hope of getting the story from him.
    Note that sometimes the link from Ger's homepage will not take you to the site. There is advice on this on the home page.


    • #3
      It's because you clicked the link and now your browser cache is acting up.
      They have had a misconfigured hotlinking blocker for ages.

      Anyway, here's the story:
      The Initiation Ceremony

      Last night was the initiation ceremony for the sorority I pledged into. We were all really nicely dressed, and very excited about finally being a part of the sorority. The ceremony was held in one of the big buildings on campus, and there were many empty rooms throughout the building. First, we were all put into a room while the active members got everything ready. After about 1/2 hour of that, we were told to walk single-file into the room where the actives were and to remain silent no matter what. We were paraded around the room in front of the actives and then put in a circle in the middle of the room while the initiation ceremony took place.

      The president had been talking for about 45 minutes when I started to notice that my bladder felt full. I figured that the ceremony couldn't go on too much longer, and I'd be able to go to the bathroom soon.

      Suddenly, just as the president was about to end the ceremony, which had now been going on for over an hour and a half, there was a bright bolt of lightening and a huge clap of thunder. With that, all the power in the building went out.

      Some of the girls screamed out of shock, but all I could think of was that I needed to pee really badly. The whole building was pitch black, except for the candles we had lit for the ceremony that were now shedding a little bit of light on the room. There was no way I could get to a bathroom in the otherwise dark building. We were all kind of freaked out by the blackout, but eventually we all relaxed and began to get to know each other. I could have cared less about meeting people at that point due to the unbelievable pressure in my bladder. A friend of mine, Heather, noticed that I was extremely quiet and asked what was wrong.

      "I...um...need to...um...go to the bathroom," I said quietly.

      "To pee?" she asked.

      "Yeah," I said with an anxious sigh.

      "Well," replied Heather, trying to comfort me, "The power should be back on soon. Do you think you can hold it?"

      "I really don't know...I need to go pretty bad!" Heather put her arm around me and told me to hang on a little bit longer.

      An hour went by and I was ready to die! I felt like every fiber in my bladder was ripping apart. By this time, about 10 of the other girls had stated that they too, had to pee really badly. We were all openly clutching our burning, aching pussies, and many were frantically pacing around the room, waiting for the power to come back on. Heather and one of my other friends, Jan, were among the now desperate crowd. The 3 of us were sitting near the others, our hands jammed down our skirts, pressing hard on our pee holes, trying to avoid embarrassment. If they thought they needed to pee, think of how I felt! I would have paid for a toilet at that point!

      I suddenly felt a drop of pee escape from my tortured pussy. I gasped, doubled over, and rubbed my pee hole for all it was worth. Heather heard me gasp and asked if I was all right.

      "No!" I said, "I can't hold on much longer! I'm starting to leak!"

      Jan then said she was starting to leak into her panties also, and at that point, Heather and the rest of the girls who needed the bathroom said that they hadn't leaked, but thought they would soon. Heather grabbed one of the candles from the ceremony and said to all of us desperate ladies, "I don't know about any of you, but I'm about to flood my panties. I'm gonna piss in one of the empty rooms."

      We all looked at each other and followed Heather into an empty room. There were 11 of us with overly filled bladders, walking ridiculously down the hall; legs clamped shut, hands jammed into our pussies, desperately needing to relieve our bladders. What a sight that must have been!

      Heather walked into the room, and we all followed, everyone finding a suitable place to pee. Heather, Jan, and I positioned ourselves near each other, and frantically hiked up our skirts and pulled down our panties and squatted down for our much-needed relief. For almost a minute, there was no noise in the room at all. The candle was on the desk at one end of the room, and everyone was trying to concentrate on starting their flows in front of everybody.

      It was Jan who exploded first, starting with one powerful squirt, and then erupting into a huge torrent of pee. Everyone started shortly after, and for a good 2 minutes, the room was filled with the sound of 11 bladders quickly emptying onto the floor, and various "aaahhhhh's" and "That feels so good" from us. I was pissing like a racehorse, and my stream showed no sight of letting up. After almost 3 minutes of hard, strong, full bladdered girl peeing, we were all done. I felt so much better as I stood up, pulled my panties up and my skirt back down. As we were all leaving the room, we laughed about the HUGE puddles we left on the floor. The power didn't come on for another 2 hours, during which time, some of the girls needed to go back for a second pee.

      We were all successfully initiated, and the president declared the night the most interesting initiation she'd ever experienced!


