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Doctors Warn Women Against Having Peegasms

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  • Doctors Warn Women Against Having Peegasms

    Stupid doctors quoted here IMO, only those that go to extremes or who are very prone are at risk... but an interesting article in New Zealands largest daily paper


  • #2
    So how do these wise Doctors propose stopping ladies from holding pee and enjoying the release?
    Compulsory urination every 2 hours for all women?
    "Bladder stress detectors" in public places. Any woman detected with abnormal "bladder stress" is taken to a "urination facility" and made to void instantly.

    What about women who are not holding for a thrill but are genuinely desperate to pee? At least they will get relief at government expense.
    What about those of us who get pleasure at seeing women desperate to pee?
    Possible employment as "bladder stress detector" operators.

    Is this a late posting from 2nd April?


    • #3
      It is, I think, a case of all things in moderation! Personally I would counsel against holding to excess and certainly doing so on a regular basis. However both men and women can get a lot of pleasure from having a full bladder without holding for long periods or to painful excess. In the male of the species, penis control is every bit as significant as bladder control. A while ago I taught myself to pee whilst walking and it was a matter of training my penis rather than my bladder. Also it's a well known fact that for men, masturbation short of ejaculation, ca help to buy time when they need to pee and a facility isn't immediately available.


      • #4
        The doctors quoted are quacks over reacting. The impact of the article which went global, will be to give a lot of women the idea "Cool, I'll try that!"

        It doesn't take several hours of desperation to achieve pleasure from a full bladder.


        • #5
          Full bladder

          I am not a doctor, but only an enthusiast for desperation.
          everything I have read or heard has said that males are far more vulnerable topee holding going wrong. 'Retention,' not being able to pee when you want to, if far more common in males, particularly males over 50 who might have enlarged prostates. Bladder is forced to stretch beyond its elastic limit, and the bladder become less elastic with age for both sexes.
          A bladder stretched to this extent and no longer elastic, is unable to contract and allow the person to pee. Tension and anxiety caused by the pain of a full bladder make it more difficult to pee... Hence the bladder can become dangerously full and if this is not treated can lead to death from a ruptured bladder.
          Treatment normally requires medical assistance; a catheter has to be inserted through the urethra (pee hole) down the penis, so that thee bladder can be drained.

          This is one reason why older males are advised against holding pee longer than necessary.
          Retention is far less common in females as the urethra path from bladder to pee hole is much shorter and has no prostate gland to restrict it.

          I have an account published in Cascade magazine long ago of the experiences of a young man caught on a long coach journey with no pee stop.
          He experienced the usual desperation to pee, but had to hold it longer. This turned into pain in the abdomen and lower back, from his distended bladder, this pain increasing with time until he coach finally stopped. Reaching the urinal he found he could not pee, despite standing there hoping for a torrent of pee to gush out.
          Luckily he finally managed to pee, enough to ease the pressure in his bladder, and a a second attempt 5 mins. later, was finally able to pee the torrent he had been wanting to do so badly.
          My own experience as a child when I could not find the toilet I badly needed; I ended up with a bad stomach (bladder) ache and must have taken over 5 mins. to dribble out my pee.
          Mention is sometimes made of females, when forced to hold their pee of developing swollen bladder and only a slow release, despite hoping for a torrent, as her bladder is stretched too much, but less danger of fatal bladder rupture.
          For more gruesome details Google 'full bladder images' This will discourage pee holding far more than doctors warnings.
          Pain in the bladder area is the body's way of warning you that your bladder is becoming dangerously full and that you should empty it soonest. Most likely your body will protect itself and release your sphincter to avoid any serious harm. Only the embarrassment of peeing yourself!


          • #6
            Filling the bladder

            Another health warning is that drinking lots of water to fill the bladder for a Peegasm can upset the fluid balance of the body. Too much water will dilute essential salts in the body when it is passed out as pee, as can using diuretic liquids such as cold lager or beer to fill the bladder quickly, or takin diuretic drugs.
            This is not to say that a few drinks to fill the bladder to bursting point for one glorious pee is going to do harm, but continual drinking to repeat the peegasm could be harmful.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Paul Tester
              So how do these wise Doctors propose stopping ladies from holding pee and enjoying the release? Compulsory urination every 2 hours for all women? "Bladder stress detectors" in public places. Any woman detected with abnormal "bladder stress" is taken to a "urination facility" and made to void instantly.
              SSSHHH don't give "them" ideas!!!

