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My Aunt Teresa -- for lhansen

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  • My Aunt Teresa -- for lhansen

    Hi. This is a story I have wanted to tell for quite some time, ever since lhansen and some other “old geezers” started talking about the prevalence (or not) of wetting accidents in the late 50s and 60s, when women wore complex “foundation garments” and when “social drinking at parties” was roughly equivalent to what we would now describe as “life-endangering alcoholism.”

    I wanted to comment, but on the “old board” women were flamed and driven away whenever they tried to post, so I never said anything about it, but the new board seems to be more courteous, so I will give it a try.

    Back then, at parties, it was common for the women to go somewhere, usually a back bedroom, to adjust their make-up, their clothes, and their girdles, etc. Of course, this is the situation where any discussion of wetting would have taken place. You boys would have been strictly barred from such a room, but I was not.

    So, in my youth, I really did hear any number of women say things like, “Oh, I nearly had an accident!” I do not actually remember anyone claiming that she really did have an accident, with the exception of one person.

    This was my aunt Teresa, a relative from my father’s side of the family. My mother’s side of the family was very traditionally Hispanic, very Catholic, speaking mostly Spanish, but many people from my father’s side, notably Teresa, were becoming quite “modern” and assimilated to Anglo society.

    Teresa was in her early 30s when her husband was killed in an automobile accident. In those days, Hispanic widows were supposed to be very modest, focus on the church, and do “good works.” But Teresa, being “modern,” thought differently. Suddenly single and still attractive, she was into having fun. The fact that she worked as a secretary in the loans and grants office of a local university also played a role, since she was constantly exposed to the social ferment of those days. She scandalized the family by shooting her mouth off about how maybe the kids were right about all that “free love” stuff. She soon became even more scandalous by blatantly admitting – especially when drunk – that she was an avid practitioner. My mom would have preferred to just toss her out of the house right on her slutty rear end, but hey, we were Chicano and she was part of the family, so we had to put up with her.

    Now, these were the days when younger girls were already wearing nothing much but panties under their skirts, while the older generation still wore nylon stockings, garter belts or girdles, and basically, as lhansen and his friends pointed out, sometimes had a difficult time of it when trying to get all those clasps undone while at the same time dancing up and down on one leg with desperation.

    Teresa may have had a modern mind, but at 37 or 38 she still wore very traditional “foundation garments,” which must have truly blown the minds of those with whom she practiced all that “free love.” On two occasions, when we had parties at the house and the gals were in the back room adjusting their hair or their girdles, I really did hear a thoroughly inebriated Aunt Teresa proclaim, “Damn, I just peed in my pants.” I do remember other women, especially my mother, saying, "Oh, you didn't!" or "You shouldn't say such things, that's disgusting!" But we all knew that she really meant it.

    On one especially memorable occasion, she had arrived with a new guy, her date of the evening, and soon had consumed enough cocktails to be standing at the bathroom door, wiggling back and forth in the well-known desperation dance.

    But then she gave up waiting, went back to her date, and got another drink.

    At that point the bathroom door opened, the occupant emerged, and Teresa’s date said, “You can go in now.”

    And I know I heard this correctly, but believe it or not, she sort of leaned against her date and said in a quiet voice, “I think it’s a little too late now.”

    So that is my story for lhansen and his friends.
    Last edited by Maria; April 16, 2011, 01:38 AM.

  • #2
    Thanks Maria

    Thanks Maria for posting that bit about your aunt. I'm sure she was one very sexy lady and probably ahead of her time or not. She might just have been doing what a lot of women were thinking or acting on. I really think men and at least as many women, were turned on by wet panties and foundation garments then as now. I still wonder if wetting might have been more common back then.

    It's just the thought of a sexy lady simply wetting her panties, her girdle and letting the whole matter run down her legs and through her heels, while simply saying to her guy, "it's a little to late now". They then continue on partying.

    Thanks so much for taking the time to post. I read every one. Your writing skill and frank approach make your posts quite enjoyable.

    I once had a Portuguese girlfriend that I just worshiped. Her name was Liz and I wrote about her a while back. If you wish I'll re-post the event where we met.


    • #3
      Wow, great story! I'm one of the younger people here, but I love hearing stories about a different time with different undergarments. Thanks for sharing.


      • #4
        The old days

        Oh how I love to hear stories about the old days. So much more was acceptable then than now - the younger generation have really become quite prudish about things, where other things (sex in particular) is almost passe now. Thanks Maria, keep posting, I love to hear from you.


