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Airplane Desperation

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  • Airplane Desperation

    This article does not contain any photos or graphic details, but it's worth a look...

    I wish I had been on this flight :-D



  • #2
    Always the problem with this sot of news report.
    No details given, such as; how desperate were the passengers?
    who were the really desperate ones?
    Did anyone 'break down' and wet themselves?
    Did anyone threaten or actually pee on the plane's floor?
    Can we ask Delta Flight Attendants fro a 'full report'?


    • #3
      I think if the truth were known, there would be at least one wet spot on average leaked through some female pair of panties on 90% of long haul flights. If an average flight carried 200 passengers, that's 1 in 200 leaked a little while waiting, delayed, or as they tried to get their panties down a tad late.

      Many women live with a small wet patch that soon dries off almost daily - rushing to the loo at the last minute, delay creating desperation, and anticipation before panties are fully down causing a small leak.... and women get very good at concealing it. It doesn't show through what they wear. Only a random inspection would reveal them.... a covert evening dirty laundry panty sniff will not reveal whether that pee smell was a pre pee leak or a post pee dribble.

      On flights, there is no toilet available from the time of boarding to the time the plane has levelled off its climb to altitude. There are often long waits on the ground for take off. Then there are the after meal/drinks loo rush when everyone needs to go, compounded by turbulence at random times when no one can go. Then when the seat belt light goes back off, another rush, ...and not all weak bladders make it to the front of the queue.

      If only the truth were known I think the wet panty count on long flights would be staggering if a wet spot bigger than a thumb nail was the standard measure. lol

      I do think a full void into pants, skirt, dress, shorts, panties - I think that is rare. I also think there would be a surprising number of adults wearing diapers on long flights if truth were known.

      The secrets humans carry
      Last edited by Bazman; December 8, 2017, 08:14 AM.


      • #4
        I seem to recall a study by Depend or somesuch that showed 50% of women have some level of incontinence... from the occasional small dribble to regular full-on soakings. The fact that Always, a leading brand of menstrual products, has dipped into the adult pull-up market lends credence to this. Obviously there is sufficient demand for them to put their product in practically every grocery, general goods and pharmacy shoppe in America.


        • #5
          For the original Delta flight, this would be one problem they could not solve by giving out free drinks.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Paul Tester
            Did anyone threaten or actually pee on the plane's floor?
            I think I would have taken advantage of the opportunity to pee on the floor. If I had to pee badly, I know I would have. Just walk up to the locked bathroom door and pee on it.

            I love peeing in public (not in restrooms, in theaters and parking lots).


            • #7
              I think older women can have issues anywhere, not just on planes. I remember a few months back, my wife and I had been on a trip to a place about 50 miles from home.Which depending on traffic takes between an hour and an hour and a half to get home.
              We had only been on the motorway for about 5 minutes and she began to tap her heels on the car floor, ten minutes later and she was squirming quite noticeably and asked if we could stop as she needed a wee. I told her we couldn't and I would try to find somewhere off the motorway, where she could relieve herself.
              By the time we approached an exit she was squirming badly, she admitted she'd leaked into her pants and was begging me to stop somewhere. I came off onto a side road and it was busy, she was grabbing herself between the legs and crossing her legs.When I did actually find somewhere she was so desperate that she started as soon as the car door was open, unfortunately, she still had her leggings on, she ended up soaking her panties, leggings, and her boots.
              Oddly enough the fact that her panties, leggings, and boots were flooded seemed to turn her on, we stopped in a wooded area and had sex in the car. Afterwards, she pissed in her pants once more, her boots were flooded when we got home, it was a good job they were thigh length.lol


              • #8
                I'm betting this was not a case of a couple of full bladders but rather a couple of full rectums.


                • #9
                  Rectum? damn near killedum


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by owlman
                    I think older women can have issues anywhere, not just on planes. I remember a few months back, my wife and I had been on a trip to a place about 50 miles from home.Which depending on traffic takes between an hour and an hour and a half to get home.
                    We had only been on the motorway for about 5 minutes and she began to tap her heels on the car floor, ten minutes later and she was squirming quite noticeably and asked if we could stop as she needed a wee. I told her we couldn't and I would try to find somewhere off the motorway, where she could relieve herself.
                    By the time we approached an exit she was squirming badly, she admitted she'd leaked into her pants and was begging me to stop somewhere. I came off onto a side road and it was busy, she was grabbing herself between the legs and crossing her legs.When I did actually find somewhere she was so desperate that she started as soon as the car door was open, unfortunately, she still had her leggings on, she ended up soaking her panties, leggings, and her boots.
                    Oddly enough the fact that her panties, leggings, and boots were flooded seemed to turn her on, we stopped in a wooded area and had sex in the car. Afterwards, she pissed in her pants once more, her boots were flooded when we got home, it was a good job they were thigh length.lol

                    How unfortunate indeed.....

                    I love a happy ending

