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Notting Hill Carnival

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  • Notting Hill Carnival

    Monday is Notting Hill Carnival in London. I have not been for some years but it used to be one of the great places for female desperation sightings.
    Crowds, plenty of drinking and not enough ladies toilets. Hence long lines of ladies crossing heir legs or making other attempts at holding their pee.
    In past years I have seen:-
    Girl 18-20 walking about having completely pissed her jeans.,,Soaked from crotch to ground, mostly the inside legs. She looked quite drunk and I guess that she could not make the effort to hold in her bursting bladder any longe, and didn't care if she pissed herself.
    Girl ,25, in a line for the Ladies, legs plaited and both hands pressed into her crotch.
    Girl, 20, in a mini dress, loudly complaining that she was "Seriously fucking desperate," not able to find a ladies without a long line, finally giving up and squatting in the street to take a pee.
    Very attractive girl, 20, pleading to be allowed into the men's, saying that she could not wait to use the ladies as the lien was too long.
    Several other girls in jeans walking with a hand between their legs, and some with wet patches in their crotch. Numerous girls squatting in very public places, as they could not face waiting in the lines.

    hope somebody from here can go on Monday and report on the desperation.

  • #2
    The first sighting sounds amazing! Walking around in completely pissed jeans! Wonderful! Did you take any pictures?


    • #3
      Scotsboy: Sorry, no picts., as I was with people who would not have understood my interest. Nor did I have my camera that day. Any picts that I did take at NHC have long ago been sent to Ger's female Desperation site.

      from what I saw that day, and I could not stop and stare, the girl was very drunk and being supported by two friends. She had that glazed expression of someone who was completely 'out of it.'
      I imagine that she must have been just conscious enough to hold in her pee until she was bursting. then she might have been just conscious enough to tell her friends supporting her that she wanted to pee. They probably told her to hang on until they found a toilet, all of which had long lines, especially the Ladies. They might have told her to hold on until they were away from the ~carnival site, when they could find a Ladies without a line waiting. She was probably to drunk to make it clear that she was desperate, but tried to hang on until her bladder gave way, and she pissed herself.
      From the stae of her jeans, this was not a little leak, but a bursting bladder full of piss that she let go in her jeans. they were absolutely soaked from crotch to ground on the inside of both legs.
      No way was this a spilled drink, unless she had poured a full pint into her jeans.
      Being with people who were not interested made it impossible to follow her. and get a better look, or see if she peed again. Anyway, for me the fun would have been to see her struggles to hold her pee before she let go


      • #4
        Great description Paul. Thank you - reminds me of a memory.... I'll write it up in my own thread. hope you get some response to this one ;-)


        • #5
          I have two more memories, that,for me, were far better, as they were desperation and not wetting. Both have posted before but some years ago, so for anyone new:-
          A line of ladies waiting for the toilets. A lady, say 25, joins the line from the crowd, then turns to the person behind her and says
          "I want to go so badly I've got to sit down to be able to wait."
          She sits on a low wall next to the line, legs tightly crossed.
          As the line moves slowly forward, she has to get up to keep her place. She then stands with legs 'plaited' for a few moments. Then the pressure must have got too much to hold, and she presses one hand between her legs. Even this was not enough to hold the pressure in her bladder, so she presses with both hands.
          For the rest of the time that I could see her, she was always holding herself with both hands, and seemed to be pressing her crotch with all her strength.
          The line slowly moved froward until she was lost from sight. This line was for an underground Ladies, so even when I lost sight of her she had a long time to wait, and she was already pressing her crotch as hard as she could.
          Regretfully I did not wait to see if her crotch was dry. WE can only imagine her increasing desperation as she got closer to the toilet she so wanted. None of the other ladies in the line showed any interest in her plight, or offered to let her cut the line.
          She must have had a wonderful pee when, ir if, she finally made it. Probably a world record torrent?

          maybe another memory tomorrow if nobody has posted a more recent sighting.


          • #6
            I wasn't in Notting Hill today but I was in Grimsby (en route to Cleethorpes) when I witnessed a couple of unintentional but delightful panty flashes. It was enough to make me want to go to the toilet for all the wrong reasons. Modern skirts are just too short!
            Last edited by Adrian6970; August 29, 2017, 07:25 AM.