        • #5
          Hi Lloyd and lhansen. It's a pity you guys didn't attend Cal State University Fullerton. Sounds like you are about the right age to have walked into the loans and grants office and encountered my Aunt Teresa, aged about 37 and perfectly willing to initiate young men like yourselves into the mysteries of "free love."

          About those "foundation garments." Because Aunt Teresa was such a heavy drinker, no one ever wanted her to drive. So my mom would sometimes go over to her house to pick her up before our family parties. I went along now and then, and sometimes she was still in the process of getting dressed when we arrived, so I do know that Aunt Teresa was not one for a full girdle. She wore white nylon panties underneath a garter belt that had actual clasps, holding up nylon stockings.

          The thing is, it's those damn clasps that make things so complicated when you're dying for a pee, but Teresa's style was much simpler to get out of than a real girdle, which not only had clasps but was really tight, hard to pull down, and must have been the source of many accidents. So one had to wonder why Teresa was so "accident prone."

          It was only later, after the incident with Yolanda Ruiz described below in my post entitled "I Think We Are Normal," that I became suspicious as to whether Aunt Teresa's accidents were entirely accidental. I began to wonder if the reason that prudes like my mom described her as disgusting was because they knew there was something more going on than a simple accident. And maybe that date to whom she said that it "was a bit too late" wasn't the first guy she had encountered with similar passions.

          Anyway, too bad you never met her. I am sure you would have found her delightful.


          • #6
            Oh how I love to hear stories about the old days. So much more was acceptable then than now - the younger generation have really become quite prudish about things
            No kidding. I can remember the days when some of us girls wore skirts so short that you could see two inches of "white triangle" whenever we were sitting down. Scandalous now, but no big deal back then.

            I also remember that we used to play neighborhood games like Spin the Bottle and Truth or Dare. Then we got older and things became more sexual. If a girl called out "Dare" rather than "Truth," there was often some naughty boy who would dare her to wet her pants.


            • #7
              Cal State Fullerton

              Maria and others,

              While I never attended Cal State, I did graduate from a PAC Ten school. I've been to a few of the major west coast universities and can assure you that your aunt Teresa was probably at the right place at the right time. There was a lot going on then and if she enjoyed companionship, I'm sure she got lucky as often as she wanted.

              During the very late sixties and for most of the seventies, there were numerous outdoor concerts where drugs and alcohol were done to excess. This was the norm and while I was poor at the time, I never missed a Grateful Dead or Jefferson Airplane Concert. These concerts were always "anything goes" and were attended by at least as many girls as guys and the girls were mostly "hot" as well. Damn, those were the days. It's really hard trying to tell someone today about the things we got away with without being called a liar.

              I loved the concerts because there were always 50 to 100 thousand drunk and/or stoned people my age. They were always in the summer and usually on a hot day. Bikini's and short shorts were really common. The port a potties were over taxed, dirty and usually hard to get to because of the crowds. during those events, I saw so many wet butts that I've seriously lost track of them.

              I remember going to a Grateful Dead concert in the middle of a huge farm on private property. It was really hot and everyone needed to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated. I was watching a band about mid day when the music suddenly got good and many people sitting on the ground started standing. There were several girls a few feet in front of us that got up from sitting on the grass. A cute brunet in her mid twenties stood wearing a white t shirt over some nice breasts along with a very short pleated skirt. Unknown to her was that while sitting on the grass her skirt had folded over on itself so that when she stood, her white, high cut panties covering a very pretty butt, were completely on display. It was also clearly obvious that while sitting on the grass she'd totally wet her panties. A large wet yellow stain covered most of that very pretty bottom. She did not care and was swinging to the beat of the music as was everyone else. Hopefully she was enjoying the wetness between her legs.

              This didn't happen a lot, but with enough inebriated people, it happened more often that people think. People did not freak out about it either and girls wetting their pants was something that just sometimes happened.


              • #8
                I am pretty certain that an aunt of mine was also into it back in the 'fifties and before. As I remeber her from those days she would have been in her early forties (born in 1916) and I know she wore white nylon panties because I often saw them on the washing line. On one occasion I found a pair of wet panties in the dirty clothes basket when I was staying with her. They were not only wet in the guset, but up the back as well, suggesting that she had done it sitting down, probably on the toilet. I was in my late teens and got a tremendous hard on, which had to be relieved fairly swiftly, to the detriment of my own pants.

