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For those lamenting the lack of Y/T clips

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  • #31
    Perhaps it wasn't mcdonalds. It was the cafeteria scene from the same video, the next scene if memory serves me correctly. That was a fantastic scene.
    Brie had this contagious, happy smile. I'm surprised she wasn't more of a hit amongst the viewers. I can tell you this patches, if I was on the fence about buying a particular video, if I saw Brie in the credits, I bought it. Thank you for catching us up with our favorite models. I really appreciate it!


    • #32
      You are very welcome, moosehead68. I am glad to provide any info about our models as long as it does not compromise their identity.


      • #33
        ANy update on Cassidy?

        Thanks from me too, Patches, appreciate the update. While on the '99 crew who were around for 2 or 3 years, the model not mentioned is Cassidy (who even used to post on Wet Set and preceding boards for a while).

        Do you have any (non-identifying) update on her? Her pole dancing and watering the artificial tree was so funny...

        Thanks in advance if you do.


        • #34
          Yes, thanks for all the updates, Patches. I enjoy the little pieces of news that connect our favorite wet models with real life (in a non-identifying way, of course).

          I liked Brie a lot: very pretty, and with a musical laugh. My favorite wetting videos are any that are lighthearted and fun, and Brie always delivered.

          And my thoughts are with Jennifer...I choose to believe that the cancer was curable and she beat it easily, and is now brazenly wetting herself in front of crowds again, just waiting for a camera to show up.


          • #35
            Alas, I have lost track of Cassidy too. I have no idea where she is today.

            However, I will add a little bit of trivia for all of you. Crystal, who appeared in Patches 5 and 6 is Cassidy's real life sister. Cassidy recruited her to join her in her first video with us. Crystal was not interested in continuing to do scenes after the first 2 videos but Cassidy loved doing scenes and enjoyed the feeling of wetting herself.


            • #36
              That's interesting

              Patches ,
              I know this's a older thread . That I just came upon on checking out some of the back pages here on Wet Set . I found both Jennifer & Brie to be favorites of mine from those earlier years at , Patches Place and the videos . I now have of both of them . They both were very Excellent at wetting themselves so very wonderfully . I'm sadden that Jennifer had cancer and that you have lost contact with both of them . Maybe if Brie lives near Phoenix , she might visit or make contact at P Media { Flo / Ann ] there Hopefully some day . I really adored both , but , Brie , I really loved the best of all .

              Thank You , for sharing that info

              Dusty Harold
              Last edited by Dusty Harold; April 12, 2013, 08:45 PM.


              • #37
                Bumping a 2 year old thread? Fuck you Dusty. You are the worst member on this board, hands down.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by undergirl
                  Bumping a 2 year old thread? Fuck you Dusty. You are the worst member on this board, hands down.
                  I could care less of what ever you say , undergirl , you have no credit / standing with me . That I wish you would just dig a hole and bury yourself in it
                  disappear in fact . That's all I'm going to say . nothing you can say matters to me , you pip squeak of a person .
                  Be Quiet
                  Last edited by Dusty Harold; April 12, 2013, 02:42 AM.


                  • #39
                    I stand with Dusty. You are one rude asshole undergirl.


                    • #40
                      Well one thing's for sure

                      this board is friggin dead


                      • #41

                        "you pip squeak of a person .
                        Be Quiet"

                        ^^^haha, that's the best put-down I've heard in ages! love it! So polite!

